The Slocumb Galleries are educational exhibition venues of the Department of Art & Design under the College of Arts and Sciences at East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee.
Our Mission is to develop creative excellence, foster collaborations, promote inclusivity and encourage critical thinking by providing access to and serving as inclusive platforms for innovative ideas and diverse exhibitions. The Slocumb Galleries promote the understanding, presentation and appreciation of contemporary art in support of the academic experiences and the cultural development of the region, through collaborative programming with various units and community institutions.
The ETSU Tipton & Slocumb Galleries are recipient of Tennessee Association of Musems' TAM Awards from 2023, 2021, 2020 Award of Excellence conferred to: Black & Queer Apapalchia (2023), Visibility as Presence (2021) and Diverse & Empowered (2020) exhibition series with Award of Commendation for Publication Catalogues (2020).
The Diverse & Empowered Project included Kayumanggi: Post Colonial Filipinx, Ansiedad y Pertenencia (Anxiety & Belongingness): Latinx TN and the World, Silenced Narratives: Africanx Artists and Rumors of Necessity: Asianx Artists. Under the Special Recognition category, the 'Visibility as Presence' exhibition series featured Black Diaspora: From Africa to Appalachia to Affrilachia, New Latinx South: Vanessa Gonzalez and Nick Peña, and Welcome Home: Her Liminal Asian Appalachian Experience. The Black & Queer Apapalchia exhibitions included 'Y All Don't Hear Me, Black Gaze, This Skin Im In and Sounds of Our Soul mural.
The ETSU Tipton & Slocumb Galleries are funded by the East Tennessee State University under the Department of Art & Design, the Student Activities Allocation Committee (SAAC), College of Arts & Sciences and Mary B. Martin School of the Arts (MBMSOTA) with generous support from the East Tennessee Foundation (ETF) through the Arts Fund and Hope in Action grants and the Tennessee Arts Commission through the Arts Build Communities (ABC) and Arts Project Support (APS) grants. We are a member of the Tennesseeans for the Arts and we encourage all to support the TN Specialty Plate Program in funding the arts.
To view Calendar of Events for ETSU Tipton & Slocumb Galleries, click here.
Exceptional Myths: Dawn Martin Dickins
January 13 to February 14, 2025, with daily participatory 'erasing of myths'
Artist's Talk & Reception: February 13, Thursday, 5 to 7 pm
with Guest of Honor: Dr. Joe Bidwell, Dean, College of Arts & Sciences
Drawing Demo: February 14, Friday, 10 am to 12 nn, Slocumb Galleries
In partnership with Women's Gender & Sexuality, Sherrod Library and Women's Resource
Funding from Tennessee Arts Commission and ETSU Student Academic Allocation Committee
Positive/Negative 40 National Juried Art Exhibition
Juror: Nandini Makrandi, Chief Curator, Hunter Museum of American Art
February 17 to March 14, 2025, Slocumb Galleries
Juror's Lecture & Reception: March 12, Wednesday, 5 to 7 pm
Sponsored by Jerry's Artarama of Knoxville
MFA II Exhibition: Cait Maltbie
March 24 to April 4, Slocumb Galleries; Reception: TBA
April 7 to 17, Slocumb Galleries; Reception: TBA
Mary & Jim Martin Student Juried Art Exhibition 2025
Juror: Leticia Bajuyo, Young Arts and Mid South Sculpture Alliance
April 21 to May 9, Slocumb Galleries; Reception: TBA
FALL 2024
THRESHOLD: Kimberly English
August 5 to September 27, Slocumb Galleries;
Artist’s Talk & Reception: September 26, Thursday, 5 to 7 p.m.
with Guest of Honor ETSU First Lady Donna Noland
Funding from ETSU SAAC and Tennessee Arts Commission
PREY/TELL: Melissa Vandenberg
September 30 to November 8, Slocumb Galleries;
Reception & Artist’s Talk: October 24, Thursday, 5 to 7 p.m., Slocumb Galleries
Guests of Honor: Dr. Brian Noland, ETSU President and Johnson City Commissioner Jenny
Funding from ETSU SAAC and Tennessee Arts Commission
Melissa Vandenberg ETSU Student Mentorship
Posters for Peace, Curated by Johnathon Strube
November 11 to 22, Slocumb Galleries
Reception & Diverse Discussion: November 14, Thursday, 5 to 7 p.m.
