Students, faculty and staff in the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology work together on many scholarly activities across diverse issues concerning populations and their health. Spring 2019 proved to be productive. Below is a listing of the dissemination of the Department’s contributions to public health.
Faculty and Student Scholarly Activities 2019
International Research Meetings
Nickel JC. Iwasaki LR. Liu Y. (2019) Mechanobehavior and Mandibular Posterior Vertical Height in Different Facial Types. IADR/AADR/CADR General Session & Exhibition. Vancouver, British Columbia, CA. June 19-22.
Ramzan N, Panchal H, Leinaar E*, Nwabueze C, Zheng S, Paul T. (2019) Poster Presentation: Investigating the Association between Chronic Kidney Disease and Clinical Outcomes. 7th Epidemiology and Public Health Conference. Dubai, UAE. June 17-18.
National Research Meetings
Hess P, Liu Y, Lugo R. (2019) Six-Year Analysis of Statin Utilization Rates in a Primary Care Clinic before and after the 2013 ACC/AHA Cholesterol Guidelines. 2019 ASHP Summer Meetings and Exhibition. Boston, Massachusetts, USA. June 8-12.
Raju S, Paulin LM, Putcha N, Brigham E, Balasubramanian A, Maisonet M, Hansel NN, McCormack MC. (2019) Poster Presentation: Rural Residence is Independently Associated with COPD Prevalence and Morbidity in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. American Thoracic Society 2019 International Conference. Dallas, TX, USA. May 15-20.
Regional Research Venues
Awujoola A, Orimaye SO*, Oke A*, Mokikan M, Odebunmi OO*, Paul T, Mamudu HM, Alamian A, Stewart DW, Poole AM, Walker T, Blackwell G. (2019) Association between Multiple Cardiovascular Comorbidities and the Prevalence of Heart Attack among Peripheral Arterial Disease Patients in Rural Central Appalachia. Appalachian Student Research Forum. Johnson City, Tennessee, USA. April 12.
Barbee J, Spaulding A, Nwabueze C, Zheng S, Veeranki S*. (2019) Oral Presentation: National and Tennessee Trends in BMI Percentile, Obesity, and Overweight Rates Among Youth Using YRBSS Data 1999-2017. Appalachian Student Research Forum. Johnson City, Tennessee, USA. April 12.
Maisonet M. (2019) Oral Presentation: Human Health and the Environment: Where are we now and where do we go from here? ETSU Department of Social Work, 2019 Social Work Professional Development Conference. Johnson City, Tennessee, USA. March 1.
Maisonet M, Li Y, Galiatsatos P. (2019) Oral Presentation: Household Air Pollution and Respiratory Health. Tennessee Environmental Conference. Kingsport, Tennessee, USA. March 18-20.
Mokikan M, Orimaye SO*, Awujoola A, Odebunmi OO*, Oke A*, Alamian A, Stewart DW, Wang L, Poole AM, Walker T, Mamudu HM. (2019) The Influence of Diabetes on Peripheral Arterial Disease Comorbidities in the Central Appalachian Region between 2008 and 2018. Appalachian Student Research Forum. Johnson City, Tennessee, USA. April 12.
Odebunmi OO*, Orimaye SO*, Mokikan M, Awujoola A, Oke A*, Poole AM, Paul T, Walker T, Alamian A, Stewart DW, Mamudu HM. (2019) Identifying Multiple Risk Factors of Hypertension for Reducing the Prevalence of Peripheral Arterial Disease in Rural Central Appalachia. Appalachian Student Research Forum. Johnson City, Tennessee, USA, April 12.
Onatolu B, Panchal H, Leinaar E*, Zheng S, Paul T. (2019) Oral Presentation: Association of Demographics and Chronic Kidney Disease with and without Dialysis. Appalachian Student Research Forum. Johnson City, Tennessee, USA. April 12.
Ramzan N, Panchal H, Leinaar E*, Nwabueze C, Zheng S, Paul T. (2019) Poster Presentation: Investigating the Association between Chronic Kidney Disease and Clinical Outcomes. Appalachian Student Research Forum. Johnson City, Tennessee, USA. April 12.
Spaulding A, Barbee J, Hale N, Smith M, Leinaar E*, Zheng S, Khoury A. (2019) Oral Presentation: Analysis of Birth Rate and Predictors Using Linear Regression Model and Propensity Score Matching Method. Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, Tennessee, USA. April 12.
