Review the below forms for your individual needs. Most forms below are required by Campus ID Services prior to receiving request services. To ensure that there is no interruption in service, please have all appropriate parties fill out the needed information and send requests ahead of time before visiting the office.
Door access requests can be sent to:
- Email:
Hand-delivered - Room 303C, Burgin Dossett Hall
All other requests can be sent to:
- Email:
- Hand-delivered - Room 250 D.P. Culp Student Center
Please do not edit the below forms. If you see an error and would like it corrected, please contact our office.
Card Access Forms:
Main Campus Areas
Off-Site Facilities Areas
Health Sciences/VA Campus Areas
Food Service Areas
ID Card and ID Badge Requests:
Badge Requests
This form must be filled out by department officials only. Any and all badges made by ID Services must have department approval before a badge can be printed.
Anything entered into the "Other" field on the ETSU Health requests MUST have approval from University Marketing and Communications and the Dean of the college prior to printing. All positions and areas listed are pre-approved. Requesting new information will delay requests.
ETSU Health
- Employee: PDF Word
- Student/Resident: PDF Word -
Distance/Online Student ID Card & Badge Requests
If you are looking for how to get an ETSU Student ID card, but are not local to campus, then this form is needed to be filled out to officially request that your items be mailed to you.
Guest ID Card Requests
For individuals who are on campus and require an ID card for access to select facilities. These individuals are not considered registered students or employees of the university. This form must be filled out by department officials only. Any and all guest cards made by ID Services must have department approval before a badge can be printed.
ID BUC$ Forms:
Employee Payroll Deduction Form
This form is required for joining, changing, or discontinuing your payroll contribution to your ID BUC$ account. Please use full dollar amounts $10 and up. Changes for the current pay period must be submitted to ID Services by the 14th of each month (if you have end-of-month payroll)
ID Bucs Refund Request Form
ID Card Reader Forms:
Ticket Readers for Distribution
This form is required to reserve a device to distribute tickets to students for upcoming events.
Activity/Attendance Reader
This form is required to reserve a device to record attendance to events. Use at your events and receive a report of those who attended.
Card Access Install Estimate
If you are considering having electronic card access installed in your space, please submit a key request form in the TMA workorder system. Click Here