Welcome! Below you will find information regarding our general admission requirements for both domestic and international graduate students, frequently asked questions, and step-by-step application instructions. Don't hesitate to contact us here if you have any questions about your application! In addition, if you have any questions about funding for graduate school, please visit our Paying for Graduate School Webpage.
Launch Your Career: Apply Today
General Admission Requirements
General Domestic Admissions Requirements
Individual program requirements are additional to the following:
- A bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution. Degrees from non-accredited institutions will be evaluated on an individual basis.
- An undergraduate GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale for domestic students. (Some programs may require a higher GPA.)
- A completed admissions application
- Individual programs may have specific instructions for the content and format of your statement. Please be sure to check with their application instructions for details. If specific instructions for your program do not exist, the personal statement should cover why you want to go to graduate school and why this program would be a good fit with your career goals. The statement should be double-spaced with minimum one inch (2.54 cm) margins, minimum 12 point font, and 1-2 pages in length.
- A non-refundable application fee of $55.
- The application fee must be submitted before any further application materials can
be sent to the graduate school.
- Please note that the Graduate School is unable to provide fee waivers as the application fee is a required processing fee. The only exception to this is if you are a currently enrolled graduate student at ETSU.
- The application fee must be submitted before any further application materials can
be sent to the graduate school.
- One unofficial transcript from every college or university where the applicant has
taken courses. The unofficial transcript must include a grading scale, scheme, or
max marks table (usually on the back or bottom of transcripts).
- An official transcript from every college or university must be submitted by the end
of your first semester. Official transcripts must sent directly from the issuing institution.
Do not request copies of official transcripts in advance.
If you have been admitted provisionally to your program of choice or do not have access to an unofficial copy of your transcript during the application process and are needing to send your official transcripts, they can be received electronically or by mail. If your previous institution offers electronic transcripts but does not have East Tennessee State University Graduate Admissions as a pre-selectable option, you may have them sent to gradtranscripts@etsu.edu . If electronic transcripts are not offered, you may have them mailed to one of the addresses below:
- An official transcript from every college or university must be submitted by the end
of your first semester. Official transcripts must sent directly from the issuing institution.
Do not request copies of official transcripts in advance.
- If Official GRE or GMAT test score reports are required by the program, they must be sent directly to us from the Educational Testing Service (ETS). ETSU’s institution code is 1198. Be sure to choose ETSU Graduate Institution.
- Audiology Au.D. and Speech-Language Pathology applicants should send their GRE scores to the CSDCAS using the institution code: 3972
General International Admissions Requirements
NOTE: It is strongly encouraged to utilize a NACES approved organization to have your transcripts evaluated. We receive a high volume of International applications and our internal evaluation process takes approximately 8 weeks. This may impact application deadlines. Some of the frequently utilized organizations are ECE, SpanTran, and WES, but you may utilize any approved organization. You can find the list here: NACES approved members
NOTE: If you are applying to a program that also has a CAS (i.e. CSDCAS etc...) you MUST utilize World Education Services, Inc. (WES). Other organizations will not be approved.
Individual program requirements are additional to the following:
- Have the minimum equivalent of a four-year bachelor’s degree with at least a “B” average
based on the home country’s grading scale.
- European students with three-year Bologna bachelor’s degrees and Indian students with three-year bachelor’s degrees from Indian universities ranked A (3.01- 4.0) through the National Assessmentand Accreditation Council (NAAC) accreditation process will be considered to have equivalent four-year degrees.
- Other grading systems will be evaluated upon receipt of official transcripts. Please note that the ETSU Graduate School provides this general GPA converter as a free service to convert specific grades to a 4.0 scale. Applicants whose transcripts come from a country with multiple grading systems may wish to pursue a more specific GPA converter (such as offered by WES).
- Applicants must meet the following GPA requirement:
- 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
- A completed admissions application
- Individual programs may have specific instructions for the content and format of your statement. Please be sure to check with their application instructions for details. If specific instructions for your program do not exist, the personal statement should cover why you want to go to graduate school and why this program would be a good fit with your career goals. The statement should be double-spaced with minimum one inch (2.54 cm) margins, minimum 12 point font, and 1-2 pages in length.
- Submit the non-refundable application fee of $65.00.
- The application fee must be submitted before any further application materials can
be sent to the graduate school.
- Please note that the Graduate School is unable to provide fee waivers as the application fee is a required processing fee. The only exception to this is if you are a currently enrolled graduate student at ETSU.
