The University Research and Honors Program (URHP) in Chemistry program is designed to provide an enhanced course of study for chemistry majors who seek a challenging and stimulating college experience.
Students enrolled in any of the major concentrations in chemistry, and who are eligible, may participate in the Universitry Research and Honors Program. URHP scholars must complete all department degree requirements including a total of 12 hours of honors courses within the department plus an Honors Thesis research project in chemistry (6 hours).
Chemistry is an experimental science. We believe the laboratory component to be the
underpinning which illustrates chemical principles and generates enthusiasm among
students. With this philosophy, the URHP program in Chemistry seeks to:
- Enrich the student's experience in chemistry by providing challenging opportunities for study in and beyond the classroom.
- Provide an environment that encourages individual investigation of chemical principles and phenomena in the laboratory.
- Develop mentoring relationships with faculty and peers through small group interactions in classes, seminars, and investigative projects.
- Involve students in independent research in close cooperation with a mentoring faculty so they may experience the excitement and satisfaction of scientific discovery.
An Application for the program can be submitted here:
Undergraduate Research Honors Program - Chemistry
For additional information contact:
Department of Chemistry
P.O. Box 70695
East Tennessee State university
Johnson City, TN 37614
(423) 439-4928