with Dr. Susan McCracken as Guest of Honor
Panelists: Dr. Michael Bufano, Nathan Farnor, Dr. Michelle Crumley and Prof. Pouya
What Does It Mean? Jonathon Strube
January 16 to February 9, 2024, Slocumb Galleries
Positive/Negative 39 National Juroed Art Exhibition
Juror: Michelle Fisher, Curator, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
February 12 to March 8, Slocumb Galleries
FALL 2023
Beyond Photojournalism, Before Clinchfield: Ron Campbell, Larry Smith, Katie Sheffield, Charles Warden, Curated by Amber Dawn Farley
Closing reception: August 28, Monday, 5 to 7 p.m., Slocumb Galleries
Guest of Honor ETSU Chief Operating Officer, Arch. Jeremy Ross
Black Bodies Making Form: Curated by Karlota Contreras-Koterbay & Karen Sullivan
September 17 to October 7, Slocumb Galleries
Crafting Blackness Panel: September 28, Thursday, 4 to 6 p.m., Ball Hall Auditorium,
followed by Black Bodies Making Form closing reception at 6 p.m., Slocumb Galleries
Guests of Honor: Ms. Dorothy Grisham, ETSU Board of Regent and Kim Waag, Tennessee
re(Play): Sculptural Installations by David B. Smith
August 23 to September 14, Slocumb Galleries
Closing Reception & Artist's Talk: September 14, 5 to 7 p.m., Slocumb Galleries
Guest of Honor: Dr . Leah Adinolfi, ETSU Dean of Student Engagement
Trapped in Forever Smile: Fiber Installations by Jan-Ru Wan
October 10 to November 3, Slocumb Galleries
Opening reception & Artist's Talk: October 10, Tuesday, 5 to 7 p.m.
Guest of Honor: Dr. Joe Sherlin, ETSU VP for Student Life and Enrollmennt
Pan Dulce Y Yo: Latinx J. Leigh Garcia
January 10 to February 10, 2023, Slocumb Galleries
Reception with Artist’s Talk: February 9, Thursday, 3 p.m. and 5 p.m.
Positive/Negative 38 National Juried Art Exhibition
Juror: Mark Scala, Chief Curator, Frist Art Museum
February 14 to March 24, 2023, Slocumb Galleries
Reception and Juror’s Lecture: March 23, Thursday 5 p.m., Slocumb Galleries
followed by lecture at 6p.m. Ball Hall Auditorium
FALL 2022
Y'all Don’t Hear Me: The Black Appalachia, Curated by Kreneshia Whiteside-McGee
September 1 to October 7, Tipton Gallery; August 16 to September 23, Slocumb Galleries
Opening Reception: September 2, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m., Tipton Gallery
UMOJA: September 10, Saturday, 1 to 6 p.m., Face Painting at King Commons Park
Film Showing of Ramell Ross' Hale County, This Morning, This Evening: September 14,
Wednesday, 7 p.m., Ball Hall Auditorium, reception at 6 p.m., Slocumb Galleries
Closing Reception with Spoken Word Poets: October 7, First Friday 6 to 8 p.m.
Poetry Reading by Nikki Giovanni+: September 20, Tuesday, 6 p.m., Brown Hall Auditorium
In partnership with ETSU Black American Studies, Bert C. Bach Written Word Initiative, Department of Language & Literature, Office of Equity & Inclusion, Language & Culture Resource Center, Mary V. Jordan Multicultural Center, Student Activities Allocations Committee, Department of Appalachian Studies, Black Faculty & Staff Association, Radio, TV & Film Studies, Film & Media Studies, Black American Writers Series, Langston Centre, UMOJA Festival, Sankofa, Bottom Knox, East Tennessee Foundation, Tennessee Arts Commission APS Grant and Bravissima: Women Sponsoring the Arts
Carousel: Drawings by Christopher Capoyianes, Curated by Brooke Day
September 26 to October 14, 2022, Slocumb Galleries;
Reception & Curator's Talk: October 12, Wednesday, 5 to 7 p.m.
