Access to software and services that deliver the core administrative systems and applications for the ETSU campus.
Argos is a reporting tool used to access Banner data. Access must be requested via the appropriate data custodian.
- Student records, available to faculty and advisors - Tom Donohoe, Registrar
- Finance, available to some employees with certain budget responsibilities – Karen Glover, Comptroller
- Human Resources, available to some HR and Payroll employees - David Smith, Director HR Operations
- Advancement, available to some Advancement employees and Development officers – Beth Wiley, Assistant VP for Advancement Services
- Financial Aid, available to some Financial Aid employees – Cindy Johnson, Assistant Director Financial Aid
Alertus is the university's primary desktop notification for emergency communications. Agents are installed on most campus desktop systems as part of the default software load. In the event of an emergency, the alert screen will take over and display the message. If there are systems running specialized equipment there can be exceptions made to have the installation blocked and the software removed. If there is a need for this please contact the ITS helpdesk for assistance.
Banner Document Management System
Banner Document Management System (BDMS) allows Banner users to scan paper documents and store electronic content in a central location where it can be easily found and securely shared among colleagues.
Banner Programming/Reporting
Banner programming support is provided by Information Systems. Development of processes, reports, and integration with ancillary systems requires collaboration with the data custodian of the Banner module involved. Programming requests may be submitted from the ITS Forms page. Contact Rob Archerfor more information.
Central Authentication Services (CAS)
The Central Authentication Services (CAS) is a single sign-on protocol for the web. Its purpose is to permit a user to access multiple applications while providing their credentials (such as username and password) only once.
Custom Programming Projects
Custom websites may be developed for offices that support ETSU’s administrative functions. Contact Rob Archer, Director of Information Systems for more information.
Desire2Learn (D2L)
ETSU uses D2L for its learning management system. D2L is integrated with the Banner system to provide faculty and student access to course sites quickly and efficiently. The D2L server is hosted by D2L with ITS providing administrative support where necessary and appropriate. Inquiries or problems may be sent to
eBucs Training
ETSU uses eBucs, the electronic purchasing system, to issue all purchase orders. All approvals are done electronically through the eBucs system.
For eBucs training, contact Procurement and Contract Services at 439-4224.
Electronic Forms
ETSU has partnered with NextGen Web Solution to provide the ETSU community with a tool for creating digital forms on campus. Dynamic Forms is a cloud-based forms system that provides a simple, effective way for end users to create web-based forms for data collection and electronic signatures.
Ellucian’s Banner INB
Ellucian’s Banner INB is used by some faculty and staff to accomplish certain administrative tasks related to Student records, Financial records, Human Resources records, Financial Aid records, and Advancement records.
GoldLink is the portal to ETSU systems. Undergraduate and Graduate applicants can check the status of applications. Students can look up and register for courses, pay fees, check financial aid status, check grades, and maintain certain contact information. Faculty and advisors can access advisee information, enter grades, and view course section information. Employees can access payroll data, review benefits, and maintain certain contact information. Some employees may use GoldLink to view Finance data associated with their departments. Log on to GoldLink.
GoldLink and ePrint Training
GoldLink Finance Training Guide
For GoldLink Finance and ePrint training, contact Financial Services at 439-6107.
Student Advisor Training & Workshops
For Student Advisor training and workshops, contact Undergraduate Student Advisement at 439-8557.