PAST EXHIBITIONSTo view virtual catalogues or article/artist's links, please click or
AY 2019-2020
Jo Ann Walters: Where Was It, The World?
January 13 to February 13, Slocumb Galleries
Reception & Artist's Talk: February 11, 5 to 7 p.m., Slocumb Galleries
Sublime Flawed Animal: Art & Design Adjunct Faculty & Staff curated by Alice Salyer
February 3 to 14, Tipton Gallery; Reception & Artists' Talk: February 7, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.,
Artists: Marie Porterfield-Barry, Sam Boven, Laken Bridges, Karlota Contreras-Koterbay, Amber Farley, John Hilton, Liz Layton, Angelique Lynch, Catherine Murray, Kevin Reaves, Alice Salyer, Katie Sheffield
Dolly P/N 35: National Juried Art Exhibition
Juror: Logan Lochner, Editor, Burnaway Magazine
February 18 to March 13, Slocumb Galleries
Reception & Performance by ETSU Chorale: February 26, Slocumb Galleries, 5 to 7 p.m.
Dolly Parton's Impact on Appalachian & Pop Culture Panel: March 3, Slocumb Galleries, 11 a.m.
FALL 2019
Silenced Narratives: Black Americanx, Curated by Shai Perry and Terrell Carter
August 9 to September 14, Tipton Gallery; Reception: September 6, Tipton Gallery, 6 to 8 p.m.
Panel on Racism and Black African Community with the Law: September 5, Thursday, 5 p.m.
Artists: Najjar Abdul-Musawwir (TN), Jonathan Adams (NJ), Terrell Carter (OH), Kimberly Dummons (TN), Samuel Dunson (TN), Sean Frye (KS), Masud Olufani (GA), Shai Perry (KS), Denise Ward-Brown (MO)
Sponsored by ETSU Student Activities Allocation Committee (SAAC) and East TN Foundation's (ETF) Arts Fund. Traveling exhibition to McKinney Art Center, Jonesborough, TN, October 25 to November 25, 2019; and Greeneville University, Illinois, Spring 2020
Within our Gates (1920) by Oscar Micheaux: Appalachian Silent Film Series
Presented by ETSU Film Studies Program with Bluegrass Band and lecture by Daryl Carter
Tipton Gallery during Umoja Festival
Funded by Humanities TN, ETSU Student Activities Allocation Committee (SAAC), Arts Build Communities (ABC) Grant and East TN Foundation's (ETF) Arts Fund
Greg Pond: From Static to Oscillatory (and Back Again)
August 26 to September 27; Reception & Artist's Talk: September 26, Slocumb Galleries
Sponsored by the TN Arts Commission’s Arts Project Support (APS)
In Flux: SEFEA (Southeast Fibers Educators Association) Juried Exhibition 2019
September 30 to October 25, Slocumb Galleries
Reception & Lecture by Cathryn Amidei: October 24, Thursday, 5 to 7 p.m., Slocumb Galleries
Lecture starts at 6 p.m., Ball Hall Auditorium; Demo on October 25, Friday, Fibers Studios, Ball Hall
Artists: Cathryn Amidei, Susan Brandeis, Edwina Bringle, Miyuki Akai Cook, Rosa Dargan-Powers,
Nick DeFord, Gabrielle Duggan, Hillary Waters Fayle, Susan Fecho, Crystal Gregory, Robin L. Haller,
Jess Jones, Jeana Eve Klein, Bethanne A. Knudson, Katie Kretz, Rob Merten, Erin Miller, Patricia Mink, Andrea Vail, LM Wood+, Rena Wood, Janie Woodbridge, Christine Zoller, & exhibit coordinator Lisa Kriner
Sponsored by the TN Arts Commission’s Arts Project Support (APS) Grant, Student Activities Allocation Committee and the 2019 Craft Research Fund Exhibition Research Grant from The Center for Craft.
