Log in for Self-Service Banner Access
Registration FAQs
How do I look up Classes?
You can use the interactive course search tool that will allow you to search classes by selecting a term. Please visit the Dynamic Schedule page.
How do I confirm registration?
You can confirm registration on https://goldlink.etsu.edu/home by following these steps:
- Click on "Login to GoldLink"
- Enter and submit login information
- Click on "Student"
- Click on "Student Account"
- Click on "Account Detail/Confirm Attendance/Payments and Refunds"
- Select term and submit
- Follow instructions to complete confirmation.
What is my Self-Service Banner (SSB) PIN Number?
It is initially defaulted as your 6-digit date of birth. After logging in, you will be prompted to change your pin to another 6-digit number. -
How do I change my Self-Service Banner (SSB) PIN after I am logged in?
If you are able to login, you can change your PIN on https://selfserv.etsu.edu by following these steps:
- Click on "Log in for Self-Service Banner Access"
- Enter and submit login information
- Click on "Personal Information"
- Click on "Change PIN"
- Follow instructions to complete PIN change.
Note: Your new PIN cannot be the same as your old PIN
How do I reset my Self-Service Banner (SSB) PIN if I am locked out?
Contact the Registration Helpline at 423-439-5584
Where are permits for my classes?
You can view all your permits on https://selfserv.etsu.edu by following these steps:
- Click on "Log in for Self-Service Banner Access"
- Enter and submit login information
- Click on "Student"
- Click on "Registration"
- Click on "Registration Status"
- Select term and submit
How do I get a permit for a class?
Please contact the academic department for assistance in this matter. Use the ETSU search page to find the subject's department.
Please contact the TN eCampus (formerly RODP) for information on how to request permits for TN eCampus courses. Use Academic Technology Contact Information: Phone: 423-439-8611 - Fax: 423-439-8610 - Email: ATS@etsu.edu
What does it mean when it says "Section Closed"?
The class has no seats available. Please try another section of the class or try to get a permit from the department.
When can I register?
Registration times are based off your EARNED CREDIT HOURS. Please view your Registration Status in GoldLink to find out your first available registration time. Registration for Spring semesters occurs in November of the previous year, and registration for Summer and Fall semesters occurs in April of the same year. If you are required to attend orientation, you will register after being advised on your orientation day. If you are required academic advisement, you must meet with your advisor and have your advisement hold removed prior to registration.
Who is my advisor?
Every undergraduate student has an academic advisor. Please visit the Office of Undergraduate Student Advisement website for information about undergraduate advisement including a Quick Reference List of Advisors.
What if I don't have an advisor or I would like to change my advisor?
Please visit https://www.etsu.edu/advisement/ for more information.
Where can I find information on tuition and fees?
For information on tuition and fees, please call 423-439-4212 or visit the Bursar's website: https://www.etsu.edu/bf/bursar/
The costs associated with attending ETSU can include both direct and indirect costs. Please review ETSU's Cost of Attendance for more details.
Who do I contact with D2L questions such as resetting my D2L password?
Please contact the ITS Student Help Desk at Phone: 423-439-5648 - Email: shdesk@etsu.edu
How do I drop a class and how does a "W" affect my grade?
Please visit https://www.etsu.edu/reg/registration for more information on dropping courses. Receiving a "W" grade for a course does not affect you GPA. It only shows in the attempted hours.
I have not been here in a long time. Do I still have a Self-Service Banner (SSB) account? What is my Self-Service Banner (SSB) E#?
If you attended ETSU before 1991, you do not have a Self-Service Banner (SSB) account. If you attended after 1991, please go to https://selfserv.etsu.edu/, Enter Secure Area, log in using your E# and you 6 digit birth date (MM-DD-YY) as the pin. Follow the instructions to navigate through the system. If you need assistance, please contact the help line at 423-439-5584
Graduation FAQs
How do I apply to graduate?
You must complete the Graduation Application. -
When should I apply to graduate?
Undergraduate students should apply to graduate two semesters prior to the expected graduation date. Graduate students should check with the Graduate School. -
My application has already been submitted; when can I expect to hear from my graduation analyst?
Notification will be sent as soon as possible through your ETSU email. Feel free to contact the Graduation Office with any questions (graduation@etsu.edu) -
How can I update my graduation term?
Visit the Forms Page (https://www.etsu.edu/reg/forms.php) and click Graduation Services then Undergraduate Update Graduation Term to update your expected graduation term. -
When can I pick up my cap and gown?
Please visit our Student Regalia page for more information: https://www.etsu.edu/reg/graduation/studentregalia.php. -
Where can I find the ceremony schedule?
This information is available on the commencement website. -
When/How will I get my diploma?
Diplomas are mailed by Parchment. Please visit our Diploma page for information: https://www.etsu.edu/reg/graduation/diplomas.php
Records FAQs
How do I request transcripts?
Please go to https://www.etsu.edu/reg/records/transcripts.php for information on requesting Transcripts. -
How do I change my name/address/phone # and what documents do I need?
Complete the Personal Information Change form found at https://www.etsu.edu/reg/forms.php and provide the appropriate documentation depending on your status with the University. If you are a student you only need to provide a court document along with the request form to the Record's Office in 101 Dossett Hall. If the phone # change is for authentication purposes, please contact IT Department at (423) 439-4648. -
How do I change my major?
Undergraduate students must change their major electronically by seeing the appropriate advisor. Graduate Students must go to the Graduate School Office in 309-B Dossett Hall. -
Instructions for accessing your own Enrollment Letter
- Go to www.etsu.edu
- Click "GoldLink" at the top of the ETSU homepage
- Sign in using your User Name and Password
- Under the "GoldLink Self Service" channel click "GoldLink Self-Service"
- Click "Student"
- Click "Student Records"
- Click "Enrollment Verification Request via Clearinghouse"
- Select "Current Enrollment" or "All Enrollment"
- Click "Obtain an enrollment certificate"
Start and End Dates for Previous Terms