- The application fee must be submitted before any further application materials can
be sent to the graduate school.
- One unofficial transcript from every college or university where the applicant has
taken courses including proof of all degrees received. The unofficial transcript must
include a grading scale, scheme, or max marks table (usually on the back or bottom
of transcripts).
- If the records are not in English,certified translations that are attested by the awarding institution must be sent in addition to the official documents. Notarized copies and third-party attestations are not acceptable. Individual-year mark sheets from Indian institutions are required; Summary mark sheets will not suffice.
- An official transcript from every college or university must be submitted by the end
of your first semester. Official transcripts must be sent directly from the issuing
institution. Do not request copies of official transcripts in advance.
If you have been admitted provisionally to your program of choice or do not have access to an unofficial copy of your transcript during the application process and are needing to send your official transcripts, they can be received electronically or by mail. If your previous institution offers electronic transcripts but does not have East Tennessee State University Graduate Admissions as a pre-selectable option, you may have them sent to gradtranscripts@etsu.edu . If electronic transcripts are not offered, you may have them mailed to one of the addresses below:
- Proof of English proficiency: requirement details can be found here.
If Official GRE or GMAT test score reports are required by the program, they must be sent directly to us from the Educational Testing Service (ETS). ETSU’s institution code is 1198. Be sure to choose ETSU Graduate Institution.
- Audiology Au.D. and Speech-Language Pathology applicants should send their GRE scores to the CSDCAS using the institution code: 3972
Post-admission requirements
- Insurance Coverage:
- All international students are required to have acceptable insurance coverage against illness and accidents. The health and accident insurance must be maintained throughout the student's enrollment at ETSU.
- Qualified international students may be considered for graduate non-degree admission
to ETSU only asVisiting students during vacation/breaks from other collegiate institutions
in the U.S.
- Non-Degree students enrolled in ETSU courses offered outside the U.S.
- Non-Degree students enrolled in appropriate ETSU campus classes. Students in category 3 who are on ETSU IAP-66s (J-1 status) must pursue programs of full-time study approved by ETSU Graduate School, International Enrollment and Services, and the appropriate academic division.
- Documented evidence of financial resources sufficient to support the student during the period of enrollment must be sent to International Enrollment and Services For more information regarding the estimated cost of attending ETSU per calendar year contact International Enrollment and Services.
A student must be admitted, submit financial documentation, and have his or her degree confirmed before the university can issue an I-20 or DS-2019 form needed to obtain a visa. The university will not enroll any student who has not been approved initially or for transfer by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) to attend East Tennessee State University. International students accepted for graduate study will receive a letter of acceptance from the university. This letter and the SEVIS I-20 form furnished by the university must be presented to the consular officer of the United States to which the applicant applies for a student visa. ETSU will not accept visas issued for admission to other colleges or universities. International students admitted to graduate study are encouraged to arrive on campus two weeks prior to the beginning of classes and should contact International Enrollment and Services as soon as they arrive. It is the responsibility of a non-immigrant applicant to comply with current INS regulations in regard to collegiate enrollment. New INS regulations may prohibit the enrollment of an individual in B-1 or B-2 status. International Enrollment and Services administers the university's foreign student (F status) and visitor exchange (J status) programs. Other non-immigrant applicants may consult with this office.
- Insurance Coverage:
- Have the minimum equivalent of a four-year bachelor’s degree with at least a “B” average
Information contained on this page is not official and is subject to change. Consult the Graduate Catalog or your Graduate Program Coordinator for the most up-to-date information regarding ETSU Graduate School and departmental admission criteria. Individual program requirements can be found on the graduate programs page.
In all cases the final decision to admit or reject an applicant rests with the university through the Dean of the ETSU Graduate School.
Frequently Asked Questions
Application Questions
Should I create a new account for my application?
If you have previously created an account, you will need to use your existing account. Please do not hesitate to contact our technical support at gradtech@etsu.edu if your account has been locked out. We will be happy to assist with resetting your password.
If you have not created an account, you will need to follow the step by step application instructions below to sign up and create an account.
How do I find my program requirements and deadlines?
To find your program requirments and dealines, please click here. For more information about our programs, click here to see if your program has an upcoming virtual information session where you can hear from a Program Representative.
How do I check my application status?
You can check your application’s status by logging back into your account on our application portal and reviewing your application checklist. *Please Note that all items will NOT be checked off upon submission. Items will be checked off as they are reviewed. You will receive a email notification once an admission decision is available.
