Forms Initiated by Students
Tuition/Residency Forms
- Border County Request for In-State Tuition Rate:
- Request form for students from selected counties in North Carolina and Virginia to
request in-state tuition rate
- Note: Students will also need to complete the Residency Information Form
- Request form for students from selected counties in North Carolina and Virginia to
request in-state tuition rate
Regulations for Classifying Students In-State and Out-of-State- For admission purposes, regulations for classifying students in-state and out-of-state for the purpose of paying college or university fees and tuition
Residency Information Form (Short Form for Tennessee Residents):- Tennessee Residents may complete this form for evaluation of residency status.
Residency Inquiry Form (Long Residency Form):- Form completed by the student for evaluation of residency status to determine classification
for admission and fee purposes.
- Note: Completed applications and all documentation must be submitted by the official census date (Fall and Spring semesters: 14 calendar days from the first official day of classes/Summer semester: date is adjusted for condensed summer sessions) for the semester you are seeking reclassification.
- Form completed by the student for evaluation of residency status to determine classification
for admission and fee purposes.
- Statement in Support of Application for Fee Classification for Part-Time Students
- Form completed by the student whose address is outside of Tennessee while employed
full-time in Tennessee. Attach a letter from the employer (on business letterhead)
stating full-time employment status. The form and employer letter must be submitted
each term of enrollment to verify full-time enrollment.
- See TO THE APPLICANT section on the form for additional information.
- Form completed by the student whose address is outside of Tennessee while employed
full-time in Tennessee. Attach a letter from the employer (on business letterhead)
stating full-time employment status. The form and employer letter must be submitted
each term of enrollment to verify full-time enrollment.
- Admission Deferment Request :
- Form to request deferment upon admission.
- Note: Requests for deferral must be submitted 5 business days before the first day of classes for the admitted starting semester/subterm. An offer of admission to the Graduate School is made for a specific semester/subterm. An applicant may request one (1) deferral for up to one (1) year from the initial semester/subterm of admission.
- Form to request deferment upon admission.
- Graduate Academic Fresh Start:
- Academic Fresh Start is a plan of academic forgiveness available to transfer and readmission students. Candidates may apply for Academic Fresh Start prior to admission or readmission as a degree-seeking student or at any time after enrollment.
Readmission Form:- Form to request readmission
- Note: A new application is required if you completed your program and wish to take additional courses or change programs.
- Form to request readmission
- Transfer Credit Form:
- Application for Transfer of Graduate Credits.
- Graduate School Transfer and/or Acceptance of Graduate Credit Policy
- Note: Official transcripts for credit must be on file with the Graduate School before transfer can be approved. Credit taken after admission to ETSU should be cleared with the student’s advisory committee in advance of enrollment. Students may request transfer of up to 50% of their coursework from another institution with a grade of no less than a “B” in each course; matriculation dates start from the earliest course.
Undergraduate Taking Graduate Classes:- Request to enroll in Graduate courses prior to completion of Undergraduate degree.
- Graduate Assistant/ Tuition Scholar Handbook
- Covers GA/TS introduction, university policies and procedures, and university resources/services
Application for Employment Form- Application of employment to be used after completing a departmental contract. The following forms are also required:
Program Forms
- Change in Program- Option, Concentration, Catalog:
- Complete this form to request a change in graduate program- option, concentration, catalog
- Dual Graduate Program:
- Form to request to pursue two graduate programs concurrently.
- Extension of Time Form/Re-validation of Credit:
- Request form to apply for a time extension and/or re-validation of credit
- Late Drop Form:
- Form to request the late drop of some, but NOT all courses.
- Note: Students should continue attending class and submitting coursework while awaiting the Dean's decision. Deadline dates for Late Drops with Dean Permission - see academic calendar:
- Form to request the late drop of some, but NOT all courses.
- Second Graduate Program Form:
- Form to request the pursuit of a second graduate program
- Satisfaction of Required Provisions Form:
- For students admitted with provisions to show satisfaction of requirements
- Apply to Graduate
- Application to apply for graduation
- Candidacy Form for Doctoral Degree
- Complete this form to apply for candidacy for your doctoral degree. (all prerequisites for admission to candidacy, graduate as well as undergraduate must have been completed) Thesis/Dissertation Submission and Review Information
- Change Graduation Term:
- Form to change graduation term
- Request to Note Credits Earned Above Requirements for a Degree on Academic Record:
- Form for students who earn credits in addition to those required in the planned program
of study and wish to request the Graduate School to define the extra coursework as
post-degree credit on their academic transcript.
- Note: The request should be made during the anticipated graduation term and must be made prior to awarding of the degree; courses cannot be so defined once the degree is awarded. The Graduate School will not interpret or alter the transcript once the degree is awarded.