Yin J, Wang N, Huang B, Ruan Y, Amico R, Vermund S, Qian H, Zheng S. (2019) Poster Presentation: Association between Stigma and Intimate Partner Violence among Newly HIV-Diagnosed Chinese Men Who Have Sex with Men. Poster presentation presented at the Appalachian Student Research Forum. Johnson City, Tennessee, USA. April 12.
Gong S*, Wang K, Li Y, Alamian A. (2019) The Influence of Immigrant Generation on Obesity among Asian Americans in California from 2013 to 2014. PLOS One. February 22, 2019.
Leinaar E*, Johnson L, Yadav R*, Rahman A*, Alamian A. (2019) Healthcare Access, Pregnancy Intention, and Contraceptive Practices among Reproductive-Aged Women Receiving Medication-Assisted Therapy for Opioid Drug Use in Northeast Tennessee. Southern Medical Journal. Jul;112(7):382-386. doi: 10.14423/SMJ.0000000000000990.
Liu Y, Collins C*, Wang K, Xie X, Bie R. (2019) The Prevalence and Trend of Depression among Veterans in the United States. Journal of Affective Disorders. 245(2):724-727. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2018.11.031.
Liu Y, Wang K. (2019) Comparisons of Four Discrete Distribution in Count Regression using Elders’s Missing Teeth Data. Journal of Biometrics & Biostatistics. 10:427.
Lu J, Guo M, Wang H, Wang L, Yu X, Zhang X. (2019) Association between Pancreatic Atrophy and Loss of Insulin Secretory Capacity in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of Diabetes Research. 2019: 6371231.
Mamudu HM, Wang L, Owusu D*, Robertson C, Collins C*, Littleton MA. (2019) Prospective Study of Dual Use of E-Cigarettes and other Tobacco Products Among School-Going Youth in Rural Appalachian Tennessee. Annals of Thoracic Medicine. 14(2):127-133.
Owusu D*, Mamudu H, Collins C*, Robertson C, Wang L, Boghozian R, Littleton MA. (2019) The Usage and Associated Factors of Alternative Tobacco Products among School-Going Youth in Central Appalachia. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. 30(1):249-264.
Owusu D*, Robertson C, Wang L, Guy H, Collins C*, Rafie B, Littleton MA, Mamudu H. (2019) Intention to Try Tobacco among Middle School Students in a Predominantly Rural Environment of Central Appalachia. Substance Use and Misuse. 2019:1-10.
Paul T, Alamin A, Subedi P*, Zhang M, Diab MM, Alamian A, Wang L, Blackwell G, Mamudu H. Association between Cardiovascular Risk Factors and the Diameter of the Thoracic Aorta in Asymptomatic Population in the Central Appalachian Region. Journal of Thoracic Disease. 11(8). doi: 10.21037/jtd.2019.08.09.
Wang K, Chen X, Ward S, Liu Y, Ouedraogo Y, Xu C, Cederbaum AI, Lu Y. (2019) CYP2A6 is Associated with Obesity: Studies in Human Samples and a High Fat Diet Mouse Model. International Journal of Obesity. 43(4):475-486. doi: 10.1038/s41366-018-0037-x.
Wang N, Chu J, Liu Y, Wang K, Xie X. (2019) Variable Reduction for Past Year Alcohol and Drug Use in Unmet Need for Mental Health Services among US Adults. Journal of Affective Disorders. 256:110-116. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2019.05.069.
Wang YX, Liu C, Chen YC, Duan P, Wang Q, Chen C, Sun Y, Huang LL, Wang L, Chen C, Li J, Ai SH, Huang Z, Sun L, Wan ZZ, Pan A, Meng T, Lu. (2019) WQliu x. Profiles, Variability and Predictors of Concentrations of Blood Trihalomethanes and Urinary Haloacetic Acids Over the Course of Pregnancy among 1760 Chinese Women. Environmental Research. 172:665-674.
Wang Y, Ma L, Zhao L, Gao L, Xue H, Wang L, Ding Y, Li Y, Qu W, Chang S. (2019) National Policies and Intervention Programs on Childhood Obesity Prevention in China. Current Developments in Nutrition. 3(Supplement_1).