MidSouth Sculpture Alliance (MSA) Juried Exhibition
Jurors: Leticia Bajuyo and Mike Barclay
October 17 to November 11, 2022, Slocumb Galleries;
ZOOM Reception: October 25, Tuesday, 5 to 7 p.m., Zoom ID 710 908 4999
Reception and Artists' Talk: November 10, Thursday, 5 to 7 p.m., Slocumb Galleries
Yellow Book: Interstate Legacy and Old South Baton Rouge by Joanne Warwick
January 18 to February 18, 2022
Artist's Talk: January 24, Monday, 10a.m., ZOOM ID 710 908 4999
Lecture on the Green Book by Dr. Daryl Carter: February 18, Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
Photo image by Johanna Warwick
Positive/Negative 37 National Juried Art Exhibition
February 22 to April 1, 2022
Juror: Kevin Tucker, Chief Curator, High Museum, Atlanta, Georgia
Juror's Lecture: March 30, Wednesday, 6 p.m., Zoom ID 710 908 4999
Women's Rights Are Human Rights: International Posters on Gender-Based Inequality,
Violence, and Discrimination
Curated by Professor Emerita Elizabeth Resnick
May 2 to July 29, 2022, Slocumb Galleries
FALL 2021
Collaboration Now, Curated by Jake Ingram and Chen Shitong
August 18 to September 17, Slocumb Galleries
Studios: Brimstone Editions, Jackalope Editions, Paper Plains Edition,
Pulp Editions and Silver Magic Ships
Diptychs are Triptychs curated by Mike Calway-Fagen
September 20 to October 1, Slocumb Galleries
Artists: Stefani Byrd, Crystal Campbell, Siobhan Landry, Bree Newsome,
Alejandro Almanza Pereda, TK Smith
Confluence: A Visual Discourse of US Academic Art Jewelers
Juror: Robly Glover, Texas Tech University
October 5 to 29, (during National Craft Week), Slocumb Galleries
Juror's Lecture: October 27, via ZOOM 710 908 4999
Artists: Jessica Calderwood, Kat Cole, Nicole Deschamps-Benke, Robert Ebendorf,
Mary Hallam-Pearse, Leah M. Hardy, Mindy Herrin-Lewis, Chris Irick, Anya Kivarkis,
Andrew Kuebeck, Keith Lewis, Sharon Massey, Ana Lopez, Sharon Portelance,
Sarah T. Roberts, Lin Stanionis, Rachelle Thiewes, Jess Tolbert, Kee-Ho Yuen
BFA Exhibitions
November 1 to 23, Slocumb Galleries
BA Exhibitions
November 29 to December 10, Slocumb Galleries
Welcome Home: Her Liminal Asian-Appalachian Experiences
Curated by Jose Ardivilla and Kreneshia Whiteside
January 19 to February 25, 2021, Slocumb Galleries
Artists' Studio Visit: February 23, Tuesday, 6 to 8 p.m. via ZOOM ID 710 908 4999
Panel on Women, Migration and Empowerment: March 3, Wednesday, 6 to 8 p.m.
Artists: Beizar Aradini, Leticia Bajuyo, Miyuki Akai Cook, Sonya Yong James,
Meena Khalili, Marta Lee , Vy Ngo, Elena Øhlander, Sisavanh Phouthavong, Halide Salam
Art Now America National Juried Art Exhibition
Juror: Mike Calway-Fagen
March 2 to April 9, Slocumb Galleries
Art Quests- Juror's Lecture: March 24, Wednesday, 5 to 7 p.m. via ZOOM ID 710 908
Student Honor Show 2021
April 13 to May 8; Reception: April 29, Thursday, 5 to 7 p.m.
Juror: Dr. Jason Hoelscher, Gallery Director & Faculty, Georgia Southern University
Guest of Honor: Dr. Joe Sherlin, VP for Student Life & Enrollment
FALL 2020
Black Diaspora: Reclaiming Experience, Memory and Place
Curated by Marie Cochran, Affrilachian Artist Studio and Lyn Govette
August 18 to September 11, 2020
In partnership with Langston Centre, Language & Culture Resource Center, Multicultural
Center and funding from the ETSU Student Activities Allocation Committee (SAAC)
'shelf life' by Nick Peña and 'Mi Casa Es Tu Casa' by Vanessa Gonzalez
September 29 to October 30, Slocumb Galleries
Dia de los Muertos: October 30, Friday, 6 p.m.,
via Zoom 710 908 4999 and ETSU Slocumb Galleries page Facebook Live
In partnership with Langston Centre, Multicultural Center, Language & Culture Resource Center with funding from the ETSU Student Activities Allocation Committee (SAAC) and Tennessee Arts Commission's APS & ABC Grants
Jo Ann Walters: Where Was It the World?
January 13 to February 13; Reception, Artist's Talk & Student Mentoring: February 10 & 11
Sponsored by the ETSU Student Activities Allocation Committee (SAAC)
Dolly P/N 35: National Juried Art Exhibition
Juror: Logan Lockner, Editor, Burnaway Magazine
February to March; Performance by ETSU Chorale of Dolly Parton's Clear Blue Morning: February 26
Panel of Dolly Parton's Impact on Appalachian and Pop Culture: March 3, Slocumb Galleries
Panelists' videos: Dr. Ted Olson, Logan Lockner, Gina Mamone, Chelsea Dobert-Kehn, Dr. Jane Broderick, William Major, facilitated by Ashley Gregg
In partnership with the Center for Appalachian Studies, Department of Music, Slocumb
Galleries Student Guild and funding from the Student Government Association (SGA)
B.U.C. Funds
FALL 2019
Greg Pond: From Static to Oscillatory (and Back Again)
August 26 to September 27; Reception, Artist's Talk & Mentoring: September 27 & 28
Sponsored by the TN Arts Commission’s Arts Project Support (APS)
In Flux: by SEFEA (Southeast Fibers Educators Association)
September 30 to October 25;
Reception, Artist's Lecture and Art Demo by Cathryn Amidei: October 24 & 25
Sponsored by the TN Arts Commission’s Arts Project Support (APS) Grant, ETSU Student
Activities Committee (SAAC) and Research Grant from The Center for Craft
Other Man's Treasure: Daniel Derwelis
Reception and Gallery Talk: January 24, Thursday, 5 to 7 p.m.
