Choosing Your Major
Choosing your major will be one of the most important academic decisions you will make in college. For some students, choosing a major is a relatively easy decision. For others, choosing a major requires more time and thought. You will find that some investigation of your personal goals, interests, abilities, and careful consideration of alternative fields and employment opportunities will lead to a good choice for you.
University Careers Services
University Careers Services offers services to students such as: links to career opportunities and internships, guides to what you can do with a major, assistance in resume writing and cover letters, planning a career search, preparing for an interview and networking. Career services can be found on the 2nd floor of the DP Culp Center (inside the ARC) or you can get in touch by email at or phone 423-439-4450
Not sure what programs of study are available at ETSU?
ETSU offers over one hundred programs of study including majors and minors. Click the link to see a complete list.
Have you decided on a new major, minor or concentration?
To change your current major, minor or concentration, please contact the advisor in the new program or the department office. The new advisor should review the program with you and assist you in the change of major process. It's important to keep your program choices up-to-date until you will receive valuable resource, scholarship and career information from the academic departments.
Click here for a list of academic departments
Click here for a list of undergraduate academic advisors
Click here for instructions on the Change of Major Process
Additional Career Resources
Occupational Outlook Handbook
Hundreds of occupations and a description of what they do, work environment, how to become one, pay and more! Also includes the BLS employment projections for the 201020 decade.
What Can I Do With This Major?
Explore career areas, types of employers that hire people with each major as well as strategies to make yourself more marketable
Career Fairs & Events
Learn about upcoming career fairs and events
Jung Typology Test
Free personality test and get a description of your personality type, discover careers/occupations most suitable for your personality type and access fee career developement resources