Religious Studies in the Department of Philosophy (RELI)
- RELI 2210: Introduction to the Study of Religion
- RELI 3230: Indian and Buddhist Philosophy
- RELI 3240: Hebrew Scriptures
- RELI 3250: Greek Scriptures
- RELI 3261-63: Religion Colloquium
- RELI 4920 Independent Studies in Religion (1-3 Credits)
Philosophy of Religion in the Department of Philosophy (PHIL)
- PHIL 4047: Philosophy of Religion
- PHIL 3210: Chinese Philosophy
History of Religions in the Department of History
- HIST 3903: African American Religious History
- HIST 3910: History of Christianity
- HIST 3911: Ancient Religions
- HIST 3912: Ancient Israel & Modern Scholarship
- HIST 3913: History of Buddhism
- HIST 3914: The Historical Jesus & Early Church
- HIST 3920: History of Islam
- HIST 4387/5387: History of the Holocaust
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
- ANTH 3800: Magic, Witchcraft and Religion
- SOCI 4440 Sociology of Religion
Department of English
- ENGL 3280: Mythology
- ENGL 3700: The Bible as Literature
Appalachian Studies
- APST/RELI 3530: Religion in Appalachia
Art History
- ARTH 4017 Classical Art
- ARTH 4027 Medieval Art
- ARTH 4037 Italian Renaissance
- ARTH 4047 Baroque Art
- ARTH 4957 Special Topics in Art (with approval of program coordinator)