ITS provides a comprehensive set of training services to help ensure faculty have the technical knowledge and skills they need to be successful in the modern classroom. ITS offers workshops designed for faculty and staff to receive general instruction that is helpful for beginners. Faculty and staff are also welcome to seek one-on-one instruction in person, over the phone, through email, or through live web chats.
Accessibility Support
ITS has taken the lead in accessibility education at ETSU and provides training support to faculty and staff regarding accessibility guidelines and creating accessible documents. Training includes creating accessible documents in Microsoft Office and Adobe products for posting online or in D2L course sites. ITS staff have created an accessible syllabus template in Microsoft Word for faculty to download and use in their D2L course sites. ITS also provides video captioning training and support for faculty. .
Desire2Learn (D2L) Training
ITS offers many options for receiving training, including open workshops, one-on-one training sessions, live chat sessions, online videos, and written tutorials for instructors, and a variety of online resources for students. Faculty are encouraged to link to student D2L resources through their own D2L course sites. Interested faculty can find instructions and options on the Instructor Resource page.
Equipment Loan
ITS maintains an inventory of equipment for faculty and staff to checkout for developing online classes, special projects, travel, or other special events. Inventory available includes laptops, projectors, video recorders, and microphones. Contact ATS today to request the equipment you need for your next project.
Faculty Technology Leadership
The Faculty Technology Leadership (FTL) program is a for-credit graduate level course designed to provide a comprehensive learning experience for faculty who are developing or teaching online courses. Participants meet with ATS instructors each week during both the fall and spring semesters in the ATS computer lab. Faculty participants are nominated by their department chair/college dean the summer before the course starts. Please visit the FTL website for details and contact information.
Instructional Design Support
As part of a comprehensive program of support for online instructors, ITS provides instructional design support to faculty developing online or web-enhanced courses. Whether developing a new online course or revamping an existing course, support is through open workshops or one-on-one meetings. Please contact the ITS online support team for assistance and information.
Lecture Capture
Panopto Video Management Lecture Capture software is installed in ETSU multimedia classrooms. With just a few clicks, faculty can record their classroom lectures and make them available for students to review after class has completed. Neither faculty nor students are required to purchase any equipment other than what is readily available in the video-enabled classroom. Faculty may also choose to use Panopto Video Management to record more polished video lectures from their desktop or laptop computer. Please visit the Learn more about Panopto Video Management for instructions and more details.
Multimedia Classroom Training
Most ETSU classrooms are equipped with instructional technology that enables the instructor to provide an improved learning environment for students. Instructors teaching in multimedia or “smart” classrooms are encouraged to complete training before teaching to become acquainted with the touchscreen, lecture capture, document camera, and operation of other equipment in the classroom. More information can be found on the ITS Help Desk classroom technologies page.
Plagiarism Detection
ETSU has selected Turnitin as the plagiarism detection service for use by faculty and students. Turnitin is integrated through the D2L learning management system, which allows for seamless integration in the online classroom experience for both faculty and students. ITS administers the Turnitin license and provides training support for faculty. Instructions for enabling and interpreting Turnitin results can be found on the ATS Turnitin webpage.
Software Training
ITS offers hands-on training support for most of the programs available on ETSU computers. Open workshops are offered throughout the year and one-on-one trainings can be scheduled when necessary. Departments or other groups can contact us to develop specific workshops based around individual needs. There is also a wide variety of materials available on ETSU’s website. Please contact the ATS training unit to find out about training offerings, customize your own training, or register for an existing workshop.
Student Response System
ITS provides training support for TurningPoint Cloud, the university’s standard for student or audience response systems. TurningPoint works within the Microsoft PowerPoint environment and allows instructors to poll students for large classroom interaction, quizzing, or attendance. Responses can be either tracked for each student or anonymously gathered depending on the instructor’s desired usage. The Technology Access Fee provides equipment for instructors using the system, but students will be required to purchase a separate license.
Web Conferencing
ETSU’s supported tool for web conferencing is Zoom. Zoom is a web-based conferencing software used to share information and host meetings over the internet. Some synchronous online classes are taught using Zoom, allowing students to view entire class recordings afterward. View additional information and determine which method works best for you on the ATS web conferencing website.