Those who successfully complete the Army ROTC program can request to become Officers in the Army Reserve. This allows them to pursue a career in the private sector of the economy while simultaneously serving as an Officer in the defense of our nation.
The Army Reserve is one the primary reasons that the U.S. Army is regarded as the most powerful and sophisticated military force in the world. Soldiers in the Army Reserve provide the specialized manpower, brainpower and skills the Army needs - when our country needs it. They contribute to their local communities as they pursue their civilian careers.
Many professionals as well as college students are Soldiers in the Army Reserve. In uniform, they contribute to our national security when they train, prepare, watch, and listen for all calls to arms. Over the last century, Army Reserve Soldiers have repeatedly answered that call and have proven the value of citizens serving in the Army Reserve to achieve national goals. Since September 11, 2001, more than 180,000 Warrior Citizens have mobilized in support of the Global War on Terror (GWOT).
The Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty (GRFD) 2-year scholarship opens the door for an ROTC Cadet to complete their degree, serve in the Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP), and pays for tuition or room and board.
You can find out more about the challenging and rewarding opportunities available to those who serve in the Army Reserve at Additional information about GRFD scholarship opportunities.