Field Experience
Your field experience is a time to put the knowledge you've gained in your coursework into practice. More information is found in each section below.
Please watch this introductory video from Jennifer Hunt and Jeanna Mikki Johnson to
get started!
Undergraduate - Bachelor of Science in Health Administration (BSHA)
You are about to experience a "real world" practice setting. This is a unique and superb opportunity for you, but you will only realize the full potential by putting forth your utmost initiative and effort.
Dive in, be inquisitive and make the most of this experience. Seek every opportunity to demonstrate your competence and test your skills for your future endeavors.Checklist for completing your field internship application:
- Once you are academically qualified and are in your last semester of classes having completed all of your public health coursework, begin the field internship process by completing the electronic application below. After your Academic Advisor has approved your application, it will be forwarded to the Field Internship Coordinator for processing and contracting with non-affiliated organizations. This can be a lengthy process so must be received no later than the due date.
- Now, it is your responsibility to locate and secure an appropriate field experience opportunity. This is much like securing a job, and is often accompanied by an interview with the organization (but does not have to be). Be sure to check the Field Affiliate Organization Listing below to see if your desired organization is already affiliated. If not, the Field Internship Coordinator will begin the contracting process after your application is received.
- Make sure a valid ETSU Internship Affiliation Agreement has been fully executed by the Field Internship Coordinator with your intended field experience organization. Remember, you cannot begin your field experience until this agreement is finalized.
- You must have confirmed your field site with the COPH field representative and Field
Internship Coordinator by the date specified for the semester of internship. To do
- Email by the due date confirming:
- The organization and department;
- The preceptor;
- Your preceptor's email address.
- Email by the due date confirming:
Remember, if there is not an affiliation agreement in place by the due date, you will not be able to complete your field internship at this location.
Deadline for Submitting Your Approved Application:
- Second Friday in February for SUMMER semesters.
- Second Friday in March for FALL semesters.
- Second Friday in October for SPRING semesters.
Deadline for Confirmed Field Site:
- First Friday in March for the following SUMMER semesters.
- First Friday in April for FALL semesters.
- First Friday in November for the following SPRING semester.
Field Experience Toolbox
- BSHA Field Experience Application
- BSHA Course Field Guide
- BSHA Checklist
- BSHA Domains
- Field Affiliate Organization Listing
Site-Specific Guidelines
- Ballad Health Field Experience Process
- TDH Northeast Regional Office Field Experience Guide
- Veteran’s Affairs Internship Verification Checklist
As of 2022, please note that, per the US Department of Veteran’s Affairs, student interns are required to have the COVID-19 Vaccination to be considered for placement. Religious and/or medical exemptions are not accepted at this time.
Undergraduate - Bachelor of Science in Public Health (BSPH)
Often cited as the best part of their undergraduate studies, BSPH students complete a 300 to 400-hour field internship. This field experience provides a “real-world” experience in the practice setting of public health and health care. This experience enables students to apply the knowledge and skills gained through coursework towards meaningful projects, while receiving guidance and leadership from practicing professionals.
Checklist for completing your field internship application:
- Once you are academically qualified and are in your last semester of classes having completed all of your public health coursework, begin the field internship process by completing the electronic application below. After your Academic Advisor has approved your application, it will be forwarded to the Field Internship Coordinator for processing and contracting with non-affiliated organizations. This can be a lengthy process so must be received no later than the due date.
- Now, it is your responsibility to locate and secure an appropriate field experience opportunity. This is much like securing a job, and is often accompanied by an interview with the organization (but does not have to be). Be sure to check the Field Affiliate Organization Listing below to see if your desired organization is already affiliated. If not, the Field Internship Coordinator will begin the contracting process after your application is received.
- Make sure a valid ETSU Internship Affiliation Agreement has been fully executed by the Field Internship Coordinator with your intended field experience organization. Remember, you cannot begin your field experience until this agreement is finalized.
- You must have confirmed your field site with the COPH field representative and Field
Internship Coordinator by the date specified for the semester of internship. To do
- Email by the due date confirming:
- The organization and department;
- The preceptor;
- Your preceptor's email address.
- Email by the due date confirming:
Remember, if there is not an affiliation agreement in place by the due date, you will not be able to complete your field internship at this location.
Deadline for Submitting Your Approved Application:
- Second Friday in February for SUMMER semesters.