After your application has been initially reviewed, you can always log back into the application portal to check the status of any outstanding items or to change and/or send reminder emails to your recommenders. If a recommendation is marked as not having been received but your reference says they have completed it, please ask them to follow the link and ensure that they complete the final submission process.
How do I see what I am missing after submitting my application?
After submitting your application you will a have checklist on the application portal (where you filled out your application) that you can sign into and view what you are missing. *Please note that all items will NOT be checked off upon submission. Items will be checked off as they are reviewed.
How do I upload my transcript?
Any requested documents, such as resume, unofficial transcripts, or CV, will need to be uploaded as PDFs. To upload your transcript, click the upload button (small button of a cloud with an arrow to the right of the selection bar) and then select the file you would like to submit. For instructions on how to convert your document into a PDF, see the FAQ directly below.
Note: Unofficial transcripts uploaded must include a grading scale, scheme, or max marks table (usually on the back or bottom of transcripts).
What do I write in my personal statement?
Individual programs may have specific instructions for the content and format of your statement. Please be sure to check with their application instructions for details. If specific instructions for your program do not exist, the personal statement should cover why you want to go to graduate school and why this program would be a good fit with your career goals. The statement should be double-spaced with minimum one inch (2.54 cm) margins, minimum 12 point font, and 1-2 pages in length.
Admissions Questions
Do I Need to take an English Proficiency exam if I’m from an English speaking country?
Click here for information of minimum test scores and the list of counties whose students will have this requirement waived during the application review process (will not be waived until transcript received).
How do I view my application decision?
You can view your application decision by logging back into your account on our application portal. Select "View Your Decision" to view the decision letter.
How do I reply to my offer?
You can reply to your offer by logging back into your account on our application portal. Select "View Your Decision" to review the decision letter then select "Reply to Offer".
How do I print or save my decision letter?
You can access a printable version of the decision letter by clicking the printer icon in the top left corner of the decision letter screen.
From that point you can either print the letter directly or save as a PDF.
How do I send official transcripts?
If you have been admitted provisionally to your program of choice or do not have access to an unofficial copy of your transcript during the application process and are needing to send your official transcripts, they can be received electronically or by mail. If your previous institution offers electronic transcripts but does not have East Tennessee State University Graduate Admissions as a pre-selectable option, you may have them sent to gradtranscripts@etsu.edu. If electronic transcripts are not offered, you may have them mailed to one of the addresses below:
How do I request to defer an application?
Be sure to work with your Program Coordinator (Click here for Program Coordinator information) to complete a Deferral/Change of Term Form before the first day of the term for which you were admitted in order to defer your admission. Please be aware that only two deferrals for up to two years can be approved. If you have previously deferred your admission once, you will need to submit a new application in the portal for future consideration. Additional deferrals will not be approved.
How do I request an updated admissions letter after approved deferral?
If your request for deferral has been approved, a copy of the approved form will be sent to your ETSU email address. This serves the purpose of an updated admission letter and should be used where an updated admissions letter is requested.
What funding, scholarships, Graduate Assistant opportunites are available?
Please click here for more information regarding funding opportunities for Graduate School. You may also contact your Program Coordinator to inquire if there is any department specific you may be eligible to receive.
I'm a Tennessee resident, why am I being charged out of state tuition?
If you are a Tennessee resident being charged out of state tuition. Correcting this may be as simple as submitting a valid verifying document. Most often students can submit a Tennessee drivers license, FAFSA or passport to satisfy this requirement by emailing the documents to gradadmissions@etsu.edu or by securely uploading here. Please click here for more information about EVEA and other documents that can be used to satisfy this requirement.
How do I remove a hold on my account?
We are not able to remove holds until your provisions have been satisfied. If your provision is based on your grades or GPA, we will not be able to lift this hold until final grades are submitted at the end of the term and you have submitted a Satisfaction of Required Provisions form. If your hold is based on official transcripts and you have not had these sent, please see below. If you have had these sent recently, please allow a few days for them to be processed and your hold to be removed. If we will not be able to remove your hold because your provision is not currently satisfied, you can reach out to your Program Coordinator to issue permits to secure your seat in the class until your hold can be removed.
Recommendation/Account Questions
My account is locked out.
If you are receiving a message that your account is locked out. You will need to contact our technical support at gradtech@etsu.edu
*Note: You CANNOT change your password more than once in a 24-hour period.
Forgotten your username?
Your username is the email address that you signed up with. If you cannot remember your username, contact our technical support at gradtech@etsu.edu with your first and last name.
