Curriculum Committee
The Curriculum Committee reviews all UG and graduate curriculum proposals affecting
COPH curricula; evaluate policies regarding the COPH curricula; direct College curriculum
proposals to the Dean for action and forward to the University Curriculum and Graduate
Council as appropriate.
Membership Structure
One faculty member from each department, appointed by the Dean upon recommendation by the Chair will serve a three-year term, the associate dean for academic affairs serving as ex officio member; student representative selected by the Student Council. Chair will be elected by the voting members of the committee to serve a two-year term after serving in the position of Chair-elect for one-year.
Terms of Membership
Members will be appointed for a three-year term so staggered that not more than one-third of the committee will be changed each year.
Specific Guidelines
The Chair of the committee will be elected by the voting members of the committee to serve a two-year term after serving in the position of Chair-elect for one-year; convene all meetings of the committee; prepare an agenda and distribute to members prior to the meetings. A copy of the agenda shall be distributed for informational purposes to all Departmental Chairs and the dean prior to the meeting; supervise election of the Chair-Elect from committee membership. The co-chair will be elected by vote of membership one year prior to a vacancy in the chair position; serve as Chair during the next two academic years; become chair if serving chair does not complete term of office for a period not to exceed two academic years; convene committee meetings in the absence of the chair; be responsible for continuity and leadership; collaborate with the chair.