- Second Friday in March for FALL semesters.
- Second Friday in October for SPRING semesters.
Deadline for Confirmed Field Site:
- First Friday in March for the following SUMMER semesters.
- First Friday in April for FALL semesters.
- First Friday in November for the following SPRING semester.
Field Experience Toolbox
- BSPH Field Experience Application
- BSPH Course Field Guide
- BSPH Checklist
- BSPH Domains
- Field Affiliate Organization Listing
Site-Specific Guidelines
- Ballad Health Field Experience Process
- TDH Northeast Regional Office Field Experience Guide
- Veteran’s Affairs Internship Verification Checklist
As of 2022, please note that, per the US Department of Veteran’s Affairs, student interns are required to have the COVID-19 Vaccination to be considered for placement. Religious and/or medical exemptions are not accepted at this time.
The purpose of the graduate Health Administration Field Experience is to provide an opportunity for you to "road test" in a practice setting, the competencies, knowledge and skills you have acquired through your health administration courses.
This integrative and practice-based learning experience is designed to better prepare you to competently enter the workforce or to pursue further education. Dive in, be inquisitive and make the most of this experience. Seek every opportunity to demonstrate your competence and test your skills for your future endeavors.
Checklist for completing your field internship application:
- Begin the field internship process by completing the electronic application below. After your Department Professional Advisor (DPA) and Academic Advisor (AA) have approved your application, it will be forwarded to the Field Internship Coordinator for processing and contracting with non-affiliated organizations, and must be received no later than the due date.
- Now, it is your responsibility to locate and secure an appropriate field experience opportunity. This is much like securing a job, and is often accompanied by an interview with the organization. Be sure to check the Field Affiliate Organization Listing below to see if your desired organization is already affiliated. If not, the Field Internship Coordinator will begin the contracting process after your application is received.
- Make sure a valid ETSU Internship Affiliation Agreement has been fully executed by the Field Internship Coordinator with your intended field experience organization. Remember, you cannot begin your field experience until this agreement is finalized.
- By the due date for your field semester, you must have confirmed your field site and
confirmed it with the Field Placement Coordinator. To do this:
- Email the coordinator at by the due date confirming:
- The organization and department;
- The preceptor;
- Your preceptor's email address.
- Email the coordinator at by the due date confirming:
Remember, if there is not an affiliation agreement in place by the due date, you will not be able to complete your field experience at this location.
Deadline for Submitting Your Approved Application:
- Second Friday in February for SUMMER semesters.
- Second Friday in March for FALL semesters.
- Second Friday in October for SPRING semesters.
Deadline for Confirmed Field Site:- First Friday in March for the following SUMMER semesters.
- First Friday in April for FALL semesters.
- First Friday in November for the following SPRING semester.
MHA Applied Practice Experience Toolbox
Site Specific Guidelines
- Ballad Health Applied Practice Experience Process
- TDH Northeast Regional Office Applied Practice Experience Guide
- Veteran’s Affairs Internship Verification Checklist
As of 2022, please note that, per the US Department of Veteran’s Affairs, student interns are required to have the COVID-19 Vaccination to be considered for placement. Religious and/or medical exemptions are not accepted at this time.
The purpose of the graduate Public Health Applied Practice Experience is to provide an opportunity for you to "road test" in a practice setting, the competencies, knowledge and skills you have acquired through your public health courses.
This integrative and practice-based learning experience is designed to better prepare you to competently enter the workforce or to pursue further education. Dive in, be inquisitive and make the most of this experience. Seek every opportunity to demonstrate your competence and test your skills for your future endeavors.
Checklist for completing your field internship application:
- Begin the field internship process by completing the electronic application below. After your Department Professional Advisor (DPA) and Academic Advisor (AA) have approved your application, it will be forwarded to the Field Internship Coordinator for processing and contracting with non-affiliated organizations, and must be received no later than the due date.
- Now, it is your responsibility to locate and secure an appropriate field experience opportunity. This is much like securing a job, and is often accompanied by an interview with the organization. Be sure to check the Field Affiliate Organization Listing below to see if your desired organization is already affiliated. If not, the Field Internship Coordinator will begin the contracting process after your application is received.
- Make sure a valid ETSU Internship Affiliation Agreement has been fully executed by the Field Internship Coordinator with your intended field experience organization. Remember, you cannot begin your field experience until this agreement is finalized.
