National Student Speech Language and Hearing Association The National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA) is the only national student organization for pre-professionals studying communication sciences and disorders (CSD) recognized by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). Established in 1972, NSSLHA supports 12,040+ members and 320+ chapters at colleges and universities nationwide. (
The ETSU NSSLHA chapter is one of the few NSSLHA chapters in the country that has received Gold Status because of their high dedication to making a difference in the community and at the university. Read the most recent press release here:
As a graduate student in the ETSU Speech-Language Pathology program, each student is required to be a part of NSSLHA in order to cultivate real world experience during the matriculation of the education program, and to make differences in the community. Audiology students are welcome and encouraged to join NSSLHA.
Each student is required to be a part of one committee on NSSLHA. The committees are: Philanthropy, Fundraising, Social, and Lunch and Learn. The focus on individual committees allows NSSLHA to be as successful as it is, and allows each student to make a meaningful impact on the entire NSSLHA group as they can join a committee based on their interests and strengths.
NSSLHA Officers and members pride themselves in the thought, dedication, and time that goes into each event that directly assists each student into becoming a more competent, aware, and well-rounded clinician. The NSSLHA Officers truly believe that the requirement of being a part of NSSLHA plays a part in making ETSU SLP graduates as successful as they are.