The Office of University Counsel provides legal advice and assistance to the Board of Trustees, ETSU administrators, and employees acting within the scope of their official duties. While University Counsel advises on legal risks associated with actions or proposed courses of action, ETSU administrators determine what level of action is acceptable under the circumstances.
University Counsel is employed for the sole and exclusive representation of ETSU. University Counsel can neither provide legal advice to students, faculty, or staff in their personal capacities nor on matters that are adverse to ETSU's operations or interests.
For personal legal advice, students and employees may need to consult with a private attorney. The Tennessee Bar Association offers many resources, including a Lawyer Referral Service. In addition, eligible individuals may qualify for free legal services from Legal Aid of East Tennessee.
The Office of the University Counsel’s website is for informational purposes only. Its content is not legal advice and should not be relied on as such. The laws, regulations, policies, and legal authorities referenced on the site are subject to change; thus, periodically the site may not always reflect the current state of the law, but will be updated when possible.