The costs associated with attending ETSU can include both direct and indirect costs. Please review ETSU's Cost of Attendance for more details.
In addition to world-class leadership, Army ROTC also offers generous scholarships to qualified students.
These scholarships are based solely on the student's merits not financial needs. They can defray the full cost of tuition and provide additional tax-free allowances for books and necessary fees. Additionally, those on Army ROTC Scholarship are eligible to receive a tax-free stipend of up to $420 per month or up to 10 months a year to defray living expenses. In those instances in which the cost of room and board exceeds tuition expenses, scholarship winners may elect to have the cost of their room and board paid in lieu of their tuition. ROTC scholarships at ETSU are worth up to approximately $85,000 for out-of-state students covering full tuition and fees, books, and a monthly stipend for each year of undergraduate or graduate study and are available to students majoring in any subject that leads to a Bachelor's degree. Since the fall of 2009, ETSU provides full room and board benefits to all out-of-state ROTC scholarship recipients. In-state ROTC scholarship recipients meeting certain criteria may also be eligible for full room and board benefits, or for a partial residence hall scholarship. In addition to 4-year scholarships for incoming freshmen, ROTC offers special scholarship opportunities for students in many other categories:
- ETSU Freshmen and Sophomores
- Transfer Students
- Students currently in the National Guard or Army Reserve
- Graduate Students
- Nursing Students
The following scholarships are available to ETSU Army ROTC Cadets:
Stanton Family Scholarship
The Stanton Family Scholarship was established by a great friend of the Buc Battalion, President Emeritus, Dr. Paul Stanton and his wife, Nancy. The endowment will recognize and present two deserving Cadets with $500.00. -
Dotson ROTC Scholarship
The Dotson ROTC Scholarship has instituted a monetary award to honor all members of the William P. Dotson Family who have served or are serving in the United States Military Forces. The award is designed to provide encouragement and support to a deserving ROTC Cadet who seeks to serve their country in a military career. The Cadet will receive a scholarship for $250. -
1LT James Dugger Scholarship
The 1LT James Dugger Scholarship is given to a Cadet that does a lot of work behind the scenes, can be counted on, and doesn't seek recognition. The scholarship is in the amount of $250. -
ETSU Army ROTC Remembrance Award
The ETSU Army ROTC Remembrance Award was established to honor the remaining alumni who died during the Vietnam Conflict who have not previously been recognized during out Honors Day Ceremony. These alumni are Captain Alvin K. Broyles, Captain Donald J. Fillers, Captain Eugene D. Franklin, Major Billy J. Nave, First Lieutenant Douglas L. Jones, Captain Gordon O. Walsh and First Lieutenant Daniel L Mullins. A deserving Cadet will receive a scholarship for $250.00. -
COL Tim Damico Scholarship
The COL Tim Damico Scholarship is designed to benefit a cadet in the same way that COL Damico himself was helped financially by a donor when he was a Cadet. The Cadet will receive a scholarship in the amount of $500. -
Tim Colvin Family
The Tim Colvin Family has graciously provided a scholarship to financially benefit a deserving Cadet. The scholarship is in the amount of $250. -
Brigadier General Jerry L. Hickman Memorial Award
The Brigadier General Jerry L. Hickman Memorial Award is presented in the memory of the late General Hickman who graduated with a degree in Business Administration and was commissioned through this program in 1955. This award is presented for the ROTC Cadet who best exemplifies the Army Values of Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, Personal Courage and Embodies the Spirit of the Military Ethic. The Cadet will receive a scholarship for $500.
Henry C. and Marie Sims Miller Scholarship
The Henry C. and Marie Sims Miller Memorial Scholarship was instituted to honor the lives and legacies of Henry C. and Marie Sims Miller by providing scholarship assistance to deserving students who are enrolled in Military Science and are seeking to be commissioned as Army Officers. Henry C. Miller was a decorated WWll veteran, and his wife Marie was the administrative assistant to the ETSU ROTC Program commander until her retirement, and faithful volunteer with the program until well into her 80's. The Cadet will receive a scholarship for $250. -
2LT Robert B. Thorne Scholarship
The Second Lieutenant Robert B. Thorne Memorial Scholarship Endowment has instituted a monetary award in memory of Second Lieutenant Robert B. Thorne. LT Thorne graduated from ETSU and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Communication in 1994. As an Army Signal Corps officer, he served at Fort Gordon, Georgia then Fort Hood, Texas, until his death on January 3, 1994. He posthumously received the US Army Commendation Medal for exceptionally meritorious service. The scholarship awarded in his name goes to a deserving Cadet with a record of leadership and strong potential for a successful military career. The Cadet will receive a scholarship for $500. -
Frank and Ginger Hawk Rutherford Military Science Endowment
The Frank and Ginger Hawk Rutherford Military Science Endowment was established by Mrs. Ginger Hawk Rutherford and the late Colonel Frank Rutherford, who was the Regimental Commander as a senior Cadet at ETSU, and who was also a member of our program's first ever Hall of Fame class in 2009. The Endowment provides for a scholarship award to be made to a graduating Cadet selected by cadre to serve in a key leadership position within the Buc Battalion.The Cadet will receive a scholarship for $250.00. -
Albert and Linda Garceau Scholarship
The Albert and Linda Garceau Scholarship was graciously established in recognition of Dr. Linda Gar-so's tenure as Dean of the ETSU College of Business and Technology and is awarded to a ROTC Cadet that shows strong potential for success as an Army Officer. The Cadet will receive a scholarship for $500. -
James Robert Nottingham Scholarship
The James Robert Nottingham Memorial Scholarship is given in memory of Cadet Robbie Nottingham. Robbie loved being a part of the ROTC program. He enjoyed taking part in the Color Guard, helping with security events, his military science classes, and the weekend field training exercises. He received the Physical Proficiency Award twice. He graduated from Airborne School at Fort Benning in the summer of 2002. He was preparing to go to Fort Lewis for Advance Camp at the time of his death. Robbie's family is grateful for the opportunity to give this scholarship to a Cadet from the Buccaneer Battalion he so loved. The Cadet will receive a 1000.00 credit toward their student tuition account for fall. -
Captain Daniel E. Graybeal Scholarship
The Captain Daniel E. Graybeal Memorial Scholarship has instituted a monetary award in memory of Captain Daniel Graybeal, ETSU Class of 1986. The scholarship was established to recognize the selfless sacrifice of Captain Graybeal in providing medical care for wounded American soldiers while under hostile fire during Operation Desert Storm. The scholarship recipient must be a deserving, full-time Army ROTC contracted Cadet, have an overall 2.5 GPA for all courses taken during the previous semester, demonstrate a record of success and leadership, and possess strong potential for a successful military career. The Cadet will receive a scholarship for $500. -
Vickie Marks Connolly Scholarship
The Vickie Marks Connolly Scholarship was created by Colonel Retired Michael Connolly in loving memory of his wife, Vickie, who was also an ETSU alum. Vickie was an educator who taught Cadets at the United States Air Force Academy. The recipient is a Cadet who is pursuing a degree in education. The Cadet will receive a scholarship for 1,000.00.
4 Year
Students still in high school may apply for a four-year scholarship. The eligibility requirements for these four-year scholarships appears below:
- Be a U.S. citizen
- Be between the ages of 17 and 26
- Have a high school Cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 2.50
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent
- Must have taken either the SAT or ACT
- Meet the physical standards
- Agree to accept a commission and serve in the Army on Active Duty or in a Reserve Component (U.S. Army Reserve or Army National Guard)
NOTE: The best time to start the application process is the summer before your senior year.
Apply today for the ROTC 4-year scholarship.
2 & 3 Year
The ETSU Army ROTC department has a number of scholarship opportunities for both transfer students and students already on the ETSU campus. All scholarships pay 100% of tuition and fees as well as provide $600 per semester for books and $350 to $500 per month (depending on your year in school) tax-free subsistence allowance.
To be eligible for a 2 or 3 year scholarship you must meet the following minimum requirements:
- Be a U.S. citizen
- Must be under 25 years old on June 30th of the year you expect to graduate from college and be commissioned
- Must have a minimum GPA of 2.5
- Must have taken either the SAT or ACT
- Agree to accept a commission as an officer in the Active Army, Army Reserves, or Army National Guard
- Meet physical fitness standards
Basic Course
The Cadet Basic Course is held each summer in Fort Knox, KY. Students who have accrued more then 54 credit hours or have two years left of school are eligible for this course. East Tennessee State University does not charge students for the class but the course does count for a six credit hour course. Students learn:
- Teamwork, small unit tactics
- Basic Land Navigation
- Basic Weapon training
Fun things that students do while at FT Knox:
- Paintball
- Rappelling
- Rafting
The best part about the Leaders Training Course is that students are paid for the training. The pay is about $37.50 a day to have fun and receive free college credit.
Green To Gold
The Green to Gold program seeks talented young enlisted Soldiers who have decided to leave, or are considering leaving, active duty to attend college. Quality enlisted Soldiers with officer potential, who have served at least two years on active duty, are allowed to voluntarily request discharge from active duty to enroll in Army ROTC. Upon completing the program, they can earn baccalaureate degrees and commissions as Second Lieutenants. Four, Three, and Two-Year Scholarships are available as well as a two year non-scholarship option.
Green to Gold Scholarship Requirements
- U.S. Citizen (non-waiverable).
- -Age - Be under 31 years of age on 31 December of the year you complete all requirements for a commission and a college baccalaureate degree
- Cannot have been convicted of a domestic violence crime
- Have a minimum of 2 years active duty as well as 3 months of active duty for every one month of specialized training (waiverable)
- GT score of 110 or greater
- Pass the APFT within the last 6 months of application
- Be a high school graduate or equivalent
- Cumulative high school or college GPA of 2.5.
