Religious Studies
RELI 2210 Introduction to the Study of Religion (3 credits)
A comparative and historical introduction to the world's ways of being religious.
(fall, spring)
RELI 3230 Asian Religious and Philosophical Traditions (3 credits)
A study of religions whose origins were in the East: Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism,
Taoism, and Zen. (spring, even years)
RELI 3240 Hebrew Scriptures (3 credits)
Prerequisite(s): RELI
2210, or permission of the instructor. A historical and literary survey of the
Hebrew Bible. (fall, odd years)
RELI 3250 Greek Scriptures (3 credits)
Prerequisite(s): RELI 2210, or permission of the instructor. A historical and literary
survey of the Greek/Christian Scriptures. (spring, even years)
RELI 3261-63 Religion Colloquium (1-3 credits)
Prerequisite(s): RELI 2210 or permission of the instructor. Some issue, movement,
or person of importance to the study of religion will be selected for the topic. Course
may be repeated to a maximum of nine (9) credit hours. (3263 – fall, odd years)
RELI 4920 Independent Studies in Religion (1-3 credits)
Prerequisite(s): At least one (1) RELI course at the 3000 level or permission of the
instructor. (fall, spring)
Department of Philosophy & Humanities
PHIL 4047 Philosophy of Religion (3 credits)
Prerequisites: At least one (1) PHIL or RELI course at the 3000 level or permission
of the instructor. An examination of classical and contemporary discussions of philosophical
issues about religion, including the nature of God, of human beings, and of religious
truth, and contemporary discussions of religion and atheism. (spring, odd years)
PHIL 3230 Asian Religion and Philosophic Traditions (3 credits)
A study of religious and associated philosophical and textual traditions originating
in south and east Asia: Hinduisms, Buddhisms, Confucianism, and Taoism, among others.
(spring, even years)
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
ANTH 3800 Magic, Witchcraft and Religion (3 credits)
Conducts an anthropological study of religion and culture. Topics include myth and
symbolism, ritual, healing and the afterlife.
SOCI 4440 Sociology of Religion (3 credits)
Prerequisites: SOCI 1020 or RELI 2210 or ANTH 1240 or equivalent.
Critically examines sociological theory and research used to study religion, the supernatural,
and secularism in relation to broader social processes.
Department of History
HIST 3910 History of Christianity (3 credits)
A survey of the history of the Christian movement, from the early Church to the diverse
expressions of Christianity in the modern world.
HIST 3920 History of Islam (3 credits)
A survey of pre-Islamic Arabia, the Prophet and his career, the Qur'an, doctrine and
ritual, law, Sufism, sects in Islam, the Caliphate, and Islam in the modern world.
HIST 3880 Renaissance and Reformation Europe (3 credits)
A survey of Europe during its transition from medieval to early modern times, with
emphasis on the roots of the Renaissance culture of the fifteenth and the religious
upheaval of the sixteenth centuries and their impact on institutions and behavior,
including the role of women, family life, popular culture, witchcraft/the occult,
and the rise of modern science.
HIST 3911 Ancient Religions (3 credits)
A study of the origins, development, and function of religion in the ancient world
of the Middle east, the Indian subcontinent, Greece and Rome. The course will cover
the religions of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Palestine, Greece and Rome, as well as
Gnosticism, Jainism, and Zoroastrianism.
HIST 3914 Historical Jesus / Early Church (3 credits)
This course will deal with the scholarly question of the "historical Jesus," as versus
the "Jesus of faith," and the idea of "Jesus" in the early Christian Church. In the
process, we will look at the development of New Testament scholarship, the development
of scholarly and historical approaches to New Testament studies, and the gradual evolution
of the man Jesus of Nazareth to Jesus Christ, "the Son of God," with the attendant
consequences of that change.
HIST 3912 Ancient Israel and Modern Scholarship (3 credits)
This course provides a survey and explanation of the approximately last two hundred
years of research into the history of Ancient Israel.
HIST 3913 The History of Buddhism (3 credits)
This course surveys the background, origins, and development of Buddhism, from antiquity
to modern times, including general religious and cultural background, the historical
Buddha, the development of Buddhist schools, and the various Northern and Southern
Transmissions by Buddhist teachers, and the ongoing evolution of Buddhist thought
and philosophy, as it encountered various national, cultures, and ethnic groups.
HIST 4387 History of the Holocaust (3 credits)
A study of the background and origins of the Holocaust, including the legacy of anti-Semitism
in Christian Europe and the emergence of racial anti- Semitism, the impact of World
War I, Hitler's ideology, the racial ideas of the Nazi state. Emphasis will also be
put on the decision for and implementation of the Final Solution, with emphasis on
the perpetrators, victims, and bystanders, as well as how the initially limited Nazi
killings expanded into the Holocaust as we know it. Finally, the meaning and possible
uniqueness of the Holocaust will be explored.
Department of English
ENGL 3280 Mythology (3 credits)
Classical mythology and myths from other cultures and relation of myth to literature,
psychology, and popular culture.
ENGL 3700 The Bible as Literature (3 Credits)
An introduction to the literary genres employed (e.g., narrative, lyric poetry, proverbs,
apocalyptic writing) and the Bible's unique place in English and world literary heritage.