Positive/Negative 34 National Juried Art Exhibition
Juror: Ann Meisinger, Independent Curator, and Assistant Educator,
Public Programs & Creative Practice, Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC
January 28 to February 22; Public Engagement Workshop: February 22, Reece Museum
Reception, Juror's Lecture & Student Mentoring: February 21, Ball Hall Auditorium
Sponsored by the ETSU Student Government Association (SGA) B.U.C. Funds
FALL 2018
Diverse & Beautiful: Interchangeable by Althea Murphy Price
August to September; Reception & Panel on Black Artists in Appalachia: September 20, Ball Hall Auditorium
Sponsored by the ETSU Student Activities Allocation Funds (SAAC) as part of the Diverse
& Beautiful Project, in partnership with Language & Culture Resource Center (LCRC),
Umoja Festival, Multicultural Center, Department of Anthropology & Sociology, School
of Continuing Studies, Women's Resource Center, Africana Studies Program and TN Arts
Commission's Arts Build Communities (ABC) Grant
Up the Gravel Path: Arrowmont Artists-in-Residence curated by Lindsay Rogers
September 24 to October 19; Reception & Panel: October 9, Ball Hall Auditorium
Ceramic and Jewelry/Metals Demo & Student Mentoring: October 9 & 10
Artists: Sasha Baskin, Alyssa Coffin, Everett Hoffman, Stephanie Wilhelm, Kari Woolsey
Sponsored by the Tennessee Arts Commission's Arts Project Support (APS) Grant, in
partnership with the Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts, TN Craft Week, JC Senior Center and Boys & Girls Club
La Historia Crea El Presente (History Creates the Present):
Antuco Chicaiza and Latin American Art from the Reece Museum Collection
Curated by SG Curatorial Intern Alexis Jennings; October 22 to 26 during ETSU Hispanic Student Day
Along the Horizon: Contemporary Drawing in Tennessee
Curated by Vanessa Mayoraz and Andrew Scott Ross
January 16 to February 23, Slocumb Galleries and Reece Museum
Reception, Student Mentorship & Panel Discussion on Contemporary Drawing: February 15 & 16, Ball Hall
Speakers: Stephen Wicks, Curator at the Knoxville Museum of Art, Richard A. Lou, Chair of the Department of Art at the University of Memphis, and Denise Stewart-Sanabria, Artist and Art Writer, Numbers Magazine
Along the Horizon: Contemporary Drawing in Tennessee focused on artists living in, or from Tennessee,
who consider drawing as a substantial part of their contemporary practice. The thirteen
contributing artists, residing in cities from Memphis to Johnson City, use a wide
range of methodologies, which explore the limits, and traditions of the medium. In
partnership with the Reece Museum, the Mary B. Martin School of the Arts, with support
from the Tennessee Arts Commission through the Arts Project Support (APS) Grant.Featured
work by: Jonathan Adams, Ben Butler, Nick DeFord, Wade Guyton, John Hilton, Paula Kovarik, Dawn Martin Dickins, Richard A. Lou, Rob Matthews, Althea Murphy-Price, Joel Parsons,
Denise Stewart-Sanabria, P.A. Turner. Images by Denise Stewart-Sanabria, Ben Butler and Richard Lou.
Positive/Negative 33 National Juried Art Exhibition
Juror: Margaret Winslow, Curator of Contemporary Art, Delaware Art Museum
March 1 to April 6; Reception, Juror's Lecture & Performance Art Student Mentoring: March 29 & 30
Supported by the Slocumb Galleries Student Society, the Honors College, Women's Resource
Center, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and funding from ETSU Student Government
Association (SGA) B.U.C. Funds
FALL 2017
The Absurdity of Truth: John Feodorov
September 18 to October 13; Reception, Lecture & Student Mentorship: September 21 & 22, Ball Hall
In partnership with the 4th Annual ETSU Native American Festival, and Slocumb Galleries Student Society, the Honors College, Northside Elementary,
University School, Office of Multicultural Affairs, and funding from ETSU Student
Government Association (SGA) B.U.C. Funds and the Tennessee Arts Commission's
Arts Build Communities (ABC) GrantTo view the videos on Feodorov's lecture and exhibition at Slocumb Galleries,
please click:
'Absurdity of Truth', 'Office Shaman', 'Totem Teddies'
donottellmewhereIbelong: Drawings & Sculptures by Joan Tanner
Curated by Julien Robson
October 16 to November 3; Reception, Lecture & Student Mntorship: October 19 & 20
In partnership with the Artful Aging Project, Johnson City Public Library, the Honors College, JC Seniors Center and funding from
the Tennessee Arts Commission's Arts Project Support (APS) Grant
Artful Aging: Birds and Sculptures Curated by Angelique Lynch
August 28 to September 15; Reception: September 14
In partnership with Artful Aging Project, Johnson City Public Library and funding from Aroha Philantrophies
Artful Aging: Home & Family Curated by Katie Sheffield
July 24 to August 23; Reception: August 17
In partnership with Artful Aging Project, Johnson City Public Library and funding from Aroha Philantrophies
Our Appalachia: Community and Innovation
Curated by Slocumb Galleries' Curatorial Interns Moira Frazier, Cheyenne Good, Amber
June 26 to July 18; Reception: July 6, Guest of Honor: Krishna Adams, Tennessee Arts Commission
Performance by Ed Snodderly during receptionArtists: Art Brown, Aleta Chandler, Wayne Culberston, Richard Dwyer, Shane Fero, Mira Gerard,
Travis Graves, Mindy Herrin, Megan King, Patti Lawrence, Liz Layton, Val Lyle, Jeannine
Alex McClay, Theresa Markiw, Jocelyn Matthews, John Edwin May, Vanessa Mayoraz, Patricia
Don Morris, Calvin Nicely, Andrew Scott Ross, Alice Salyer, Randy Sanders, Ralph Slatton,
Jim Stagner, Jeff Stoner, Anne Thwaites. Image by Mindy Herrin
Our State of the Union: Michael Fischerkeller
January 17 to February 9; Reception & Artist’s Talk: February 9
Guest of Honor: Commissioner Jenny Brock
Tragic Disclosures: Dennis Greenwell
February 13 to March 3; Reception & LGBT Panel: March 2, Ball Hall Auditorium
To view LGBTQ Panelists' Talk: Dennis Greenwell and H.E.R.O.E.S., PFLAG, First Presbyterian Church
of Elizabethton, John Baker of Tri Cities Pride Community Center, ETSU Counseling, and Q & A
We Are The Artists: Positive/Negative 32 National Juried Art Exhibition
Juror: Anja Foerschner, Ph.D., Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles
March 13 to April 7; Reception, Juror's Lecture & Student Mentoring: March 23 & 24
Supported by the Slocumb Galleries Student Society, ETSU Civility Celebrations, Multicultural
the Honors College, Women's Resource Center and the Privilege Walk Collaborative
FALL 2016
At Play In The Fields of Our Stuff: Ron Laboray
August to September;
Lecture, Reception & Student Mentoring: September 8 & 9, Ball Hall Auditorium
Decolonial Identity by Cherokee Artist Jeff Marley
September 19 to October 7; Reception & Performance: September 29
In partnership with 3rd Annual ETSU Native American Festival, September 23 & 24, ETSU Amphitheater
Sponsored by the ETSU Office of Multicultural Affairs, Multicultural Center and the
Tennessee Arts' Commission's Arts Build Communities (ABC) Grant
FACE IT: Reimagining Contemporary Portraits
Curated by Lynn Whitney, Andrew Hershberger & Jacqueline Nathan
October 10 to November 4; until November 22 at the Reece Museum
Joint Reception: October 18; Lecture & Student Mentorship by Jo Ann Walters, Ball Hall AuditoriumFeatured work by Artists: Elizabeth Bick, Barbara Bosworth, Alejandra Carles-Tolra, Elinor Carucci,
Lois Conner, Carlos Diaz, Jess T. Dugan, Marc Elliott, Anne Fishbein, Emmet Gowin, Nancy Hellebrand, David Hilliard, Joe Johnson, Billie Mandle, Daniel McInnis, Greg Miller, Andrea Modica, Matthew Montieth, Nicholas Nixon, Thomas Roma, Mike Smith, Sage Sohier, Mark Steinmetz, Jo Ann Walters
In partnership with Mary B. Martin School of the Arts (MBMSOTA), Bowling Green State
University (BGSU) Fine Arts Center Gallery, Reece Museum, Honors College, Division
of Cross-Disciplinary Studies,
Student Photography Association (SPA), ETSU Student Government Association (SGA) B.U.C.
Funds and Tennessee Arts Commission's Arts Build Communities (ABC) Grant
Images by Matthew Montieth, Alejendra Carles-Tolra and Carlos Diaz.
