**Please note that a la carte items will not be sold until all students have gone through the main serving lines.
Current Menu
Cafeteria and Lunch Procedures
Cafeteria services are provided by Washington County. Connie Taylor is the manager. If you have any questions regarding free and reduced lunch, fees and bills, please contact Connie Taylor at (423) 439-4001 or e-mail her at taylorc@wcde.org.
Lunches will be provided at the following times:
- 10:00-10:28: K-1st grade
- 10:30-10:58: 2nd -4th grade
- 11:00-11:28: 5th -6th grade
- 11:30-11:58: 7th-8th grade
- 12:00-12:30: 10th and 11th grade
- 12:30-1:00: 9th and 12th grade
Students in grades 6th through 12th may eat outside depending on the weather. Sixth, Seventh and Eighth grade students are expected to stay in the back of the building. Nineth and Tenth grade students may eat in the back or front of the building. Eleventh and Twelfth grade students may go to the Culp Center if permitted by ETSU during the COVID-19 precautions.
Students may not go eat at or get food from Pal’s, Cook Out, McDonald’s, the BP gas station or any other location that would require them to leave the main campus of ETSU. Students who drive and park on campus may not go to their cars during lunch. Lunch and driving privileges might be revoked and/or other disciplinary measures might be appropriate if students chose to not respect these expectations.
Cafeteria Information
- For current information from Washington County Schools Nutrition, please follow Washington County Schools Nutrition on Facebook , Twitter , and Instagram
- Please note that our University School menu is dependent on the Washington County
Schools Menus. When they miss a scheduled school day, the menu rolls forward. Be
aware that the menu posted on our school website is only tentative, based on our anticipation
of what their schedule will be, and what our scheduled days off are, and therefore
may not be accurate.
- On half days the cafeteria will be open at 7:30 a.m., for breakfast, and will stay
open until 8:00 a.m..
- Money for student meal accounts may be turned in Monday-Friday, 7 AM - 1 PM.
- We accept cash and checks only.
- Checks should be made payable to University School Cafeteria. When writing a check,
please use black or blue ink. Regions Bank has asked us not to accept any checks
written with other colors of ink.
- Please put the money in an envelope with child's full name on the outside.
- Students can purchase extra items, but they will need to have money with them or in
their account.
- If there is a balance due on a student's school meal account, they will not be allowed to purchase extra items (baked chips, granola bars, cookies, etc.) until the balance is paid in full.
- Limits on purchasing extra items can be placed on a student's meal account. If you would like to limit the amount of extra items that the student can purchase, please send a note with the student or email us at nutrition@wcde.org.
- Students are issued a PIN. The five digit number needs to be memorized. Students
may pay by the day or you may put money on their account. Cafeteria accounts can be accessed online; sign up for on-line lunch account payments @ www.mypaymentsplus.com.
Fill out your lunch application online @ www.wcde.org.
All families are eligible to apply for free and reduced lunch at any time throughout the year. The applications may be picked up in the school office and returned to the cafeteria manager at University School or brought to Central Office to be processed.
- In addition to the breakfast menu for each day, we will offer a Grab & Go breakfast.
Please note that the following pricing is current as of the 2022-2023 school year:
WCS Student Meal Prices:
- Breakfast Elementary - $1.80
- Breakfast Middle School - $1.90
- Breakfast High School - $2.00
- Lunch Elementary - $2.60
- Lunch Middle School - $2.70
- Lunch High School - $3.00
WCS Staff Meal Prices:
- Breakfast $3.00
- Lunch $4.25
WCS Visitor Meal Prices:
- Breakfast $3.00-
- Lunch $5.00-
Drinks and Snacks / A la Carte items are available for purchase during cafeteria hours, 7:25 - 12:45 which includes before school, during breakfast and during designated breaks/lunch times. These items cannot be charged, the student must have cash or money on their account before they can purchase these items. Also, these items will not be sold until all students have gone through the main meal serving line.