Promotion and Tenure Committee
The Promotion and Tenure Committee reviews all dossiers according to university policies,
procedures, criteria, and schedule in accord with the ETSU faculty handbook; maintain
confidentiality of all committee deliberations and decisions.
Membership Structure
Includes members of the tenured full-time faculty at professorial ranks.
Terms of Membership
Members will be appointed to a three-year term but with the option to renew. Members cannot serve on department committees and membership may need to be adjusted based on candidate for promotion. Chairs/Deans cannot serve on the committee and the college committee needs to consist of six members.
Specific Guidelines
Convene all meetings of the committee; prepare and distribute an agenda to all members prior to each meeting; maintain a record of all original documents of the business of the committee; provide a summary of actions; submit committee documents to the Dean's Office; submit recommendations in the protenure system according to university policies, procedures, criteria, and schedule in accord with ETSU Faculty Handbook (Sections 2 Employment)
Dr. Megan Quinn