Health & Safety
Emergency Information
In the event of an emergency, first contact your program leader and International
SOS for assistance.
International SOS: +1 (215) 942-8478 or contact using the app. See the list of ISOS assistance centers here.
ETSU Police Department: +1 (423) 439-4480
Study Abroad email:
Risk Assessment
Each program approved by ETSU undergoes a risk assessment process led by ETSU and/or our partner organizations and universities. In general, programs offered by our partner organizations and universities are endorsed. However, there may be exceptions and ETSU may withdraw approval for an endorsed program at any time. See below for more information.
State Department Travel Advisories
Resources used during the risk assessment process include Travel Advisories issued by the State Department. Countries with a Level 3 Advisory are subject to further approval from the International Travel Risk Assessment and Advisory Committee. Students and Employees are not permitted to travel to countries or regions with a Level 4 Advisory or to any location for which the State Department has issued a mandatory evacuation order. More information can be found HERE. -
Unaffiliated/Independent Programs
Certain programs may require additional vetting procedures, including programs to certain locations and programs unaffiliated with ETSU. Such programs will be examined by the International Travel Risk Assessment and Advisory Committee.
ETSU faculty members leading programs abroad should contact Chris Keller for more information.
Study Abroad Policy & Requirements
Policy on Risk Assessment and Management for Education Abroad Programs
International SOS (ISOS)
International SOS is a health & safety service firm and a leader in international risk management. Their Assistance Centres are available 24/7 for health, security, or travel advice, including lost documents, referral of local medical providers, and assistance during critical health incidents or emergencies. You can see the list of assistance centers HERE.
ISOS can work directly with ETSU's international insurance providers to pre-approve medical expenses that cost over a certain amount and to help file claims.
ISOS Assistance App
ISOS offers a mobile app that makes it easier to plan travel, use their services, and receive real-time notifications of potential health and safety hazards in your area and information about how to stay safe. All students participating in education abroad programs are required to register their travel information in the app. Registration is free using your ETSU email and password. More information is available HERE.
ISOS Portal
The online portal offered by ISOS contains information that can be helpful when planning
a trip abroad. Their travel guides contain travel advice, active alerts, entry/exit
requirements, cultural tips, language & money information, geography & weather information,
health & safety information and more. Log in using your ETSU email and password HERE
International Travel & Medical Insurance
Cultural Insurance Services International (CISI) offers comprehensive international travel, medical, and security insurance. It is valid for nearly any international destination. Specific travel dates and locations are required when enrolling. ETSU has our own CISI plan for education abroad program participants that is integrated with ISOS services. For detailed policy information, please email
Who is enrolled?
- All students studying abroad through ETSU are required to enroll in ETSU's CISI insurance plan, regardless of other insurance coverage.
- A self-enrollment link can be found in the Bucs Abroad Predeparture Travel Form.
- Upon enrollment, you will receive a member card, policy, and claim information to your email address.
- What is covered?
- Medical expenses for accidents and illness
- Trip cancellation, delay, interruption, lost bags
- Security & medical evacuation
- What is not covered?
- Routine medical, dental, or vision care
- Treatments that are not medically necessary
- Injuries due to mountaineering where ropes or guides are normally used, hang gliding, parachuting, parasailing, bungee jumping, racing by horse, motor vehicle, or motorcycle
- What is covered?
Claims Assistance
CISI Claims Department (9-5 EST, M-F):
- Phone: (800) 303-8120 (toll-free) | (203) 399-5130
- Email:
Team Assist (24/7/365) - International SOS (ISOS):
Please note that it generally takes 6-7 weeks or 30-35 business days for CISI claims to process.
It is recommended that each student complete the following steps before departing
for their study abroad program:
- All students traveling on ETSU-approved programs are required to complete a two predeparture forms in the Bucs Abroad portal: the Predeparture Advising Form and the Predeparture Travel Form.
- These forms ask for travel information, passport number, medical history (optional), an upload of the CISI insurance card, and more.
- Medical information added to this form is used only as needed for predeparture advising and/or in the event of an emergency.
- Medical information added to this form is never used to determine a student's eligibility for studying abroad.
Predeparture Meetings
All students attending ETSU-approved education abroad programs are required to attend predeparture meetings led by Education Abroad Coordinators, their program/university abroad, and/or their ETSU faculty leader. During these meetings, more information and steps will be provided.
- CDC recommended vaccinations:
- State Department Travel Advisories:
- ETSU Direct Deposit:
- ETSU First Mate access:
- Microsoft Authenticator app: