Please read the following Terms and Conditions carefully as they contain important information regarding lost or stolen IDs, ID BUC$, Dining and Flex Dollars and more:
- Each individual is responsible for managing his/her debit accounts. When using the debit card options on your ID card, it must be protected as you would cash or a credit card. Although the card is the property of East Tennessee State University, it is entrusted to you for your convenience while enrolled at the university. No account should be accessed by anyone other than the cardholder or requested parents or guests. Only the person pictured on the ID card will be allowed to spend ID BUC$ or Dining Dollars from the account. The card will be confiscated if infractions are revealed.
- Lost, stolen, or misplaced cards must be reported immediately to the ID Services Office, ETSU Police, or through their online card account (GET). The cardholder is responsible for their card at all times. In the event that fraud occurs, the cardholder is responsible for the loss of funds. The cardholder should notify and file a police report with the ETSU Police Department.
- A new ID card will need to be obtained when you make a classification change (example: undergraduate to graduate). If you have a name change, first provide the Registrar’s Office (student) or Human Resources (employee) information to make the change on your record. Next bring your current card to the ID Office for a new ID card. There is no ID replacement fee for these changes, as long as the card turned in is not damaged and is your current valid ID card.
- ID BUC$ and Dining Dollars are non-transferable and cash cannot be withdrawn. Cash refunds will not be made for returning merchandise. However, an adjustment will be made to return the amount to the cardholder’s account. Refunds for returns are subject to applicable departmental charges policies where the purchase was made.
- ID BUC$ DO NOT EXPIRE and roll over from one semester to the next unless you have twelve (12) months of inactivity with the University or ID BUC$. At that time a refund check (less a $5.00 processing fee) will be mailed to your permanent address.
- Dining & Flex Dollars will expire at the end of the spring semester and are not refundable. They will roll over from fall to spring semesters. Once the spring semester ends, they will expire and the account will have a zero balance.
- The cardholder is responsible for maintaining a valid ID card, which is in proper working condition. A replacement fee will be charged for lost, stolen, misplaced, damaged cards, or if a hole is punched in the card. Defective or heavy wear ID cards will be replaced at no charge when turning in your current valid ID card.
- In making the decision to deposit funds to the debit card account, the account cardholder does so with the understanding that funds may not be withdrawn from the account. However, for emergencies, exceptions are made with proper documentation. Refunds will be made for balances remaining at the time of graduation, withdrawing from the university, or exiting employees. Refunds are given only to the cardholder. A Refund Request Form must be submitted to the ID Services Office. A $5.00 processing fee will be deducted from the account balance prior to any refund (processing fee is waived for graduating students and exiting employees). All refunds require the refund check to be mailed to your address and will take 10-15 business days to process.
- Account statements are provided to the cardholder upon request at the ID Services Office or through their online card account (GET).
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns!