Graduate Assistantship Information
Graduate Assistantship service hours can include teaching, research, or administrative responsibilities, depending on the position.
Graduate assistants (or GA’s, as they are often called) work on campus 20 hours per week. GA’s receive tuition assistance and a monthly stipend for 9 months.
You can find more information in the FAQ below or in the Graduate Assistantship Handbook.
GA Eligibility
Interested students must meet the following eligibility requirements in order to apply:
- Register for at least 9 graduate credit hours in the fall and spring semesters.
- For summer contracts, if the contract ends June 30th the student must register for 3 hours in pre-summer or summer session I. If the contracts goes through August the student must register for 3 hours during summer session II. If the summer contract begins in May and ends in August, the student must register for 6 hours in any of the summer sessions (pre-summer, session I, and/or session II). The student may divide the 6 hours between sessions, for example; 3 credit hours in session I and 3 more in session II.
- Not be employed anywhere else on campus.
- Be admitted unconditionally to the degree program. (1 semester exception)
- Maintain a 3.0 GPA.
Human Resources and Payroll Procedures
- For more information about payroll, contact information can be found here.
- GA vacancies can be advertized at:
- If any changes are made to an existing contract, a completed Fiscal Year Salary Allocation form must be sent to the following people:
- Queen Brown - Graduate School
- - Payroll
- Lauri Hudson- Financial Aid
Requirements for International Students
- If an international student is graduating do not write contracts past the official commencement date
- International students must take the Oral Proficiency Interview immediately upon arrival at ETSU.
- International students applying for full-time graduate assistantships may not hold temporary positions
- International students must have current Glacier paperwork on file before payroll can be processed. For more information contact Jennifer Crigger at or by phone at (423) 439-6887.
Deadlines and Fee Payments
- GA Deadlines
- Maintenance Fees (tuition) are the only fees covered by a GA position.
- Students are responsible for all other fees not covered by his or her GA.
- Out-of-State Tuition will be waived after all miscellaneous fees have been paid or a deferred payment option is utilized by the student. A $50.00 fee is charged for the deferred payment option.
- There are only a limited number of summer graduate assistantships. The department must have the accounting number entered to pay summer tuition for graduate assistantships. If your department has a summer appointment, contact Trina Mathes in Financial Services at
Information is subject to change *
What is a Graduate Assistantship?
A Graduate Assistantship is an opportunity available to qualifying graduate students for on-campus employment. Graduate Assistants (or GAs, as they are often called) can either work in teaching, research, or administrative roles depending upon the position. Graduate assistants receive tuition assistance and a monthly stipend for 9 months for the academic year. Graduate Assistantships do not cover fees. Stipend amounts vary by programs, with doctoral student stipends typically higher than those for master’s students. For more detailed information about the types of Graduate Assistantships, refer to the GA Handbook (page 5)
Graduate Assistantship eligibility and requirements
As stated above, a Graduate Assistantship (GA) is an opportunity for qualifying graduate students to work on campus in either teaching, research, or administrative roles. Graduate assistantships receive tuition assistance and a monthly stipend; fees are not covered.
General eligibility requirements for receiving a Graduate Assistantship is that the recipient:
- Must be fully admitted to a graduate program
- Must register for at least 9 graduate hours during the Fall and Spring semester (3 hours during the summer semester if working 5/15-6/30 and 6 hours if working 5/15-8/15). Recipients of Graduate Assistantships must maintain those hours through the semester. If you drop below those hours, you are ineligible and your contract will be reviewed and may be canceled.
- Must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
- Cannot hold another paid position on campus without prior approval of the Dean of ETSU Graduate School.
How do I find and apply for a GA position?
To apply for a Graduate Assistantship (GA) you must first check the appropriate box on your graduate school application package. Once you have submitted your application it will be forwarded to the graduate coordinator assigned to the graduate program you are applying for admission into. We strongly encourage you to contact the department in which you would want to work and express your interest in a GA If you are unable to get a position in your department you can go online to the graduate school web site and click on Assistantships. You may then view current vacancies by clicking on the Current List of Available GA Positions. Openings are posted at the request of a department and the list can change, so check it often. GA's are available all across campus, not just in academic departments. Once you have obtained a position with a particular department, please go to Human Resources to complete all of the appropriate paperwork. The department will complete a GA online appointment that will be submitted to the Graduate School Office for processing. The general requirements to hold a GA are as follows:
- Must be fully admitted to a graduate program.
- Must register for at least 9 graduate hours during the Fall and Spring semester (3 hours during the Summer semester if working 5/15-6/30 and 6 hours if working from 5/15-8/15). Candidate must maintain those hours throughout the semester. If you drop below hours, you are ineligible and your contract will be reviewed and may be cancelled.
- Must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
- You cannot hold another paid position on campus without prior approval of the Dean, ETSU Graduate School.
Are Graduate Certificate students eligible for a GA?
No, students in graduate certificate programs are not eligible for a GA. -
I am in an a fully online ETSU graduate program. Am I eligible for a graduate assistantship?
Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis. -
What is a half GA and can a graduate student have two half GA's in separate areas?
A half GA is the same as a regular GA except the student works half the hours (10 hours) receiving half the regular stipend per month and half tuition coverage. A student may have two half GA's under different supervisors or in different areas as long as the student works 10 hours within each area totaling 20 hours a week. A student with two half GA's would, therefore, receive a full stipend and full tuition coverage. -
I understand that students are restricted to a two year limit, but do not know what the policy is for a returning student working on a second Master's degree. May I accept another GA position?
The number of terms/years of eligibility for students pursuing masters and doctoral degrees can be found in the GA handbook. Students pursuing dual masters degree programs or second masters degree programs may be considered for a third year of support (one additional year); approval is considered by the Dean or Associate Dean of the ETSU Graduate School in response from a request from the students current Graduate Program Coordinator and by the GA contracting unit. All other requirements of eligibility must be met. -
What happens if I want to move from a full GA to a half GA mid-semester?
A student may not move from a full GA to a half GA mid-semester due to the terms of their contract. Any changes, made to a contract agreement would require new appointments subject to approval, reasonable notice, and appropriate paperwork. Changes are generally not approved midway or late in the semester. -
Are students granted deferred action status (DACA) eligible for a graduate assistant?
No. In the state of Tennessee individuals granted deferred action status are not eligible to make use of public funds for the purposes of higher education, a prohibition that includes such things as in-state residency classification as well as publically funded scholarships and assistantships like graduate assistantships. -
Are there any fees that a GA will not cover?
Yes. A GA waiver will not cover a student's program service fee or specialty course fees. Students are responsible for making arrangements to pay those charges by the Friday before classes begin. Basically, the GA waiver will cover the maintenance fee (i.e. tuition) only. All other charges such as business course fees, technology fees or international insurance etc. should be handled by the student. -
What should I do if I add or delete classes after my GA waiver has been posted?
If you register for 9 hours then add or delete classes after your GA waiver has been posted, your tuition waiver amount will not automatically adjust, leaving a balance. It is the responsibility of the student to inform the comptroller's office of those changes so they can adjust your waiver properly. If you drop a class and your total number of graduate credit hours drops below requirements to hold a GA then the contract is subject to cancellation. -
I am in a regular graduate program and want to take a TN eCampus course. Will my graduate assistantship cover the cost of that course?
No, TN eCampus course tuition cannot be covered by graduate assistantships. You may take the course, but you will need to pay the tuition. -
Is the winter session tuition covered for a GA? Do the graduate credit hours count toward spring required hours?
The tuition remission that comes with a GA appointment does not cover tuition for winter session courses and winter session courses do not count toward the requirement to be enrolled in nine graduate hours for spring term. -
Are there any GA positions offered at night or on the weekends for student teachers or others with those scheduling needs?
The only night or weekend positions available are in the Library, computer labs, and coaching positions. Student teachers are strongly advised to not be employed during their student teaching experience, however GA contracts can be submitted to the graduate office to be reviewed on a case by case basis. -
Are GA's eligible for medical leave of absence?
No, there is no provision for a medical or any other kind of leave of absence from a Graduate Assistantship. GA contracts will be canceled as soon as a student decides to withdraw from the University and submits a resignation letter to the graduate studies office. Please refer to the handbook. -
If I have a GA position in the current semester and withdraw from the University, would I be eligible for a GA position the next semester?
This situation would be reviewed on a case by case basis. Special consideration is given to students who have to withdraw due to medical reasons and can provide documentation. -
Do GA's have an official start date and end date?
The general start and end dates are as follows:- Summer term I - May 15 to June 30
- Summer term II - July 1 to August 15
- Academic Year - August 15 to May 15
- Fall only - August 15 to December 15
- Spring only - January 2 - May 15
- Fiscal Year July 1 to June 30
Do GA's have to work during fall or spring break?
Yes, GA's work according to the campus office schedule. When offices are open, GA's are required to work their hours. When offices are closed--such as holidays or closings due to weather--GA's are not required to work or make up those hours. -
How much do GA's get paid and when?
Stipend levels vary between programs. For academic year contracts (Aug 15 - May 15), the stipend is paid in 8 equal installments on the last business day of the month from September to April. -
What are my employee rights as a GA?
Graduate Assistants should have clear job assignments. Other rights, the evaluation process for GAs, and the appeals process are discussed in the GA Handbook (page 11)
Is the Best Plus OPI test a one time test or does one have to take it every year?
The Best Plus Oral Proficiency Interview is a one-time test that, if passed, holds for the duration of your time here at ETSU. Students can choose to repeat the test if they wish to try and increase their scores. -
Do non-resident alien Graduate Assistants have to fill out the International Employee/Student Tax Questionnaire every year?
Non-resident alien students must fill out and submit a questionnaire along with each new GA contract that is submitted to the graduate studies office to ensure the student will get taxed properly. The questionnaire can be found here. -
What happens if a GA is put on academic probation?
As stated in the GA Handbook, GA's must maintain a 3.0 grade point average. One who fails to maintain a 3.0 may be allowed 1 semester to remedy the grade deficiency. -
Are parking permits or decals for full-time GA's available for faculty parking?
No, although GA’s are paid by ETSU, they are not considered faculty. Students who also work part-time or are adjunct faculty for ETSU do not qualify to park in faculty/staff parking areas either. -
What are the procedures for resignation from a GA position?
If you wish to resign from your GA position you must send a resignation letter to the graduate school and to your supervisor stating your reasons and the date you will stop working. If you resign mid-semester and retain your classes you will be billed for a pro-rated portion of the tuition. If you resign and withdraw from the university, a pro-rated portion of tuition will be due.
Available Graduate Assistantship Positions
The following list represents some Graduate Assistantship positions available across campus. This list is updated frequently. It is not an exhaustive list; academic programs may have Graduate Assistantship positions available that are not listed.
Unit managers: To remove a GA advertisement, contact the webmaster at
Full Graduate Assistantships - College of Medicine Dean's Office
Full Graduate Assistantships - College of Medicine Dean's Office
Number of Positions: 1
Contract Dates: -
Possible Renewal: Yes
Job Description:
Graduate Assistant, Advancement Research and Stewardship
The Graduate Assistant (GA) for Advancement Research and Stewardship will contribute to the overall mission of ETSU Quillen College of Medicine and support our fundraising development efforts. The GA will support the Director of Development for the Quillen College of Medicine by conducting in-depth alumni donor and prospect research to update our database. The GA will assist with creating dynamic content (alumni e-newsletters, social media, thank you correspondence) to support donor stewardship, retention, and repeat giving. The GA will also play an instrumental role in creating and implementing stewardship processes. The GA will also support the Dean’s Office with various projects. The GA will work under the direction of the Director of Development for Quillen College of Medicine, the Business Manager in the Office of the Dean, and the Special Assistant to the Dean, Quillen College of Medicine. This role requires a very high level of discretion and confidentiality.
In office work hours are available Monday-Friday 8 am-4:40 pm and can be flexible to accommodate class schedule.
Job Qualifications:
• Excellent verbal, writing, and grammar skills.
• Excellent customer service skills and professional demeanor.
• Ability to utilize online research tools and platforms.
• Ability to maintain confidentiality.
• Must be able to create social media posts, videos, and graphic design pieces.
• Excellent penmanship.
• Ability to take initiative and develop ideas to help further the goals of the Quillen College of Medicine.
• High level of attention to detail and follow-up.
• Organized, able to work with little supervision.
• Proficient in Microsoft Applications, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
• Other duties as assigned.Job Requirements:
• Research medical alumni and update database records. Be able to analyze information available and communicate relevant information to support the cultivation and stewardship of alumni.
• Assist with donor stewardship tasks including sending handwritten thank you cards, birthday cards, graduation programs, White Coat ceremony programs, and other stewardship gifts to assigned donors. This includes the addressing and mailing process.
• Create impact/stewardship reports for each donor-funded scholarship and account to send to all yearly donors. This includes design, collection of information for reports, addressing, and mailing.
• Assist with planning and executing events, including alumni dinners, reunions, and other stewardship gatherings.
• Assist in fundraising activities for ETSU Day of Giving
• Other duties and special projects as assigned and needed by the Director of Development, Business Manager, and Special Assistant to the Dean.Application Instructions:
Please send resume and cover letter to Karin Von Kaenel at:
Contact Information
Karin Von Kaenel
College of Medicine Dean's Office
Phone: 423-439-6316
Full Graduate Assistantships - Housing and Residence Life
Full Graduate Assistantships - Housing and Residence Life
Number of Positions: 2
Contract Dates: -
Possible Renewal: Yes
Job Description:
The Resident Director (RD) position facilitates and ensures that the residential experience engages students and fosters an atmosphere conductive to the personal development and growth of residents and staff. RDs work together, and with the Department of Housing and Residence Life (DHRL) in establishing and supporting Departmental academic initiatives, living-learning communities, the residential curriculum, and enacting our residential model. Additionally, RDs provide support for University and Student Life and Enrollment initiatives.