- Letter of acceptance to school of choice offering Army ROTC
- Letter of acceptance from the PMS of that Army ROTC Battalion
- Favorable National Agency Check (or have initiated the action)
- DODMERB medical qualification
- Be eligible to reenlist
- Not be a conscientious objector
- No more than 3 dependents including spouse (waiverable)
Green to Gold 3 to 4 Year Option
Winners receive:
- Tuition or room and board support
- Additional money for textbooks, supplies, and equipment
- A monthly stipend for up to 10 months each school year that increases each year based on your Military Science Class
- Pay for attending the Leader Development and Assessment Course (LDAC) between the junior and senior years of college
- If qualified, Montgomery G.I. Bill / Army College Fund (MGIB/ACF) benefits./li>
Additional benefits as ROTC cadets include:
- Leadership training
- Responsibility and Practical Experience
- Mentorship of the PMS/APMS
- Camaraderie
Green to Gold 2 Year Active Duty Option
Soldiers selected to participate in this program will continue to receive their current pay and allowances while in the program (up to a maximum of 24 consecutive months).
If qualified, Montgomery G.I. Bill / Army College Fund (MGIB/ACF) benefits.
- Normal PCS entitlements
- Leadership training
- Responsibility and practical experience
- Mentorship of the PMS/APMS
- Camaraderie
Green to Gold Non-Scholarship Option
The Green to Gold Two-Year Non-Scholarship Option Program is available to soldiers who have completed two years of college, and who can complete their college degree requirements in two years.
Winners Receive:
- A monthly stipend of up to 10 months each school year that increases each year based on your Military Science Class
- Pay for attending the Leader Development and Assessment Course (LDAC) between the junior and senior years of college
- If qualified, Montgomery G.I. Bill / Army College Fund (MGIB/ACF) benefits. School / State / Reserve Forces Duty Benefits
- Green to Gold Non-Scholarship Option members can also participate in the Simultaneous
Membership Program (SMP)
- As SMPs, soldiers are members of either a drilling Reserve or Guard unit and ROTC. SMPs are entitled to Reserve Component pay of E-5 under this program
- Many states offer tuition assistance to Reserve and National Guard soldiers
You can also be an Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP) with either National Guard or Army Reserve. This allows you to continue with your education (Bachelors or Masters degree) while participating in the ROTC program and earning your commission. On of the key benefits is that the Guard or Reserve member is non-deployable while serving as an SMP Cadet.
Other benefits may include:
- Tuition assistance from the National Guard or Reserve
- GI BILL® with any applicable kickers
- Cadet stipend of $420 per month
- Pay as at least an E-5 during battle assemblies
- Available health and dental insurance benefits
Eligibility and benefits for this program can vary by individual.
If nursing is your professional goal, there is no better place to begin your career than Army ROTC. Army ROTC offers you a unique opportunity to gain practical experience while you receive financial assistance for college. ROTC enhances your undergraduate nursing education by providing the unique leadership and management training. You will develop your professional skills while you learn some meaningful things about yourself and what you can accomplish.
The following general eligibility requirements are to receive an Army ROTC Nurse Scholarship:
- Be a United States citizen
- Be at least 17 years of age
- Be a high school graduate or possess a GED
- Meet physical standards
- Have a minimum GPA of 2.5
- Must have taken either the SAT or ACT
Army Nursing Scholarship Reimbursables
- Book Allowance Presently, the book allowance is at $1,200 per year. For nurse cadets the total book allowance is paid at the beginning of the Fall semester. This action allows the nurse cadet to purchase the high dollar cost reference books at the beginning of the Fall semester.
- Nurse Malpractice Insurance Nurses are required to purchase student nurse liability (malpractice) insurance prior to beginning their clinical experience and hands-on patient care. All costs and fees associated with this yearly expense are reimbursable.
- Immunization and testing prior to beginning clinical training All fees incurred to meet mandatory immunization and/or laboratory testing required before coming in contact with patients are reimbursable. This includes but not limited to PPD, Hepatitis A/V, Tetanus and HIV screening.
- Allowance for nursing uniforms and clinical supplies A major financial expense at the beginning of your Junior year is the purchase of unique nursing uniforms and associated equipment. There is a one-time payment to cover the cost of the required number of school of nursing uniforms, lab coat, and shoes.
- Accessories and equipment including, but not limited to stethoscope, blood pressure cuff, penlight, tape measure, bandage scissors, forceps, pocket/belt carrying pouch, clip board, and, if required, clinical bag for community health visits.
East Tennessee State University offers many other great scholarship opportunities and Financial Aid for students. For more information, visit ETSU's main scholarship and Financial Aid page.