Wei JX, Bhurtyal A, Dhungana R, Bhattarai B, Zheng J, Wang L, Sun XM, Maskey M, Wang Y. (2019) Changes in Patterns of the Double Burden of Under- and Over-Nutrition in Nepal Over Time. Obesity Reviews. 20(9):1321-1334.
Faculty and Student Scholarly Activities 2018
International Research Meetings
McCormack M, Koehler K, Hansel N, Scheuerman P, Li Y, Maisonet M. (2018) Implementation of a Panel Exposure and Health Study in a Rural Setting. 2018 International Society of Exposure Science and International Society for Environmental Epidemiology Joint Annual Meeting. Ottawa, Canada. August 26-30.
National Research Meetings
Ozodiegwu I, Quinn M, Doctor H, Mamudu H. (2018) Socioeconomic Status and Overweight in Low-Income Countries: A Case Study of the Modifying Role of Education on the Association between Household Wealth and Overweight in Mozambique. American Public Health Association, San Diego, California, USA. November 10-14.
Wang KS, Liu Y, Loudermilk EL, Lu Y, Xu C,Luo X. (2018) A Meta-Analysis of Genome-Wide Association Studies Identifies Three Novel Loci Associated with Age at Onset of Parkinson’s Disease. The American Public Health Association (APHA) 146th Annual Meeting. San Diego, California, USA. November 10-14.
Regional Research Venues
Maisonet M, Li Y, Galiatsatos P. (2018) Workshop: Household Air Pollution and Respiratory Health: Opportunities for Intervention. 2018 Tennessee Public Health Association Annual Conference. Cool Springs, Tennessee, USA. September 11-13.
Stanley N, Quinn M. (2018) Tennessee Stroke Registry Report 2017. Tennessee Public Health Association. Franklin, Tennessee, USA. September 11-13.
Loudermilk E, Loudermilk K, Quinn M. (2018) Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on Adult Alcohol Consumption Behaviors. Child Abuse and Neglect. 86:368-374.
O’Connell B, Quinn M, Scheuerman P, Slawson D. (2018) Biosand Water Filter Evaluation: Pilot Study of Field Use Indicators. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology. 67(6):607–614.
Wang N, Wang S, Qian H, Ruan Y, Amico KR, Vermund SH, Liu H, Qiu X, Zheng S. (2018) Negative Associations between General Self-Efficacy and Anxiety/Depression among Newly HIV-Diagnosed Men Who Have Sex with Men in Beijing, China. AIDS Care, DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2018.1549721.
Zheng S, Holt N*, Strasser S, Morrell C*, Quinn M. (2018) Prevalence and Risk Factors for Adolescent Obesity in Tennessee Using the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Data: An Analysis Using Stratified Hierarchical Logistic Regression. International Journal of High Risk Behaviors and Addiction. 7(3):E58597.
Faculty and Student Scholarly Activities 2017
National Research Meetings
Collins C*, Quinn M, Littleton MA, Liu Y. (2018) HIV-Related Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors among the General Population in a High-Risk County in the United States. Society for Epidemiologic Research. Baltimore, Maryland, USA. June 19 – 22.
Collins C*, Wang L. (2018) Associations of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors with HIV Status in 26 Sub-Saharan African Countries. GHIC 2018: Global Health & Innovation Conference. Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. April 14 – 15.
Dowling K, Hagemeier NE, Salwan A, Foster K, Arnold J, Alamian A, Pack RP. (2018) Using the Theory of Planned Behavior and Communication Theory to Predict Community Pharmacists’ Buprenorphine Dispensing and Communication Behaviors. American Pharmacists Association, Nashville, Tennessee, USA. March 16 – 19.
Iwasaki LR, Gonzale Y, Liu Y, Liu H, Markova M, Gallo L, Nickel JC. (2018) Gender and Motion Differences in TMJ mechanical Energy Density. AADR/CADR Annual Meeting. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA. March 21 – 24.
Mamudu M, Paul T, Wang L, Littleton M, Frierson L. (2018) Developing a Research Agenda to Prevent and Control Cardiovascular Disease in Central Appalachia”. 8th International Conference on Patient- and Family-Centered Care. Baltimore, Maryland, USA. June 11 – 13.
