Dr. Christopher Keller
Dean of Honors College & Senior International Officer
The Honors College at ETSU provides programs that wrap experiential learning opportunities and high-impact practices around academmically rigorous and unique courses and curricula.
Students in the honors college not only engage in honors coursework but also study abroad, participate in community-engaged learning, intern with a diverse array of organizations, and work with faculty on undergraduate research projects.
As our mission states, We hold a healthy disregard of the impossible. We believe that—when it comes to our students, staff, faculty, and partners—everyone can be a positive agent of change who engages in meaningful and purposeful work for the betterment of their own lives, their communities, and others around the globe. And we strive to offer unique and powerful educational opportunities that generate remarkable stories, stories our students tell about their experiences at ETSU that inspire feelings of admiration, trust, and enthusiasm in all those who listen to them.
I invite you to explore the opportunities available by the Honors College at ETSU
and learn what it means to create a remarkable story.
Visit Us
The Honors College
East Tennessee State University
Carter Hall
P. O. Box 70589
Johnson City, TN 37614-1708
Phone: 423-439-6076
Dr. Christopher Keller
Dean, Honors College & Senior International Officer
114 Carter Hall