Rumors of Necessity: Asianx TN, Curated by Alejandro Acierto
October 4 to November 22, Tipton Gallery; Reception & Performance: November 1, First Friday
Featured TN Asianx Artists: Sisavahn Phouthavong, Paul Pak-hing Lee, Richard A. Lou with Emily Hanako Momohara (OH) and Hong-An Truong (NC)
Sponsored by ETSU Student Activities Allocation Committee (SAAC), TN Arts Commission’s Arts Project Support (APS) Grant, American Museum of Philippine Art (AMPA) and East TN Foundation's (ETF) Arts Fund
Fool’s Errand: Prints by Sage Perrot
December 2, 2019 to January 31, 2020, Tipto Gallery; Reception: December 6, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.,
Printmaking Demo: January 30, Tipton Gallery
May, University School Annual High School Exhibition, curated by Sharon Squibb
Reception: May 21, Tuesday, 4 to 6 p.m., Slocumb Galleries
May, Providence Academy Annual High School Exhibition, curated by Kimberly Milburn
Reception: May 17, Friday, 5 to 8 p.m., Tipton Gallery
June, Ansiedad y Pertenencia (Anxiety & Belonging) Latinx, Tennessee and the World
Curated by Dr. Felipe de Fiuza and Karlota Contreras-Koterbay
Reception: June 7, First Friday, at the McKinney Art Center, Jonesborough, TN
June to July, Meditations for Chaos: Laura Bowman
Reception: June 7, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m., during Blue Plum Festival, Tipton Gallery
AY 2018 to 2019
July-August, Artful Aging: Photographs and Sculptures,
Mentored and curated by Angelique Lynch and Katie Sheffield, Slocumb Galleries
FALL 2018
September-October, Detangling/Unraveling the Politics of Hair
curated by Karlota Contreras-Koterbay and Karen Sullivan,Tipton Gallery during Umoja Festival
Artists: Brandon Donahue, Olivia Ellis, Lawrence Matthews, Lester Merriweather, Carl E. Moore,
Althea Murphy-Price, Carlton Wilkinson with storyteller Valerie Houston as Madam CJ Walker
September, Interchangeable: Althea Murphy-Price, Slocumb Galleries
Reception & Panel, Ball Hall Auditorium
October, Arrowmont Artists-in-Residence, curated by Lindsay Rogers, Slocumb Galleries
Artists: Sasha Baskin, Alyssa Coffin, Everett Hoffman, Stephanie Wilhelm, Kari Woolsey
October, Dia de los Muertos: Installation by Rosalie Lopez, Tipton Gallery and Morristown, TN
October, La Historia Crea El Presente (History Creates the Present): Antuco Chicaiza and Latin American Art from the Reece Museum Collection, curated by SG Intern Alexis Jennings,
Slocumb Galleries
November, Kayumanggi: Post Colonial Filipinx, Tipton Gallery and Reece Museum
Artists: Alejandro Acierto, Gigi Bio, Brown, Kelvin Burzon, Marinel Isla Contreras, Gina Osterloh,
and Emmy awardee Jess Española
January, Other Man's Trasures: Daniel Derwelis, Slocumb Galleries
January-February, Tangibility of Faith: Art & Religion in Appalachia, curated by SG Curatorial Fellows Moira Frazier, Amber Howard and Cheyenne Good, with Spenser Brenner, Tipton Gallery, Reece Museum
Artists: Sasan Ahovan, Clorinda Bell, Rachel Boillot, William Cross+, Nancy Fischman, Jeff Marley, Jocelyn Mathewes, Mary Nees, Masud Olufani, Halide Salam, Randy Sanders, Katie Sheffield, Page Turner, Yancy Villa-Calvo, Carlton Wilkinson
February, Positive/Negative 34: To Make Art Now National Juried Art Exhibition,
Juror: Ann Meisinger, Independent Curator, Asst. Educator, Metropolitan Museum of Art,
Slocumb Galleries
April, Ansiedad Y Pertenencia (Anxiety & Belonging): Latinx TN and the World,
curated by Dr. Felipe Oliviera de Fiuza and Karlota Contreras-Koterbay,