- By the due date for your field semester, you must have confirmed your field site and
confirmed it with the Field Placement Coordinator. To do this:
- Email the coordinator at by the due date confirming:
- The organization and department;
- The preceptor;
- Your preceptor's email address.
- Email the coordinator at by the due date confirming:
Remember, if there is not an affiliation agreement in place by the due date, you will not be able to complete your field experience at this location.
Deadline for Submitting Your Approved Application:
- Second Friday in February for SUMMER semesters.
- Second Friday in March for FALL semesters.
- Second Friday in October for SPRING semesters.
Deadline for Confirmed Field Site:
- First Friday in March for the following SUMMER semesters.
- First Friday in April for FALL semesters.
- First Friday in November for the following SPRING semester.
General Field Experience Toolbox
Site-Specific Guidelines
- Ballad Health Field Experience Process
- TDH Northeast Regional Office Field Experience Guide
- Veteran’s Affairs Internship Verification Checklist
As of 2022, please note that, per the US Department of Veteran’s Affairs, student interns are required to have the COVID-19 Vaccination to be considered for placement. Religious and/or medical exemptions are not accepted at this time.
The purpose of the DrPH Applied Practice Experience (APE) is to engage in advanced public health practice with an affiliate organization external to the student’s school or program. Students are challenged to collaborate with public health and/or health services practitioners in a meaningful way so as to develop ample leadership skills and significantly contribute to the field.
Doctoral students are permitted to begin their APE after completing 12 credit hours in the DrPH program. Each student should consult with their DrPH Advisory Committee and the DrPH Coordinator when determining an appropriate APE affiliate site.
Before selecting a site, students should email to be sure that the site has an up-to-date Internship Affiliation Agreement in place with the College of Public Health. When suitable, the DrPH APE can span multiple semesters and multiple affiliate sites.
Checklist for completing your Applied Practice Experience application:
- Begin the process by completing the electronic application below. After your faculty
advisor (Academic Committee Chair) and the DrPH Coordinator have approved your application,
it will be forwarded to the Field Internship Coordinator for processing and contracting
with non-affiliated organizations and must be received no later than the due date.
- Now, it is your responsibility to locate and secure an appropriate APE opportunity.
This is much like securing a job and is often accompanied by an interview with the
organization. Be sure to check the Field Affiliate Organization Listing below to see
if your desired organization is already affiliated. If not, the Field Internship Coordinator
will begin the contracting process after your application is received.
- Make sure a valid ETSU Internship Affiliation Agreement has been fully executed by
the Field Internship Coordinator with your intended field experience organization.
Remember, you cannot begin your APE until this agreement is finalized.
- By the due date for your field semester, you must have confirmed your field site and confirmed it with the Field Placement Coordinator. To do this:
- Email the coordinator at by the due date confirming:
- The organization and department;
- The preceptor;
- Your preceptor's email address.
Remember, if there is not an affiliation agreement in place by the due date, you will not be able to complete your applied practice experience at this location.
Deadline for Submitting Your Approved Application:
- Second Friday in February for SUMMER semesters.
- Second Friday in March for FALL semesters.
- Second Friday in October for SPRING semesters.
Deadline for Confirmed Field Site:
- First Friday in March for the following SUMMER semesters.
- First Friday in April for FALL semesters.
- First Friday in November for the following SPRING semester.
Crucial Information for DrPH Students Completing the Applied Practice Experience
- In consultation with your faculty advisor and APE preceptor, choose the competencies
you would like to address during your APE.
- Each student will receive a special email around the beginning of the 2nd week of the fall semester that will have a unique link to use to complete a survey about competencies.
- This should take less than 5 minutes to complete. Remember that you must choose at least 5 DrPH Foundational/Concentration competencies, one of which must be a Leadership, Management & Governance competency (see DrPH APE Guide).
- Your information will be stored in REDCap and used by your APE preceptor to evaluate your achievement of selected competencies at the mid-point and end of your APE. Please remind your faculty advisor to send your preceptor a link to their final evaluation.