Inhabitants: Creatures of Distant Worlds Curated by Marty Henley and Kevin Reaves
January 13 to February 5; Reception & Gallery Talk: January 29
In partnership with the Honors College. Image: Untitled by the Shiftlett Brothers
Positive/Negative 31: American & Woman National Juried Art Exhibition,
Juror: Al Miner, Associate Curator, Museum of Fine Art, Boston
February to March; Reception, Juror's Lecture & Student Mentorship
In partnership with the School of Continuing Studies & Academic Outreach, Women's,
Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Honors College, Women's Resource Center and Student
Government Association (SGA) B.U.C. Funds
FALL 2015
In / Skin / Between Installation by Nora Hartlaub and Triads by Alan O’Neal
August 18 to September 11; Reception & Gallery Talk: September 10
In partnership with the Honors College. Images by Nora Hartlaub and Alan O'Neal
body and blood... Installation by Luzene Hill
September 14 to 24; Reception, ArtIFact & Performance: September 24
In partnership with the Office of Multicultural Affairs Women’s Resource Center, Honors
College, Office of Equity and Diversity, Women’s Studies Program, Counseling Center,
and the Tennessee Arts Commission's Arts Build Communities (ABC) Grants
Owasv ' Din'etah: Self and Homeland in Indigenous America
September 14 to 24; Reception, ArtIFact & Performance: September 24
In partnership with Office of Multicultural Affairs, Honors College, the MAP(ing) Project, Tamarind Institute and the Tennessee Arts Commission's Arts Build Communities (ABC)
Grant through Kingsport ArtsPrints by Andy Warhol+ from ETSU Department of Art & Design/Slocumb Galleries Permanent Collection, Fritz Scholder from Tamarind Institute Collection, and from the Map(ing) Project: Nicolas Galanin,
Rowan Harrison, Tom Jones, Craig Kelly, Randy Kemp, Warren Montoya, Marilou Schultz, Sarah Sense, John Feodorov. Images: Translation by Craig Kelly and Greetings from Navajo Land by John Feodorov
Layers: Quilt as Form Curated by Patricia Mink
October 5 to 30;
Reception, Lecture & Fibers Demo by Joan Schulze: October 15 & 16, Ball Hall
Artists: Susan Brandeis, Dorothy Caldwell, Judith Content, Nancy Crow,
Michael James, Jeana Eve Klein, Aaron McIntosh and Joan Schulze
Sponsored by the Mary B. Martin School of the Arts (MBMSOTA), Honors College and the
Tennessee Arts Commission (TAC) Arts Project Support (APS) Grant.
Image: Midnight at the Louvre by Joan Schulze
Moments and Vision: Photographs by Tore Terrasi
November 4 to 24, 2015
Struttura: Texture and Narratives in Ceramics,
Curated by SG Interns Moira Frazier and Shai Perry
July to August. Image: Folds by Jeanine Marchand
Urban Exposures,Twin City Photography Organization Curated by Katie Sheffield
August; Reception
Positive/Negative 30: Uncanny Valley National Juried Art Exhibition
Juror: Dr. Mika Yoshitake, Hirshhorn Museum of Art & Sculpture Garden
February, Reception & Juror's Lecture
FALL 2014
Politics of Representation, from Warhol to Map(ing)
Curated by Karlota Contreras-Koterbay and Mary Hood,
September to October, during First ETSU Native American Festival;
Reception & Curator's Talk
*Recipient of Best New Program from ETSU Summit Award 2015
Artists: Dana Claxton, Jason Garcia, Shan Goshorn+, Thomas Greyeyes, Edgar Heap of Birds,
Ahkima Honyumptewa, Terrance Houle, Sonya Kelliher-Combs, Dallin Maybee, Wanesia Misquadace,
C. Maxx Stevens, Hulleah J. Tsinhnahjinnie, Steven Yazzie, special participation by Jean Hess with original prints by Andy Warhol+ from the ETSU Department of Art & Design/Slocumb Galleries Permanent Collection.
In partnership with the ETSU Office of Multicultural Affairs, Student Government Association
(SGA), Doubletree by Hilton, Women Studies Program, Women’s Resource Center and MAP(ing) Project
Images by Andy Warhol+, Shan Goshorn+ and Jason Garcia.