Regional Research Venues
Ajani I, Rotimi O, Kuku O, Kalu N, Oni O, Christian N, Nathaniel T, Zheng S. (2018) Association between Smoking and Functional Outcome in Acute Ischemic Stroke Population Treated with Tissue Plasminogen Activator. 2018 Appalachian Student Research Forum. Johnson City, Tennessee, USA. April 4 – April 5.
Cobb TA, Gretak AP, Puszkiewicz KL, Stinson JD, Quinn MA. (2018) Mentally Ill Caregivers and Differential Patterns of Substance Abuse in a Sample of University Students. 2018 Appalachian Student Research Forum. Johnson City, Tennessee, USA. April 4 – April 5.
Collins C*, Wang K, Xie X, Liu Y. (2018) The Prevalence and Trend of Depression among U.S. Veterans. 2018 Appalachian Student Research Forum. Johnson City, Tennessee, USA. April 4 – April 5.
Elom H, Zheng S. (2018) The Distribution of Hepatitis C Virus Genotype in US Population. Data from NHANES 2006-2016. 2018 Appalachian Student Research Forum, Johnson City, Tennessee, USA. April 4 – April 5.
Famojuro O, Fapo O, Zheng S. (2018) Association between Substance Use and Obesity among Adults in United States. 2018 Appalachian Student Research Forum. Johnson City, Tennessee, USA. April 4 – April 5.
Famojuro O, Fapo O, Zheng S, Liu Y. (2018) Association between Substance Use and Obesity among Adults in the U.S. Findings from 2016 BRFSS. 2018 Appalachian Student Research Forum. Johnson City, Tennessee, USA. April 4 – April 5.
Fapo O, Alamian A, Falodun A, Zheng S. (2018) Association Between Screen Time and High Risk Sexual Behaviors Among U.S High School Students. 2018 Appalachian Student Research Forum. Johnson City, Tennessee, USA. April 4 – April 5.
Fapo O, Alamian A, Zheng S. (2018) Association between Screen Time and High-Risk Sexual Behaviors among U.S. High School Students. Tennessee Public Health Association East Grand Division Meeting. Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA. April 6.
LeMay CC, Stinson JD, Quinn MA. (2018). The Relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences, Mental Health Outcomes, and Polypharmacy among Psychiatric Inpatients in Secure Forensic Care. 2018 Appalachian Student Research Forum. Johnson City, Tennessee, USA. April 4 – April 5.
Loudermilk E, Quinn M, Wang L. (2018) Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on HIV Risk Behaviors using a Nationally Representative Sample from 2011 and 2012. 2018 Appalachian Student Research Forum. Johnson City, Tennessee, USA. April 4 – April 5.
Ozodiegwu ID, Wang K, Lu K, Liu Y. (2018) Prevalence of Chronic Conditions by BMI Category and Undiagnosed Status in the U.S Adult Population. 2018 Appalachian Student Research Forum. Johnson City, Tennessee, USA. April 4 – April 5.
Quinn M. (2018) From Global to Local: Linkages of Working in Underserved, Low-Resource Communities. Moving Mountains: Local/Global Health Perspectives. Johnson City, Tennessee, USA. April 28.
Rahman A, Fasanmi OS, Veeranki SP*, Fapo O, Zheng S. (2018) Association of E-Cigarette Use with Coronary Heart Disease among U.S. Adults. 2018 Appalachian Student Research Forum. Johnson City, Tennessee, USA. April 4 – April 5.
Uyamasi KH, Strasser S, Zheng S. (2018) Associations between Family and Parental Factors and Childhood Obesity. 2018 Appalachian Student Research Forum. Johnson City, Tennessee, USA. April 4 – April 5.
Chen Y*, Xu C, Harirforoosh S, Luo X, Wang KS. (2018) Analysis of PTPRK Polymorphisms in Association with the Risk and Age at Onset of Alzheimer's Disease, Cancer Risk, and Cholesterol. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 96:65-72.
Gallo LM, Fankhauser N, Gonzalez YM, Liu H, Liu Y, Nickel JC, Iwasaki LR. (2018) Jaw Closing Movements and Sex Differences in Temporomandibular Joint Energy Densities. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 45(2): 97-103.
