Student Life and Leadership on the Journey and Beyond - - The ultimate goal of your journey to ETSU is to have that degree in hand. And class attendance is a priority to make that happen. But classes are only part of the picture. The college experience is not complete without co-curricular activities. So beef up that resume with student activities that add substance, learning, leadership, application, and just plain fun to the journey.
Arts & Cultural Events - What's there to do?
Athletics - Go BUCS!
Carroll Reece Museum - Explore a variety of changing exhibits.
Center for Physical Activity - Work out!
Greek Life at ETSU - Friendships to last a lifetime and more
Honor Societies - That hard work paid off with a good job!
Intramurals - Fun sports competitions.
Music - Do, re, mi.... ETSU's Music Department Events.
Professional Organizations - you belonged as a student. Now's the time to make a contribution as a professional. Great contacts.
Slocumb Galleries - Explore Art
Student Affairs - Check out the variety of services here to help you in your career and future plans.
Student Government Association - Leadership opportunities abound to transition you into that choice career.
Student Organizations - So many ways to be involved, lead and serve.