Tipton Gallery during Corazon Latino Festival and McKinney Art Center
Artists: Rosanna Camacho, Antuco Chicaiza, Michael Giles, Nelson Gutierrez, Yancy Villa-Calvo and Ecuadorian Andrés Arîzaga Cordero
May, Of Bees, Petals and Wings: Pollinators Exhibition, Tipton Gallery
June, Meditations for Chaos: Laura Bowman, Tipton Gallery, during Blue Plum Festival
AY 2017 to 2018
July-August, Artful Aging: Photographs and Sculptures,
Mentored and curated by Angelique Lynch and Katie Sheffield, Slocumb Galleries
July, Our Appalachia: Community and Innovation,
curated by SG Curatorial Interns Moira Frazier, Amber Howard and Cheyenne Good, Slocumb Galleries
August, Black Appalachia: African American Art in NE TN, Tipton Gallery during Little Chicago
Artists: Jonathan Adams, Kelsie Dulaney-Hayworth, V. Kelsey Ellis, Bessie Harvey+, Gideyon Kifle, Shalam Minter, Calvin Nicely, Sammie Nicely+, Lydia Wilson+
FALL 2017
September, The Absurdity of Truth: John Feodorov, curated by Vanessa Mayoraz,
Slocumb Galleries during Native American Festival
October, Manlalakbay (Voyager): Filipinx Diaspora and Hybrid Identity, Tipton Gallery
Flipinx Artists: Kim Arteche Acebo, Julio Jose (Jojo) Austria, Jeho Bitancor, Johann Bitancor, The Philippines on the Potomac project, Stephanie Syjuco, Jennifer Wofford & Mail Order Brides (M.O.B.)
and Art Zamora
November, donottellmewhereibelong: Joan Tanner, curated by Julien Robson
Slocumb Galleries, Travelling Exhibition
December, SidebySide: Warhol and the Body, curated by SG Intern Amber Howard, Tipton Gallery
January to February, Along the Horizon: Contemporary Drawings in Tennessee,
curated by Vanessa Mayoraz and Andrew Scott Ross, Slocumb Galleries and The Reece Museum
Artists: Jonathan Adams, Ben Butler, Nick DeFord, Wade Guyton, John Hilton, Paula Kovarik, Dawn Martin Dickins, Richard A. Lou, Rob Matthews, Althea Murphy-Price, Joel Parsons, Denise Stewart-Sanabria, P.A. Turner
March, Positive/Negative 33 National Juried Art Exhibition,
Juror: Margaret Winslow, Curator of Contemporary Art, Delaware Museum of Art, Slocumb Galleries
May, SEED: An Environmental Art Experience, curated by Virginia Buda and Kelly Porter,
Tipton Gallery, during The Buzz Festival
April, Pawned Quinceñera Jewelry: Rosalie Lopez, Tipton Gallery during Corazon Latino Festival
AY 2016 to 2017
FALL 2016
August, Reclaiming/Remaking, curated by Lyn Govette, Tipton Gallery, during Little Chicago Festival
August-September, At Play in the Fields of Our Stuff: Ron Laboray, Slocumb Galleries
September, Decolonial Identity: Cherokee Jeff Marley, Slocumb Galleries, Native American Festival
October, Nandito Na Ako (I’m Here Now), Tipton Gallery, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Traveling Exhibition, curated by Loren Ibach and Vi Viray Bautista
Artists: Cheryl Acuña, Jerico Domingo, Tristan Espinoza, Anna Liza Evangelista, Kyrstin Rodriguez, Craig Stamatelaky, Tewosret Vaughn
November, FACE IT: ReImagining Contemporary Portraits, Slocumb Galleries, Traveling Exhibition
Artists: Elizabeth Bick, Barbara Bosworth, Alejandra Carles-Tolra, Elinor Carucci, Lois Conner, Carlos Diaz, Jess T. Dugan, Marc Elliott, Anne Fishbein, Emmet Gowin, Nancy Hellebrand,David Hilliard, Joe Johnson, Billie Mandle, Daniel McInnis, Greg Miller,Andrea Modica, Matthew Montieth, Nicholas Nixon, Thomas Roma, Mike Smith, Sage Sohier, Mark Steinmetz, Jo Ann Walters
January-February, Our State of the Union: Michael Fischerkeller, Slocumb Galleries
February-March, Tragic Disclosures: LGBTQ Dennis Greenwell, Slocumb Galleries