This is a live-in position with a contract of one academic year (fall and spring semesters). This GA is not available during summer terms, although summer employment is available in the department.
Full details regarding the RD position, including a more complete description, can be reviewed on our website here:
Job Qualifications:
Previous experience in residence life is preferred, but not required. Knowledge of student development and residential living-learning philosophies, interpersonal communication, and organizational skills are necessary to lead and direct hall staff and students.
RDs must have an ability to interact with a diverse student population. Other qualifications include the ability to be flexible, work as a team, prioritize tasks, prioritize duties, and effectively complete the various components of the RD position, including the following physical requirements:
* Visually assess the community, surroundings, and situations that occur spontaneously, and respond accordingly;
* Verbally communicate with staff, residents, and supervisors in casual and crisis situations;
* Use and operate keys/access cards, elevators, duty phones, and computer systems;
* Access and respond to situations where they occur (i.e. inside student rooms, bathrooms, hallways, stairwells, elevators, and building lobbies).Job Requirements:
In accordance with Tennessee state law, all residence hall and apartment staff must successfully pass a national and local criminal background check and have fingerprints on file with ETSU Police (Public Safety) prior to starting work.
Please note that this GA position requires that candidates possess a social security number (required for the national and local criminal background check) and be eligible to work in the United States, prior to applying for the RD position.
For a full list of requirements associated with the RD position, visit and review the Prospective RD Guidebook.
Application Instructions:
A complete application packet for the RD position consists of all items below, which must be printed and sent via instructions in the Prospective RD Guidebook:
* A cover letter, addressing motivations for applying for the RD position, description of activities in residence life or student life that the candidate has participated in that they feel qualifies them for the RD position, and a definition of what community development means to the candidate, and how they would establish this within a residential environment;
* A resume that includes ALL employment that has been held, both full and part-time), starting with their most recent position. The resume should also address educational background and GPA.
* A completed ETSU Resident Director online application, available at
* An in-house Resident Director application, found within the Prospective RD Guidebook online at
Contact Information
Dr. Adrianna Guram
Housing and Residence Life
Phone: 4234394446
Full Graduate Assistantships - Department of Intercollegiate Athletics
Full Graduate Assistantships - Department of Intercollegiate Athletics
Number of Positions: 2
Contract Dates: 08/15/2025 - 05/15/2026
Possible Renewal: Yes
Job Description:
Integral to the academic support of student-athletes at ETSU, the graduate assistantship affords individuals an opportunity to gain hands-on experience with student-athlete services, programming, and initiatives at the NCAA Division I level. The individual(s) will be responsible for mentoring a cohort of student-athletes for whom they track student progress, provide learning support, and monitor study hall. The Graduate Assistant(s) will also work directly with the coaching staff for their respective sports. The Graduate Assistant position is a one-year appointment, with the opportunity for renewal. Graduate Assistants will be required to work 20 hours a week including some nights and weekends. The position runs from the start of Fall term through the end of Spring term (mid-August through Mid-May) each year.
Job Qualifications:
-Strong interest in working in Academic Advising.
-Admission to a Master's Program at East Tennessee State University by July 1st and approval by the Graduate School to receive a graduate assistantship
-Cumulative undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0.
-Available to work flexible hours, nights, and weekends
-Ability to work in a collaborative creative environment producing work that not only aligns with the overall mission of the department but also advances the overall goal.
-Must have a keen sense of confidentiality and the ability to exercise sound judgment.
-Possess excellent written and oral communication skills.
-Must have strong interpersonal skills, operate meticulously, and set appropriate professional boundaries with student-athletes.
-Willingness to learn, understand, and adhere to university, department, and NCAA rules and regulations.Job Requirements:
-Have availability during operating hours (8am-5pm, Monday-Thursday, 8am-4:30pm Friday, some weekends)
-Provide support for the day-to-day operations of the Student-Athlete Services Department.
-Advise and monitor the academic progress (continuing eligibility) of a cohort of student-athletes in accordance with NCAA, Conference, and University policies.
-Generate academic reports and summaries.
-Hold weekly meetings and/or proctor study halls for a designated cohort. -Participate in recruiting presentations as applicable.
-Perform other duties as assigned.Application Instructions:
Email a one-page statement of purpose, resume, and intended graduate program to Dr. Elizabeth Forbes (, Director of Student-Athlete Success. Please note that a final offer cannot be made until you are accepted into a graduate program at ETSU.
Contact Information
Dr. Elizabeth Delane Forbes
Department of Intercollegiate Athletics
Phone: 423-439-6433
PO Box: 70707