Lost/Stolen ID Procedures
Lost or stolen cards should be immediately reported to either the Campus ID Services Office (423) 439-8316 or to ETSU Police (423) 439-4480. You may also log into your GET Account and deactivate the card immediately. If you fail to deactivate through GET or notify ID Services/Police Department concerning a lost or stolen ID Card, you will be liable for the unauthorized charges to your accounts until notice is given. The lost card will be invalidated so no one will be able to use it. A new card should be obtained as soon as possible by going to the Campus ID Services Office. A replacement fee of $25.00 plus tax will be charged. Please notify us if you have deactivated your account so that we are able to reactivate it once a new card has been made. Card Safety
The resident door access control features of the ID System were designed with the safety of the ETSU student in mind. Residence hall access is given only to the student who lives in a particular residence hall. Upon calling to have your lost or stolen card deactivated, anyone trying to use your ID card will be denied access to doors, meal plans, library, ID BUC$, or any other related service. Your ID card is important to campus life and activities. Treat it just like your driver's license or debit card. Your ID is yours and yours along, so never give your ID card to anyone. Temporary housing cards can be obtained at your residence hall if our office is closed. These cards will allow you access until we re-open. If you have a meal plan, go to the Sodexo office to obtain temporary food vouchers to use until your ID card can be replaced. |