Dr. Heidi Campbell
Dr. Heidi Campbell
Testing and Curriculum Coordinator
3rd Grade Retention and Promotion Information
Beginning with the 2022-2023 school year, a student in the third grade shall not be promoted to the next grade level unless the student is determined to be proficient in English language arts (ELA) based on the student achieving a performance level rating of “met expectations” or “exceeded expectations” on the ELA portion of the student's most recent Tennessee comprehensive assessment program (TCAP) test.
Based on the language of T.C.A. § 49-6-3115 (a), if a 3rd-grade student does not take the TCAP or generate a score on the ELA portion of the TCAP and does not qualify for an exemption, the student shall be treated as if the student is not proficient in ELA.
4 Performance Levels
Level 4 - Exceeded Expectations Level 2 - Approaching Expectations Level 3 - Met Expectations Level 1 - Below Expectations 24-25 School Year
February 13th 3:20-4:00 - 3rd Grade Retention and Pomotion Parent Meeting
3rd Grade Parent Meeting Presentation - linked prior to the meeting
2024-2025 3rd/4th Promotion Pathways (updated 10/17/24)
The PSAT/NMSQT is an OPTIONAL test given to students in 11th grade. Students who are potential National Merit Scholars must take PSAT/NMSQT during their junior year to qualify. Students in 10th grade may register but will be added to the waitlist and are not guaranteed a testing spot as the number of seats is limited.
University School will offer the PSAT/NMSQT to current students on Friday, October 4th at 8:00 a.m. This is a non-student day, so students will be released as soon as testing is finished (approx. 12:00). The cost for the PSAT is $20. Due to online test registration requirements and deadlines set by College Board, students will not be allowed to sign up for the PSAT/NMSQT after the August 1st deadline. Students who have questions may email Dr. Campbell (campbellhe@etsu.edu).
PSAT/NMSQT Registration Form - https://tinyurl.com/2nj73knuWhy take the PSAT/NMSQT?
Students who are potential National Merit Scholars must take PSAT/NMSQT during their junior year to qualify. The exam will also be open to sophomores who may want to prepare for PSAT/NMSQT in the junior year, however priority will be given to students currently in the 11th grade. Once school begins, the registration link will be available in CANVAS under Counseling Announcements or by clicking HERE.
Information about PSAT/NMSQT content and format can be found on the College Board website. (https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/psat-nmsqt-psat-10/inside-the-test/key-features)
Fall ACT - Senior Retake
Senior ACT Retake - October (See the testing calendar for scheduled date)
All students will need to complete the MyACT non-test information prior to testing. A device check session will be held prior to testing and students will be given time to complete non-test information. Students who are absent should pick up a set of instructions and their unique ACT ID information from Dr. Campbell. Students who do not have a MyACT account will not be able to receive reportable scores.
Please bring the following:
-Approved calculator- See the ACT Calculator Policy. Calculators will not be provided
-number 2 pencils -mechanical pencils are not allowed
-snack and bagged lunch
-please dress in layered clothing because the room temperature is not within our control (blankets and hats are not allowed).
-students will be expected to return to their 6th and 7th period classes
Spring ACT
Junior ACT - April (See the testing calendar for scheduled date)
Important Information about MyACT
All students will need to complete the MyACT non-test information prior to testing. A device check session will be held prior to testing and students will be given time to complete non-test information. Students who are absent should pick up a set of instructions and their unique ACT ID information from Dr. Campbell. Students who do not have a MyACT account will not be able to receive reportable scores.
Please bring the following:
-Approved calculator- See the ACT Calculator Policy. Calculators will not be provided
-number 2 pencils -mechanical pencils are not allowed
-snack and bagged lunch
-please dress in layered clothing because the room temperature is not within our control (blankets and hats are not allowed).
-students will be expected to return to their 6th and 7th period classes
All 8th - 10th grade students will take the PreACT in October (see the testing calendar for scheduled date).What is the PreACT?
The PreACT is an assessment that provides predictive data for student performance on the ACT.
How long does it take to complete the PreACT?
Examinee information sections = approximately 60 minutes
- English (45 items) = 30 minutes
- Math (36 items) = 40 minutes
- Break = 10-15 minutes
- Reading (25 items) = 30 minutes
- Science (30 items) = 30 minutes
- General Administration (varies) = 10 minutesTotal for tests, break, and administrative time = 150 minutes + 60 for examinee information
What do students need to bring to the ACT?
- #2 pencils with erasers
- A four-function scientific/graphic calculator. The ACT calculator policy may be accessed by clicking HERE. Students are strongly encouraged to confirm their calculator is allowed prior to testing.
Tips for a successful PreACT experience
- Carefully read all instructions and listen to directions from the test proctor.
- Pace yourself so you don't spend too much time on a single question or reading passage.
- Focus as you read each question to you understand exactly what is being asked.
- Pay attention to reminders about the amount of time you have remaining.
- If you are struggling on a question, try to eliminate incorrect answer choices.
- Answer every question. Your score will be based on the number of questions you answer correctly. You won't be penalized for guessing.
- Always review your work if time permits.
TCAP/EOC Testing
- Parent request days will not be approved for TCAP/EOC, AP, ACT, or SDC scheduled testing dates. Families are encouraged to review the University School testing calendar prior to scheduling appointments or other activities.
- Specific days for TCAP/EOC tests will be shared prior to spring break. The current window for state testing is April 14 - May 6, 2024.
- Testing information will be shared throughout the year in Dr. Partin’s weekly newsletters and on University School’s testing webpage.
- Specific testing days will be published prior to Spring Break
TCAP Family Portal Resources
This past spring, students in Grade 3-8 and High School took one or more Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) tests in English language arts (ELA), math, social studies, and science. To better understand student progress toward grade level learning expectations, printed copies of TCAP state score reports will be sent home with students at the beginning of August.
In addition to the enclosed score reports, the Tennessee Department of Education has implemented the TCAP Family Portal for families to access. The TCAP Family Portal is a free, online resource designed to assist families in understanding student strengths and areas for growth based on TCAP performance.
Access the TCAP Family Portal by clicking HERE to register or sign in to your account. You will need access to your student’s “unique access code” or “USID” on the bottom right-hand corner of their score report.
CASE Benchmark Assessments
Window opens at the end of each quarter. Specific dates TBD
Benchmark testing will not occur during the 4th Quarter
What are CASE Benchmark Assessments?
CASE Benchmarks are comprehensive formative assessments aligned to the rigor and performance expectations set forth in Tennessee State Standards. Questions are similar to the style and rigor of questions included on TCAP and EOC assessments. Intended to measure if students are making progress toward mastery of standards.
When will my student take benchmark assessments?
Given 3 times per year at the end of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarters. Testing information will be shared with students and families.
How will results from these tests be used?Teachers will use results to assess student mastery of standards and adjust pacing as needed. Targeted review for TCAPs and EOCs Results will identify areas where review, reinforcement, and/or enrichment are needed throughout the year.
Does my child need to study for benchmark assessments?
No, students are expected to show what they know.