Electronic forms require login using ETSU username and password.
Access Request to ETSU Systems Forms
Account Renewal (Portal)
- Regular full-time employees may use this to renew a departmental account, guest account, vendor account or shared mailbox that is assigned to them.
- Accounts are eligible for renewal within 60 days of expiration.
Desire2Learn (D2L) Account Request (Portal)
- Employee request for Desire2Learn login account to provide access to ETSU staff member or university guest.
- Faculty access processes automatically through Banner.
Departmental Account Request (Portal)
- Employee request for an ETSU departmental account.
- Requires annual renewal.
Departmental Account Request Form
- Used by employees to request access to the customer relationship management tool
Computer Replacement Form (Web)
- Used by employees to request the scheduled replacement of an ETSU computer that has
been budgeted to an existing position.
- New qualifying positions will have a new computer allocated once the position has been approved. Contact ITS for more information.
Firewall Exemption Request (Portal)
- Used by employees to request firewall exemptions that allow internet traffic from outside the university in support of the university's mission.
- Form requires supervisor and Vice President or Dean approvals, and possibly a letter of justification.
- Firewall exemptions must be renewed annually.
Sponsored Account Request (Portal)
- Employee request to create an ETSU account for a specific guest, vendor, visitor, service, or other non-ETSU standard account.
- Accounts are under the control of the department.
- Accounts must be renewed annually.
- Some account types have an annual fee.
- Employee request to create a listserv to allow emails to be sent to large numbers of recipients.
- Requesters have several options to determine how the listserv operates.
REDCap Account Request (Portal)
- Student or employee request to access REDCap data acquisition and survey tool servers. Contact ITS Research Computing Services for more information.
Remote Access / VPN Request (Portal)
- Used by employees to request Remote Desktop access (access to your desktop from off-campus)
or VPN access.
- Form requires supervisor and Vice-President or Dean approvals, and possibly a letter of justification.
- Approvers will receive an email with a link that must be accessed and approved.
Reserved / Static IP Request (Portal)
- Employees request IP Address Reservations and static IP addresses.
- Form requires supervisor and Vice-President or Dean approvals, and possibly a letter of justification.
- IP Reservations and Static IPs must be renewed annually
S:\ Drive Folder Request (Portal)
- Employee request for to access specific folders or directories located on ETSU's shared S:\ drive.
Shared Mailbox Request (Portal)
- Employee request for an email account that will be shared by a group of users for a particular department or purpuse.
- Account requester will be listed as the account administrator and will be responsible for the account.
- Accounts must be renewed every two years.
Username Change Request (Portal)
- Student or employee request to change ETSU username due to a legal name change already made by the Registrar's Office or the Office of Human Resources.
- Previous students may request to convert a Z-account to a new account with the employee naming convention.
- Employee request to convert a student z-account into a standard ETSU account using the employee naming convention.
Banner Access Request Forms
If you need access to BDM, Argos, Degree Works, or UC4, please contact the appropriate data. The Data Coustodian will fill out the ancillary request form for you.
Data Custodians:
- Finance: Christina Graham
- Financial Aid: Cindy Johnson
- Student Health: Vanessa Smith
- Student: Tom Donohoe
- DegreeWorks: Cynthia Edwards
- Human Resources: Kasey Hommel
- Advancement: Beth Wiley
- College of Medicine: Victoria Street
- Admissions: Michele Williams
Banner Advancement Account Request Form
- Used by Advancement Services personnel to request access to Banner Advancement data
and processes.
- Used by Campus departmental staff who monitor the ePrint Gift payment report will
to request access to Foundation indexes.
- Form can be submitted on behalf of an employee by the current supervisor.
- Form requires supervisor, Advancement data custodian, and possibly Finance data custodian approvals.
GoldLink Finance Account Request Form (Web)
- Used by departmental staff who monitor budget information, need access in the eBucs
purchasing system and/or need access to ePrint Finance reports.
- Form can be submitted on behalf of an employee by the current supervisor.
- Form requires supervisor, budget manager, and Finance data custodian approvals.
Banner Financial Aid Account Request Form (Web)
- Used by Financial Aid personnel and some other Administrative office staff to request
access to Banner Financial Aid data and processes.
- Form can be submitted on behalf of an employee by the current supervisor.
- Form requires supervisor and Financial Aid data custodian approvals.
Banner HR Account Request Form (Web)
- Used by Human Resources and Payroll personnel to request access to Banner HR data
and processes.
- Used by departmental staff who monitor the ePrint HR Budget, Labor, and Leave reports
to request access to campus organizations.
- Form can be submitted on behalf of an employee by the current supervisor.
- Form requires supervisor and Human Resources data custodian approvals.
Banner Student Account Request Form (Web)
- Used by Enrollment Services staff and other departmental personnel who require access
to Banner Student data and processes for the purpose of advising, grade entry, course
building, issuing permits, and other student-related functions.
- Form can be submitted on behalf of an employee by the current supervisor.
- Form requires supervisor and Student data custodian approvals.
Other Banner forms:
Administrative Program Request Form (Web)
- Submitted by Banner users in Administrative offices to request ERP programming support
for Banner and Banner-related systems, or web applications.
- Form requires supervisor and Banner data custodian approval(s).
- Used by Administrative users to identify duplicate PIDMs and initiate the record merge process.
Goldlink Finance / ePrint Access Removal
- Use this form to remove roles or privileges from a user who is changing positions or responsibilities but is NOT leaving the university.
- For people leaving the university, please submit the university checkout process.
Telephone and Networking Request Forms
Network / Cable TV / Phone Drop Request (Portal)
- Request installation of a new network, cable television, or telephone drop.
- Charges will apply.
- Please note: A single network jack can be shared between a Cisco telephone and computer by plugging the computer's network cable into the back of the telephone and then plugging the telephone's network cable into the network jack in the wall.
Network / Cable TV / Phone Drop Form
Phone Request - New Phone Line or Service Request (Portal)
- Employee request to install or change a single-line telephone, multi-line telephone, or fax line.
- Charges accrued through the installation or moving of an existing telephone or fax line are billed to the requesting department.
- Applicable charges are detailed on the form.
- Use this form to:
- Install new single-line telephone and service
- Install new multi-line telephone and service
- Install new fax line
- Move an existing fax line
- Move an existing analog phone line
New Line / Service Request Form
Phone Request - Modify Existing Phone Service Request (Portal)
- Employee request to modify service on an existing telephone line or service.
- Service modifications do not incur a departmental charge.
- Use this form to:
- Move a telephone phone number to a different phone
- Swap a telephone within a department
- Move a telephone number to a different departmental index for billing purposes.
- Add voicemail to an existing telephone
- Discontinue telephone service
- Add a departmental user to the telephone billing site to view departmental monthly telephone and fax charge details
Modify Existing Services Request Form
Phone Request - Quick Dial Modifications Request (Portal)
- Employee request to add or change phone numbers available on a multi-line telephone.
- Quick dial modifications do not incur a departmental charge.
Quick Dial Modification Request Form
Television Request - Streaming Device Setup (Portal)
- Employee request to add streaming service for a department TV.
- Service will require a Departmental Account to be login to the service and the Roku player connected to the TV.
- Request Departmental Account. Note: There is an associated $120 annual fee.
Project Management Forms
Project Management Service Catalog
- Review different types of project requests.
- Submit a project request to request ITS approval and involvment in project implementation.
- The project requester should be familiar with the requirements of the project.
Project Management Services
- Review essential componenets for project classification.
- Access list of all ITS projects and status.