Exploration, Discovery: Emory & Henry Faculty of Art
October; Reception & Gallery Talk
Artists: Charles Goolsby, Perry Johnson, Anna Nenonen, Manda Remmen
Handcrafted Auguries: Bridget Conn and Long, Long Journey to the Sea: Tim McCoy
June; Reception & Photography Demo by Tim McCoy
Ceramicists of Seagrove, NC, Curated by Scott Contreras-Koterbay
January to February 2014
Virtual exhibition
Positive/Negative 29: Pages National Juried Art Exhibition
Juror: Buzz Spector, CAA Lifetime Awardee, and Washington University,
January to February; Reception, Juror's Lecture & Student Mentoring
P/N 29 Virtual exhibition
FALL 2013
Radiant: Contemporary Encaustic Curated by Reni Gower
August to September; Reception & Gallery Talk by Jane Allen Nodine
Artists: Kim Bernard, Kristy Deetz, Peter Dykhuis, Lorraine Glessner, Reni Gower, Heather Harvey,
Jeffrey Hirst, and Jane Allen Nodine
Garden of Eden: Photographs by Andrezej Maciejewski
September-October, Art-i-Fact by Prof. Peter Pawlowicz and
Student Panel on Sustainable Food from the Department of Allied Health
Positive/Negative 28: Minority Rule National Juried Art Exhibition
Juror: Michael Ray Charles, PBS Art 21 Artists of 21st Century, University of Texas
February; Reception, Juror's Lecture and Student Mentoring: March 4 & 5, Ball Hall
FALL 2012
Day On Fire: Apocalypse in Contemporary Art,
Curated by the Art & Design Gallery Committee: Mira Gerard, Joshua Greer and Chase Westfall
August to September; Reception and Lecture by Christopher Mir"The Day on Fire: Apocalypse in Contemporary Art reflect a cross-section of current
preoccupations with devastation, war, end-times, and environmental collapse. The artists
included in this exhibition openly question the meaning of ending by offering a contemporary
perspective on memento mori, consciously acknowledging the relationship of desire
and the death drive without offering definitive answers.” According to Gerard, the
title The Day On Fire “is derived from a passage out of Rimbaud’s first-person masterwork
A Season in Hell during which he takes on the self-mocking guise of a frenzied mystic,
grasping at meaning through a performed poem. Like Rimbaud’s multiple-personality
narrator, The Day on Fire is at times nostalgic, hopeful, devastated, romantic, humorous,
and grandiose.”
Four Directions: Four Printmakers
Artists: Catherine Chauvin, Kent Kapplinger, Robert Kennon and Ralph Slatton
September to October; Reception & Lecture by Kent Kapplinger.
Image: World As I See It by Catherine Chauvin
Masks of Michoacan
October, Travelling Exhibition; Reception & Lecture
Sponsored by the Mary B. Martin School of the Arts (MBMSOTA)
Primarily Greene: Contemporary Art in Greeneville,TN
June to July; Guest of Honor: ETSU First Lady Donna Noland
Artists: Deborah Bryan, Michael Hale, Becky Mallory, Catherine Murray, Aurora Pope, Garry Renfro,
Mark Russell
Chow-Chow!, Curated by Joshua Greer and Chase Westfall
July to August; Reception & Gallery Talk
Illustrators 53: Society of Illustrators
January; Reception & Lecture by Prof. David Dixon
In partnership with the Mary B. Martin School of the Arts
Positive/Negative 27: Material Transformation National Juried Art Exhibition
Juror: Dr. Gail Levin, City University of New York and Biographer of Lee Krasner
February to March; Reception, Juror's Lecture & Book Signing: February 24
In partnership with the Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
FALL 2011
Fluidity of Gender: Sculptures by Linda Stein
September, Reception, Artist's Talk & Performance by Students of Division of Theater & Dance
Wide Open Spaces and Orange Juice: Paintings by Lenore Thomas
September to October; Reception and Artist's Lecture
In partnership with the Mary B. Martin School of the Arts
Primary Point: Drawings by Tim McDonald
October, Reception and Artist's Lecture by Tim McDonald
Pastiche & Provenance, curated by Aaron Bernard and Kevin Palme
June to July; Reception & Curators' Talk
Land-Scape: Wes Sherman
July; Reception & Artist's Talk
TACA: Tennessee Association of Craft Artists
July to August; Reception & Artists' Talk
Point Time: A Geographic Confluence of Artists, curated by Jean Hess
January, Slocumb Galleries and William King Museum of Art
Intervals Now: Christie Blizard
January to February; Reception & Artist's Talk
Positive/Negative 26 National Juried Art Exhibition
Juror: Sammie Nicely+, Artist and Curator from Atlanta, Georgia
February to March; Reception & Juror's Lecture
Neo-Garde: Contemporary South Korean Art, curated by Dr. Thalia Vrachopoulos
May to June, Traveling exhibition
FALL 2010
Bars and Tones: Brian Glaze and Threasures: Aaron Bernard