Gong S*, Su BB, Tovar H, Hinojosa P, Gonzalez V, Liu Y, Lu Y, Wang KS, Xu C. (2018) Polymorphisms within RYR3 Gene are Associated with Risk and Age at Onset of Hypertension, Diabetes and Alzheimer’s Disease. American Journal of Hypertension, 31(7):818-826.
Griffin JWD, Liu Y, Bradshaw PC, Wang KS. (2018) In Silico Preliminary Association of Ammonia Metabolism Genes GLS, CPS1, and GLUL with Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease, Major Depressive Disorder, and Type 2 Diabetes. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 64(3):385-396.
Kwon MR, Cress E, Clark WA, Alamian A, Lu Y, Peterson JM. (2018) The Adipokine C1q TNF Related Protein (CTRP3) is Elevated in the Breast Milk of Obese Mothers. PeerJ, Mar 5;6:e4472. doi.: 10.7717/peerj.4472.
Mamudu HM, Jones A, Paul TK, Subedi P*, Wang L, Alamian A, Alamin AE, Blackwell G, Budoff M. (2018) Geographic and Individual Correlates of Subclinical Atherosclerosis in an Asymptomatic Rural Appalachian Population. The American Journal of Medical Sciences, 355(2):140-148.
Ogunleye OO, O’Connell BJ, Quinn MA, Florence LC, Shirely K*. (2018). Pap Utilization Survey in Nueva Vida, Nicaragua: Professional and Health Promotoras Partnership. Journal of Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences, 12(1):1-16.
Owusu D*, Wang K, Quinn M, Aibangbee J*, John R, Mamudu H. (2018). Health-care Provider Intervention and Utilization of Cessation Assistance in 12 Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, nty028,
Panchal HB, Devani K, Zheng S, Bhogal S, Khan AA, Zaidi SI, Helton T, Beohar N, Paul TK. (2018) Impact of Chronic Kidney Disease on Guideline Directed Interventions Among Patients Admitted With Acute ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction: A Nationwide Inpatient Sample 2012-2014. JACC Cardiovascular Interventions, 11(4):S7-S8.
Panchal HB, Devani K, Zheng S, Denutsui S, Bhogal S, Khan AA, Zaidi SI, Helton T, Beohar N, Paul TK. (2018) Impact of Chronic Kidney Disease on Length of Hospital Stay and Cost among Patients Admitted with Acute ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction: A Nationwide Inpatient Sample 2012-2014. JACC Cardiovascular Interventions, 11(4):S5-S6.
Panchal HB, Devani K, Zheng S, Denutsui S, Mogusu E, Bhogal S, Khan AA, Zaidi SI, Helton T, Beohar N, Paul TK. (2018) Impact of Chronic Kidney Disease on Clinical Outcomes Among Patients Admitted With Acute ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction: A Nationwide Inpatient Sample 2012-2014. JACC Cardiovascular Interventions, 11(4):S6.
Quinn M, Caldara G, Collins K*, Owens H*, Ozodiegwu I, Loudermilk E, Stinson J. (2018) Methods for Understanding Childhood Trauma: Modifying the Adverse Childhood Experiences International Questionnaire for Cultural Competency. International Journal of Public Health, 63:149.
Reddy K, Kearns M, Alvarez-Arango S, Carrillo-Martin I, Cuervo-Pardo N, Cuervo-Pardo L, Dimov V, Lang DM, Lopez-Alvarez S, Schroer B, Mohan K, Dula M, Zheng S, Kozinetz C, Gonzalez-Estrada A. (2018) YouTube and Food Allergy: An Appraisal of the Educational Quality of Information. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, 29(4):410-416.
Wang KS, Liu Y, Ouedraogo Y*, Wang N, Xie X, Xu C, Luo X. (2018) Principal Component Analysis of Early Alcohol, Drug and Tobacco Use with Major Depressive Disorder in US Adults. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 100:113-120.
Xie X, Wang N, Liu Y. (2018) Gender and Age Differences in the Influence of Behavioral Factors, Mental Health and Chronic Diseases on the use of Type 2 Diabetes Screening in US Adults. Global Health Research Policy. 2018; 3:9
ETSU Biostatistics & Epidemiology Faculty are indicated with Underlining.
ETSU Biostatistics & Epidemiology Students are indicated with Bold Text.
ETSU Biostatistics & Epidemiology Alumni* are indicated with an Asterisk.