Applying to the Master of Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) program at East Tennessee State University
- Apply through the Communication Science and Disorders Centralized Application System (CSDCAS)
- Students must also apply for graduate admission to ETSU through the Graduate School application
- Send in your official GRE (Graduate Record Exam) scores to CSDCAS at: 3972
Separate application fees are required by both CSDCAS and the Graduate School
Two applications are required to apply to this program. Both must be submitted by
February 1st.
Applications open on July 15, 2024 for the Fall 2025 application cycle.
Admission Deadline: Applications for the Fall 2025 cohort will be due by February 1, 2025.
To meet the deadline, ALL required applications and materials, including GRE scores
and letters of recommendation, must be submitted and received by February 1st.
Application Information
The Speech-Language Pathology Program is selective and admits up to 35 students to begin matriculation in the fall semester (August) of each year. The program is 2 years (5 semesters) in length.
Applicants are responsible for ensuring that their applications and supporting materials (letters of recommendation, official transcripts, and GRE scores...) are complete by the application deadline date of February 1st.
Applications to both CSDCAS and the Graduate School must be submitted no later than February 1. Applications will be reviewed in the order that they are received and completed. Applications are available using the links above. -
Observation hours/Clinical Experience
In the application you will be asked to submit your log showing 25 clinical observation hours under the supervision of an SLP. While these hours are not required at the time of application, we encourage you to have them completed so you are familiar with the SLP field. These hours will count as documentation toward your community engagement.
Here is a log template you can use to track your hours. This form is not required, but is being provided in case you need a form to use: SLP Observation Log template
Eligibility Requirements
In addition to meeting the requirements of the Graduate School, students seeking admission to the Master of Speech-Language Pathology program must also meet the Speech-Language Pathology program’s eligibility requirements. To be considered for admission, applicants must have completed, submitted, or met the requirements in items 2-8 below by the application deadline for the application to be eligible for consideration.
Applicants may be enrolled in prerequisite courses (see #10) or in process of completion of the bachelor's degree (see #1) and obervation hours (#9) at the time of application; however, you must be able to successfully complete all prerequisite courses and/or earn the bachelor's degree by the end of the summer semester prior to the fall semester for which you are applying.
Attainment of a bachelor's degree* from a regionally accredited institution (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools or equivalent);- Have an overall GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) in all undergraduate coursework;
- Have an upper-level coursework GPA of 3.2 (on a 4.0 scale);
- Submit official transcript via CSDCAS;
- Submission of official GRE scores (send to CSDCAS at 3972);
- Three recommendations (submitted in CSDCAS);
- Upload your Resume or Curriculum Vitae (submitted in CSDCAS);
- Personal Statements (submitted in CSDCAS);
- Log of 25 Clinical Observation hours (submitted in CSDCAS);
- Completion of the prerequisite courses with no grade in any prerequisite course below a "C" (2.0 on a 4.0 scale);
*While we require completion of bachelor's degree, we do not recommend or require a particular undergraduate program of study. -
Personal Statement Prompts
In the CSDCAS application you will be asked to respond to 4 of the 5 prompts below, in 2500 characters or fewer per answer. Please be sure to include the prompt at the top of your response document.
- Describe how your lived experiences, education, background, and interests have influenced who you are as a person.
- In our graduate program, you’ll be part of multiple diverse communities: a classroom community, a university community, and the wider community. How do you see yourself contributing? What experience do you have contributing to or participating in communities outside of your own?
- What attributes are important for success in graduate school? Which of these attributes do you feel you need to work on personally to be successful?
- Describe a situation in which you were faced with a challenge. Specifically discuss how you responded to that challenge, and how it has shaped your outlook.
- Look at the university’s mission statement (Mission, Vision, and Values at ETSU), identify one attribute, and tell us how you demonstrate that.
Prerequisite Courses
Courses - Credit Hours
Statistics - 3
Biological Science - 3
Physical Science (Chemistry or Physics) - 3
Social Science and Behavior Science - 6
*Basic Human Communication Processes - 15
*These credits should include credits in each of the following areas of speech, language, and hearing: the anatomic and physiologic bases; the physical and psychophysical bases; and the linguistic and psycholinguistic aspects.
ETSU offers online courses that meet these Communication prerequisites. Click here for more information.
If you have questions about if a course meets a prerequisite, please refer to the ASHA webpage If you still have questions after reviewing this site, then email Melanie Falkenberg (, Graduate Admissions Coordinator. -
Holistic Review
The faculty will take a holistic review of your application. In addition to your GPA and GRE scores they will look through your application to find evidence of:
- Academic Achievement (experiences could include research assistant, presentations, scholarships, Dean’s List, awards)
- Community Engagement (experiences could include SLP volunteer, internship, shadowing, observation, camps, Special Olympics)
- Lived Experiences (experiences could include first generation, bilingualism or multiple languages, primary caregiver, non-traditional student, parent, sports team, working while attending college)
- Leadership (experiences could include advocacy, camp counselor, sorority, professional organization)
- Professional Characteristics (some characteristics could include reliability, work ethic, professionalism, interpersonal skills, organized, creative, motivated, passionate, committed)
Please be sure to highlight these areas in your personal statement and application responses.
Essential Functions & Technical Standards
- A physical examination verifying that the student is in good health and free from
communicable disease;
- A tuberculin skin test or X-ray indicating no risk of communicability;
- Current Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) or Basic Cardiac Life Support (BCLS) certification;
- Professional liability insurance coverage;
- Criminal background check through TruScreen, Inc.; and
- The ability to perform, either unaided or with reasonable accommodation, the following
essential functions for clinical practicum in communicative disorders:
- Critical thinking skills sufficient for clinical judgment;
- Interpersonal skills sufficient for effective interaction with individuals and families from a variety of cultural backgrounds;
- Communication skills sufficient for effective written and spoken interaction with others;
- Physical mobility sufficient to move from room to room and maneuver in small spaces;
- Gross and fine motor abilities sufficient for manipulation of evaluation and treatment instruments and materials;
- Visual acuity sufficient for client evaluation and treatment;
- Hearing sensitivity and auditory discrimination are sufficient for client evaluation and treatment.
- A physical examination verifying that the student is in good health and free from
communicable disease;
- The application deadline is not a suggestion! Submit your application materials well in advance of the application deadline. Applications will be processed in the order that they are received and completed.
- Make sure you request transcripts from ALL post-secondary institutions you have attended (even from ETSU). Official transcripts, from all schools, regardless of the number of credits/units completed, must be requested through CSDCAS.
- Send official GRE scores to CSDCAS code: 3972
- Use the checklist that is part of the Graduate School application to track any items missing from your application. The ETSU Grad School staff will use your CSDCAS documents to populate this ETSU checklist prior to sending your application to the SLP Department for review.
- When in doubt about prerequisite courses, ASK! Courses accepted by one University for one requirement may not be accepted by another, so verify course acceptance with the Admissions Coordinator.
- Admission and eligibility requirements apply to all applicants. It is your responsibility
to ensure that you meet the requirements. Applicants who do not meet admission/eligibility
requirements will not be considered for the program.
Any questions about the application process, please contact Melanie Falkenberg (, Graduate Admissions Counselor.
Graduate Assistantships
Full tuition scholarships and half-time graduate assistantships are available for about 50% of graduate students through the Department of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (ASLP). In return, students are to fulfill departmental assignments for 8 to 10 hours a week.
Additional information:
Frequently Asked Questions
Graduate Catalog
SLP MS Program of Study
Tuition & Fees*
Financial Aid
*Does not include special Course fees for CDIS courses.