Deposit funds from your Financial Aid directly to your ID BUC$!
How Does it Work?
In Goldlink you have the option of selecting to have a portion of your Financial Aid Award Refund deposited directly to your campus debit account. These funds may then be accessed through your student ID card. This Financial Aid refund is processed after all University fees (i.e. tuition, housing, and other fees) are paid. After all fees are deducted from your award, you may select how much you wish to transfer to your ID BUC$ account from the remaining amount to be refunded. After your request, all remaining funds will be electronically transferred to your designated bank account.
Why Transfer Financial Aid to ID BUC$?
- Money goes on during the week before classes! Usually much sooner than it would if it went to your bank account.
- You can purchase your books and supplies at the ETSU Campus Store and online! Plus, everything else.
- ID BUC$ DO NOT EXPIRE and roll over from one semester to the next!
Dates GoldLink can accept Financial Aid transfers to ID BUC$:
Deposit option ends August 12, 2024
Money transfers to your ID Bucs will occur on August 13, 2024
After the end date, all ID BUC$ Financial Aid transfer requests must be made at the Bursar's Office.
- You must be receiving a Financial Aid Refund Award of a minimum of $100.
- Register for at least 6 credit hours of classes.
- Confirm for those classes in GoldLink
To Transfer Funds:
Go to GoldLink- Select Student on the left column
- Account
- Partial Financial Refund to ID BUC$ Card

What is ID BUC$?
ID BUC$ is the debit account we have here on campus that uses your student ID card to pay! This is not a credit card. The difference is that you deposit money in the account prior to spending it (much like a checking account). Upon receipt of your money, an account is set up for use with your identification card. The card reader will record the transaction and instantly display the remaining balance of your account. To make a purchase at any of the participating locations, simply swipe or present your Campus ID card to the cashier. You can even check your balance and load funds on-the-go using the GET App.
Your ID BUC$ account may be used to purchase textbooks and supplies, pay for fees and services all over campus, purchase food on and off campus, postal services, vending machines, and much more.
Be sure to read the ID BUC$ terms and conditions.
Deposit funds from your award and receive a free t-shirt! Visit our office the 1st week of classes to pick-up.
For more information on ID BUC$, please email us at Be sure to include your name and E # with your e-mail!