March, Positive/Negative 32: We Are the Artists National Juried Art Exhibition,
Juror: Anja Foerschner, Curator, Getty Research Institute, Slocumb Galleries
April, Ni de Aqui, Ni De Alla, curated by Rogelio Gutierrez, Tipton Gallery and Multicultural Center
AY 2015 to 2016
July-August, Struttura: Texture and Narratives in Ceramics,
curated by SG Interns Moira Frazier and Shai Perry, Slocumb Galleries
August, Urban Exposures,Twin City Photography Organization
curated by Katie Sheffield, Slocumb Galleries
FALL 2015
August, In / Skin / Between: Fiber Installations by Nora Hartlaub, and Triads by Alan O'Neal, Slocumb Galleries
September, body and blood… Installation by Cherokee Luzenne Hill, and Owasv ' Din'etah: Self and Homeland in Indigenous America, Slocumb Galleries during ETSU Native American Festival
September-October, Threads of Empowerment,
curated by Karlota Contreras-Koterbay with SG Curatorial Fellow Lyn Govette, Tipton Gallery
October, Layers: Quilt as Form, curated by Patricia Mink, Slocumb Galleries
Artists: Susan Brandeis, Dorothy Caldwell, Judith Content, Nancy Crow, Michael James, Jeane Eve Klein, Aaron McIntosh and Joan Schulze
January, Creatures of Distant Worlds, curated by Marty Henley and Kevin Reeves, Slocumb Galleries
February-March, Positive/Negative 31: American & Woman National Juried Art Exhibition,
Juror: Al Miner, Associate Curator, Museum of Fine Art, Boston, Slocumb Galleries
March-April, Farmas: Rogelio Gutierrez, Tipton Gallery during Corazon Latino Festival
AY 2014 to 2015
June, Handcrafted Auguries: Bridget Conn and Long, Long Journey to the Sea: Tim McCoy, Slocumb Galleries
July, Moment and Visions: Photographs by Tore Terrasi, Tipton Gallery
FALL 2014
September-October, Politics of Representation, from Warhol to Map(ing),
curated by Mary Hood and Karlota Contreras-Koterbay, Slocumb Galleries
during 1st ETSU Native American Festival
October, Exploration, Discovery: Emory & Henry Faculty of Art, Slocumb Galleries
November, Animal Temporalities: New Media Prints by Mary Hood, Tipton Gallery
February, Positive/Negative 30: Uncanny Valley National Juried Art Exhibition,
Juror: Dr. Mika Yoshitake, Hirshhorn Museum of Art & Sculpture Garden,Tipton and Slocumb Galleries
March, Behind the Lens: Women Photographers on the South and Appalachia,
curated by SG Interns Lyn Govette and Jess Hilyer, Tipton Gallery
AY 2013 to 2014
FALL 2013
August-September, Radiant: Contemporary Encaustic, curated by Reni Gower, Slocumb Galleries
September, Envisioned Landscape, curated by Karlota Contreras-Koterbay with SG Curatorial Intern Michael Hale, Tipton Gallery
September-October, Garden of Eden: Photographs by Andrezej Maciejewski, Slocumb Galleries
November, 1st Fl3tcher Exhibit: Social and Politically-Engaged Art,
Juror: Michael Aurbach, Tipton Gallery; Guest of Honor: Dr. Brian Noland, ETSU President
January-February, Ceramicists of Seagrove, NC, curated by Scott Contreras-Koterbay
Slocumb Galleries
February, Positive/Negative 29: Pages & Open National Juried Art Exhibition,
Juror: Buzz Spector, CAA Lifetime Awardee, and Washington University, Tipton and Slocumb Galleries
February-March, Earthen Bodies: Figurative Ceramics, Tipton Gallery
March-April, EQUAL: Modern Family in Contemporary Art
curated by Karlota Contreras-Koterbay with SG Curatorial Intern Michael Hale, Tipton Gallery
AY 2012 to 2013
June-July, Primarily Greene: Contemporary Art in Greeneville, TN, Slocumb Galleries