How do I convert my document to a PDF?
To convert your document to a PDF, first open the document you would like to convert. Next, navigate to print preview (CTRL + P for windows; Command + P for Apple). Using the destination drop down menu, select "Save as PDF". Select, "Save" in the bottom right corner. This will open a new window where you can select where you would like to save your PDF document. After selecting your location, click "Save". Now that your document is saved, you may upload it to your application (For instructions on how to upload a document, see previous FAQ).
Why are my recommenders not receiving the request email?
This typically occurs due to our automated emails being flagged as spam. Please have your recommenders check their spam/junk folders. If the emails are not there, you will need to enter a personal email (Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.) for them as our automated emails are being flagged and blocked at a University/Company level.
How do I change my recommenders?
You can change your recommenders by logging back into your account and selecting your application. Select "Change Recommender" for the recommendation you wish to change. *Note: Recommender CANNOT be changed after the application deadline
How do I re-send request emails my recommenders?
You can re-send request emails to your recommenders by logging back into your account and selecting your application. Select "Send Reminder" for the recommender you wish to re-send a request email.
Step by Step Application Instructions
Step by Step Application Instructions
- Step 1
- Step 2
Step 2
If you have previously created an account, you will need to use your existing account. Please do not hesitate to contact our technical support at gradtech@etsu.edu if your account has been locked out. We will be happy to assist with resetting your password. If you have not created an account, you will need to follow the instructions below to sign up and create an account.
On the Application Login page choose “Sign Up”
- Step 3
Step 3
Fill out the form with your “First Name”, “Last Name”, and “Email Address"
- Step 4
Step 4
You will receive an email with a link to set your password. Follow the link to create a new password. Passwords must use at least 8 characters.
- Step 5
Step 5
After setting your password you will be taken to the home page. Select "START A NEW APPLICATION" from the left side of your home page.
- Step 6
Step 6
Be sure to select "START APPLICATION" underneath Graduate and NOT Undergraduate.
- Step 7
Step 7
Select if you are a Domestic or International student, the Program Level, Program Name, Concentration (if applicable), and the Term. Once completed, select "Start Application".
- Step 8
Step 8
After that you can start a your application and fill out the requested fields.
- Step 9
Step 9
Any requested documents, such as resume, unofficial transcripts, and/or CV, will need to be uploaded as PDFs. To upload your document, click the upload button (small button of a cloud with an arrow to the right of the selection bar) and then select the file you would like to submit. For instructions on how to convert your document into a PDF, see the next step directly below.
Note: The unofficial transcript must include a grading scale, scheme, or max marks table (usually on the back or bottom of transcripts).
- Step 10
Step 10
To convert your document to a PDF, first open the document you would like to convert. Next, navigate to print preview (CTRL + P for windows; Command + P for Apple). Using the destination drop down menu, select "Save as PDF". Select, "Save" in the bottom right corner. This will open a new window where you can select where you would like to save your PDF document. After selecting your location, click "Save". Now that your document is saved, you may upload it to your application (For instructions on how to upload a document, see previous step).
- Step 11
Step 11
Once all items have been completed, select the “Review your application” button.
- Step 12
Step 12
Pay the non-refundable application fee. The application fee must be paid for the application to be submitted. To begin, select "Save & Pay"
- Step 13
Step 13
Next, select "Pay Online" from the drop down menu and click "Pay Now". You will be re-routed to a Touchnet payment screen.
- Step 14
Step 14
Complete payment information and select "Continue". Once Payment is complete, select "return to application".
- Step 15
Step 15
Select "Submit Your Application" and you will be redirected to a verification screen.
- Step 16
Step 16
Verify that all is true and correct. Once completed, select "Verify & Submit". A "Thank You for Submitting" screen with the option to "Return Home" will appear. Congratulations! Your application has been submitted.
- Step 17
Step 17
After submitting your application you will a have checklist on the application portal (where you filled out your application) that you can sign into and view what you are missing. *Please note that all items will NOT be checked off upon submission. Items will be checked off as they are reviewed.
- Step 18
Step 18
A green check mark will appear next to each item as they are received and reviewed. You will receive a email notification when an admission decision is available.
- Step 19
Step 19
Once available, you can view your application decision by logging back into your account on our application portal. Select "View Your Decision" to view the decision letter.
- Step 20
Step 20
After opening the decision letter, you can reply to your offer by selecting "Reply to Offer" in the bottom right corner.