Any questions or concerns regarding the DrPH Applied Practice Experience should be directed to Dr. Mike Smith at
Field Experience Toolbox
- DrPH Applied Practice Experience Application
- Alternate Applied Practice Experience Request
- DrPH APE Guide
- DrPH Handbook
- APE Guidelines for Students Enrolled Prior to Fall 2019
- Field Affiliate Organization Listing
Site Specific Guidelines
- Ballad Health Field Experience Process
- TDH Northeast Regional Office Field Experience Guide
- Veteran's Affairs Internship Verification Checklist
As of 2022, please note that, per the US Department of Veteran’s Affairs, student interns are required to have the COVID-19 Vaccination to be considered for placement. Religious and/or medical exemptions are not accepted at this time.
- Begin the process by completing the electronic application below. After your faculty
advisor (Academic Committee Chair) and the DrPH Coordinator have approved your application,
it will be forwarded to the Field Internship Coordinator for processing and contracting
with non-affiliated organizations and must be received no later than the due date.
The College of Public Health at East Tennessee State University is committed to providing our students with the skills and experiences that they need to excel in the workplace. A critical part of that training is best provided by respected regional, national and international public health and health service organizations and professionals.
We are proud that you and your organization have chosen to work with us to provide our students with the type of real world education that can only be acquired in the workplace. We are confident that, with your guidance, our students will receive an invaluable introduction to the practice setting, and, at the same time that our students will provide you with a valued extra set of hands to complement your work.
You will find additional information and resources in the toolbox below designed to help you plan, administer and evaluate the public health field internship experience.
Our students consistently report that their field internship experience has been one of the most rewarding experiences of their academic career. Our preceptors have been highly satisfied, giving our students a composite score of 4.7 out of 5.0 for a range of cross-cutting skills over the past five years.
Preceptor Toolbox
- BSHA Preceptor Guidelines and Forms
- BSPH Preceptor Guidelines and Forms
- MHA Preceptor Guidelines
- MPH Preceptor Guidelines
- DrPH Preceptor Guidelines and Forms
ETSU is currently revising International placement guidelines to ensure the safety and well-being of our students. Should you have specific questions regarding International Field Placements, contact
The Public Health International Field Experience program is a wonderful opportunity for students to receive practical experience in International and Global Health. International field experiences are available to College of Public Health undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students. Students must have met all the academic requirements to enroll in one of the Public Health Field Experience/Practicum courses, have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 (graduate) or 3.0 (undergraduate), have completed the proper applications, and have at least one other student traveling to the same destination.
Eligibility Criteria
The Public Health International Field Experience program is available to College of Public Health undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students who have:
- Met all the academic requirements to enroll in one of the Public Health Field Experience / Practicum courses
- A minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5 (graduate) or 3.0 (undergraduate)
- At least one other COPH student participating in the experience
Met with International Field Internship Coordinator to discuss placement. Email to contact the International Field Coordinator.
Submitted the field application no later than ninety days (3 months) prior to the anticipated start of the experience
Completed COPH scholarship application and submitted to International Field Internship Coordinator no later than 60 days (two months) prior to the anticipated start of the experience
Registered the field experience in ETSU’s Bucs Abroad portal and all associated requirements
Registered for and participated in an interest session with International Programs, Study Abroad Program.
Completed and submitted the ETSU International Education Scholarship application to the Honor’s College.
Completed predeparture orientation and all associated requirements
Find an International Field Experience
Step 1: Review the COPH Field Affiliate Organization Listing on the COPH website to view possible sites. International filed sites are limited to those vetted by the College of Public Health unless otherwise approved.
Step 2: Contact the International Field Coordinator to schedule a time to discuss the experience. Email to contact coordinator.
Step 3: Review requirements for an international placement to ensure you qualify.
Step 4: Contact appropriate organizations and complete their required field experience application process.
Step 5: Complete and submit field application 90 days in advance of experience
Step 6: Confirm field placement with organization and International Field Coordinator
Step 7: Register for and participate in a Study Abroad Interest Session through International Programs Study Abroad Program. To register for the interest session, click HERE.
Step 8: Complete and submit the ETSU International Education Scholarship application to the Honor’s College. For scholarship information and access to application click HERE.
Step 9: Complete the International Field Scholarship application and submit to the International Coordinator no more than 60 days in advance of experience.
Step 10: Register your trip in ETSU’s BUCs Abroad Portal and all associated requirements.
Step 11: Participate in a predeparture orientation and complete all associated requirements.
International Experience Toolbox