- Form for students who earn credits in addition to those required in the planned program
of study and wish to request the Graduate School to define the extra coursework as
post-degree credit on their academic transcript.
- Checklist of Requirements for Submission of Thesis/Dissertation:
- Electronic Thesis/ Dissertation (ETD) checklist of requirements
- Thesis and Dissertation Guide:
- Thesis and Dissertation guides for students. This guide includes Preparation, Format Specifications, Format Options, Submission, Review, Deadlines and Requirements
Thesis/Dissertation Submission Forms:- Manuscript Review Form- (Three Signatures)
- Form to be initiated by the student that all committee members sign to certify that a thesis or dissertation is fully approved and ready for Graduate School review.
- Manuscript Review Form- (Four Signatures)
- Form to be initiated by the student that all committee members sign to certify that a thesis or dissertation is fully approved and ready for Graduate School review.
- Manuscript Review Form- (Five Signatures)
- Form to be initiated by the student that all committee members sign to certify that a thesis or dissertation is fully approved and ready for Graduate School review.
- ProQuest Author Agreement:
- Thesis and Dissertation Dissemination Agreement
- Survey of Earned Doctorates:
- Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) login website; The SED collects information on the doctoral recipient's educational history, demographic characteristics, and postgraduation plans. Results are used to assess characteristics of the doctoral population and trends in doctoral education and degrees.
- Manuscript Review Form- (Three Signatures)
Committee Forms
- Committee Appointment Form:
- Form initiated by the student to have a committee appointed to them.
Change of Committee Form:- Complete this application form to request a change in graduate advisory committee
Request for Reinstatement Following Dismissal
Leave of Absence
Accelerated Bachelors to Masters (ABM)
- Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Plan Submission Form
- Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's- Request to Enroll
- Request form to enroll in graduate coursework for accelerated Bachelor's to Master's
- Note: The student must be admitted to an accelerated bachelor's to master's program
for a petition to be considered, and all requirements must be met.
- Note: The student must be admitted to an accelerated bachelor's to master's program
for a petition to be considered, and all requirements must be met.
- Request form to enroll in graduate coursework for accelerated Bachelor's to Master's
Forms Initiated by Faculty Employment
- Application for Graduate Faculty Status Appointment:
- Application form used to apply for Graduate Faculty Status Appointment (The deadline for completed applications is the first Friday of each month.)
- Instructions for the Graduate Faculty Appointment Form
- Guidelines for Graduate Faculty Appointment
- Application for Temporary Graduate Faculty Status Appointment:
- Application form used to apply for Temporary Graduate Faculty Appointment. Once completed,
submit to your department chair for review and approval.
- Note: Attach a curriculum vitae, if not submitted within the last two years.
- Volunteer Form :
- Required for Graduate Faculty that are not ETSU Employees; Volunteer Form to be completed by Graduate Faculty that are not ETSU Employees
- Application form used to apply for Temporary Graduate Faculty Appointment. Once completed,
submit to your department chair for review and approval.
GA/TS Job Vacancy Form- Complete this form to have available GA/TS positions posted to the Graduate School website (For departmental use only).
GA/TS Performance Review Form- Form used to evaluate the performance of a Graduate Assistant/ Tuition Scholar
Results of Examination
- Results of Culminating Experience Form
- This form is to be completed by the coordinator when the student has completed all requirements
- Results of Revalidation
- This form is to be completed by the coordinator upon successful completion of course revalidation.
Results of Thesis/Dissertation Defense- This form is to be submitted by the committee chair when the committee has reached a consensus.
- Notification of Thesis/Dissertation Defense
- Form initiated by the committee chair used to notify graduate school at least 10 days prior to defense to schedule an outside observer
Outside Observer narrative report:- Form completed by the Graduate Faculty Representative at the Oral Defense of the Thesis or Dissertation
- Outside Observer-Information for Faculty
- Outstanding Thesis, Dissertation, and Capstone Awards
- Nomination form for outstanding thesis/ dissertation/ capstone award. Up to five awards will be given out each year, one for each of the following:
Coordinator Forms
- Change in Program- Courses:
- Form completed by faculty/staff to Change Program Courses
Coordinator Update Form:- Form completed by faculty/staff to change a program coordinator
- Coordinator Appointment Policy
- Deadline Change Form:
- For coordinators to request changes to update the application deadlines in the application system
Graduate Course Overload Form:- Form completed by the Committee Chair or Graduate Coordinator and submitted to the Graduate School Dean to request graduate course overload.
Results of Culminating Experience Form- This form is to be completed by the coordinator when the student has completed all requirements
OPI Score Report:- Oral Proficiency (Best Plus) Score Report