Lady Catherine Cantor Cutiva, SLP, MSc, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
- cantorcutiva@etsu.edu
- 423-439-4315
- Lamb Hall 394
2018 - Post-doctorate program, Michigan State University
2015 - Ph.D., Health Sciences, Erasmus Universiteit – Erasmus Medical Center
2011 - M.S, Health Sciences with Specialization in Public Health, Erasmus Universiteit
2009 - M.S, Health and Safety at Work, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
2005 - B.S, Speech and Language Pathologist and Audiologist, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
· Meridian Award. Association for Women in Science (AWIS). 2024. Washington, USA
· Vocology Latin American Academic Recognition -VOREAL for contributions to the scientific evidence in the field of occupational voice (Vocología Reconocimiento Académico Latinoamericano -VOREAL por los aportes a la evidencia científica en el campo de la voz ocupacional). 2023. Vocology Center, Bogotá D.C., Colombia
· Recognition for your Impulse and Development of Occupational Voice in Latin America (Reconocimiento por su Impulso y Desarrollo de la Voz Ocupacional en Latino-America). 2023. The Voice Foundation Chapter México, Mexico City, Mexico
· National award to Research Trajectory Luis H. Ramírez Collazos (Premio Nacional de Investigación Luis H. Ramírez Collazos). 2020. Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana, Bogotá, Colombia
· Causes and consequences of work-related voice disorders
· Vocal health promotion
· Relationship between voice production and bilingualism
· Multicultural aspects of voice production
· Cantor Cutiva, L. C., Vogel, I., & Burdorf, A. (2013). Voice disorders in teachers and their associations with work-related factors: a systematic review. Journal of Communication Disorders, 46(2), 143-155.
· Hunter, E. J., Cantor-Cutiva, L. C., van Leer, E., Van Mersbergen, M., Nanjundeswaran, C. D., Bottalico, P., Sandage, M & Whitling, S. (2020). Toward a consensus description of vocal effort, vocal load, vocal loading, and vocal fatigue. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 63(2), 509-532.
· Castillo-Allendes, A., Contreras-Ruston, F., Cantor-Cutiva, L. C., Codino, J., Guzman, M., Malebran, C., Manzano, C., Pavez, A., Vaiano, T.,Wilder, F & Behlau, M. (2021). Voice therapy in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: guidelines for clinical practice. Journal of Voice, 35(5), 717-727.
· Cantor Cutiva, L. C., & Burdorf, A. (2015). Effects of noise and acoustics in schools on vocal health in teachers. Noise & Health, 17(74), 17-22.
· Bottalico, P., Codino, J., Cantor-Cutiva, L. C., Marks, K., Nudelman, C. J., Skeffington, J., Shrivastav, R., Jackson-Menaldi, M.C., Hunter, E & Rubin, A. D. (2020). Reproducibility of voice parameters: The effect of room acoustics and microphones. Journal of Voice, 34(3), 320-334.
· Carrillo-Gonzalez, A., Camargo-Mendoza, M., & Cantor-Cutiva, L. C. (2021). Relationship between sleep quality and stress with voice functioning among college professors: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Voice, 35(3), 499-e13.
· Cantor-Cutiva, L. C., Bottalico, P., Nudelman, C., Webster, J., & Hunter, E. J. (2021). Do voice acoustic parameters differ between bilingual english-spanish speakers and monolingual english speakers during english productions?. Journal of Voice, 35(2), 194-202.
· Voice Disorders (SLP5070 – East Tennessee State University)
· Introduction to Speech & Hearing Processes & Disorders (CSD1015-The University of Iowa)
· Speech and Voice Sciences (CSD313-Michigan State University)
· How to think as a researcher (Universidad Manuela Beltrán - Bogotá, Colombia)
· Quantitative research (Universidad Manuela Beltrán - Bogotá, Colombia)
· Principles of Research (Universidad Manuela Beltrán - Bogotá, Colombia)
· Voice physiology and pathology (Universidad Manuela Beltrán - Bogotá, Colombia)
· Nursing in health and safety at work (Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Bogota, Colombia)
· Working conditions (Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Bogota, Colombia)
· Basics in Public Health (Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Bogota, Colombia)
· Management and Legislation at Work (Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Bogota, Colombia)
· Promotion and Surveillance at Work (Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Bogota, Colombia)
· Work and Health Relationship (Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Bogota, Colombia)
· Research seminaries (Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Bogota, Colombia)
· Epidemiological surveillance (Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Bogota, Colombia)
VoCES Research Lab