July to August; Reception & Artists' Talk
Entrees and Leftovers: Photographs by Larry Robinson
August to September, Reception & Artist's Talk
Crafting Contemporary Art: Studio Craft in Appalachia
October; Reception & Panel on Studio Craft facilitated by Megan Levacy: October 7
Artists: Victoria Altepeter, Anastasia Azure, Jeanne Whitfield Brady, Linda Darty, Catharine Ellis, Thaddeus Erdahl, Bill Griffith, Lisa Klakulak, Sung-Yeoul Lee, Sarah Perkins, Vince Ptelka, Norm Schulman+, Melody Tiemann, Christine ZollerIn partnership with Appalachian Center for Crafts, Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts,
Penland School of Arts, ETSU Graduate Fine Arts Association, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and
funding from the Student Government Association (SGA) B.U.C. Funds. Image by Anastasia Azure
Positive/Negative 25 National Juried Art Exhibition
Juror: Julien Robson, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art and Speed Museum
February; Reception & Juror's Lecture: February 5
Illustrators 51: Society of Illustrators
February to March; Reception
In partnership with Mary B. Martin School of the Arts
Explosion of Color: Tony Henson
May to June; Reception
Structures and Subversions, curated by Anna Kell and Stacy Isenbarger
June to July; Reception
FALL 2009
Women Under the Influence: Kingsport Arts Guild
August; Reception
Holding Them: Ann Ropp
August-September; Reception
Secrecy Series: Sculptural Installation by Michael Aurbach
September, Reception, Artist's Lecture & Graduate Students' Seminar, Ball Hall Auditorium
Constructing Image: Insights to the Andy Warhol Photographs
and Appalachian Warhol
November, Slocumb Galleries and Reece Museum;
Panel on Andy Warhol at Reece Museum
Film Showing of select Warhol Films at the Ball Hall Auditorium. Image: Dolly Parton by Andy Warhol+ from the ETSU Slocumb Galleries Permanent Collection
Looking In & Looking Out by Korean artist Leeah Joo
January, Reception & Artist's Talk
Positive/Negative 24 National Juried Art Exhibition
Juror: Prof. Pradip Malde, Photographer, Sewanee University
February, Reception & Juror's Lecture: February 6, Ball Hall Auditorium
FALL 2008
Frolic: Humor + Mischief in New Taiwanese Art
Curated by Dr. Thalia Vrachopoulos and Jane Ingram Allen
September, Traveling Exhibition; Reception & Curator's Lecture
In partnership with the Taiwan Council for Cultural Affairs, Taipei Economic & Cultural
Office in NYC,
Tenri Cultural Center, and ETSU Office of Multicultural Affairs. Image from Tenri Cultural Center
Group Show: Sculptures by Steve Tobin
September to October; Image: Exploded Earth by Steve Tobin
Paredolia by Derek Buckner
October, Reception & Artist's Lecture, Ball Hall Auditorium
Mixed Media Work by Marius Lehene
Positive/Negative 23 National Juried Exhibition
Juror: Antoine Guerrero, Director of Exhibitions, P.S. 1 Contemporary Art Center
February, Juror's Lecture & Reception, Ball Hall Auditorium
Filipina as Artist and Feminist
March; Reception & Artists' Lecture by Imelda Cajipe Endaya and Tala Isla-Contreras
Artists: Paz Abad Santos, Imelda Cajipe-Endaya, Brenda Fajardo, Tala Isla-Contreras, Julie Lluch
In partnership with the Women's Studies Center, Tri-Iota and funding from the
Student Government Association (SGA) B.U.C. Funds. Image: Self Portrait by Julie Lluch
Pile: Gideon Barnett and Thinking Big: Eric Schubert
June to July; Curated by Tammy Mercure
FALL 2007
Spiritual Visions: Prints by Robert Kennon
June, Reception & Artist's Talk
Rupture: Installation Art by Elissa Cox
August, Reception & Artist's Lecture
Body Action Drawings: International Conceptual Artist Tom Marioni
September, Reception & Artist's performance with FPA scholars and Bluegrass Program
In partnership with the Honors College, Art History Society, Old Time, Country & Bluegrass
and funding from the ETSU Student Government Association (SGA) B.U.C. Funds
Meditation: Drawings and Video Art by Thomas Tucker
October, Reception & Artist's Lecture
SACI (Studio Arts Center International) Traveling Exhibition
January, Reception Guest of Honor: Dr. Paul Stanton, President, ETSU
Positive/Negative 22 National Juried Exhibition
Juror: Toby Kamps, Senior Curator, Contemporary Art Museum - Houston
February, Reception & Juror's Lecture
FALL 2006
Stories from the Dream Cabinet Curated by Mira Gerard
September to October, Reception & Gallery Talk
Branded: New Work by Keith Herrin
October, Reception & Artist's Talk
Links to Additional Past Exhibitions
- Please click here for Past Exhibitions for Visiting Artists and Faculty & Alumni
- Archived BFA/BA/MFA Student Exhibitions
- Archived Positive/Negative National Juried Art Exhibitions