July-August, Chow-Chow!, curated by Joshua Greer and Chase Westfall, Slocumb Galleries
FALL 2012
August-September, Day On Fire: Apocalypse in Contemporary Art,
curated by the Art & Design Gallery Committee, Slocumb Galleries
September-October, Four Directions: Four Printmakers, Slocumb Galleries
Artists: Catherine Chauvin, Kent Kapplinger, Robert Kennon and Ralph Slatton
October, Masks of Michoacan, Slocumb Galleries, Travelling Exhibition
October, Humor; Analog, Humor, curated by Dr. Scott Contreras-Koterbay, Tipton Gallery
February, Positive/Negative 28: Minority Rule National Juried Art Exhibition,
Juror: Michael Ray Charles, PBS Art 21 Artists of 21st Century, University of Texas, Slocumb Galleries
AY 2011 to 2012
June, Soaring: Nine Women, Tipton Gallery during Blue Plum Festival
June-July, Pastiche & Provenance, curated by Aaron Bernard and Kevin Palme, Slocumb Galleries
July, Land-Scape: Wes Sherman, Slocumb Galleries
July-August, TACA: Tennessee Association of Craft Artists, Slocumb Galleries
FALL 2011
September, Fluidity of Gender: Sculptures by Linda Stein, Slocumb Galleries, Traveling Exhibition
September, Two Characters in Search of a Title, Collaboration by Anne Ropp and Suzanne Stryk, Tipton Gallery
September to October, Wide Open Spaces and Orange Juice: Paintings by Lenore Thomas,
Slocumb Galleries
October, Primary Point: Drawings by Tim McDonald, Slocumb Galleries
January, Illustrators 53: Society of Illustrators, Slocumb Galleries
February, Figures and Faces in the Abstract by Mary-Ann Prack, Tipton Gallery
February-March, Positive/Negative 27: Material Transformation National Juried Art Exhibition,
Juror: Dr. Gail Levin, City University of New York and Biographer of Lee Krasner, Slocumb Galleries
May-June, Adjunctability, Tipton Gallery during Blue Plum Festival
AY 2010 to 2011
FALL 2010
July-August, Bars and Tones: Brian Glaze and Threasures: Aaron Bernard, Slocumb Galleries
August-September, Entrees and Leftovers: Photographs by Larry Robinson, Slocumb Galleries
September, Crafting Contemporary Art: Studio Craft in Appalachia, in partnership with Appalachian Center for Crafts, Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts, Penland School of Arts, Slocumb Galleries
January, Point Time: A Geographic Confluence of Artists, curated by Jean Hess
Slocumb Galleries and William King Museum of Art
January-February, Intervals Now: Christie Blizard, Slocumb Galleries
February, Positive/Negative 26 National Juried Art Exhibition,
Juror: Sammie Nicely, Artist & Curator from Atlanta, Georgia, Slocumb Galleries
May-June, Neo-Garde: Contemporary South Korean Art, curated by Dr. Thalia Vrachopoulos
Slocumb Galleries, Traveling exhibition
AY 2009 to 2010
FALL 2009
August, Women Under the Influence: Kingsport Arts Guild, Slocumb Galleries
August-September, Holding Them: Ann Ropp, Slocumb Galleries
September, Secrecy Series: Sculptural Installation by Michael Aurbach, Slocumb Galleries
November, Constructing Image: Insights to the Andy Warhol Photographs, Slocumb Galleries and Appalachian Warhol, Reece Museum
February, Positive/Negative 25 National Juried Art Exhibition,
Juror: Julien Robson, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art and Speed Museum, Slocumb Galleries
February-March, Illustrators 51: Society of Illustrators, Slocumb Galleries
May-June, Explosion of Color: Tony Henson, Slocumb Galleries
May-June, Innuendos: Paintings by Daniel Koterbay, Tipton Gallery
June, Plums, Apples, Landscape and Still Life: Theresa Markiw, Tipton Gallery during Blue Plum
June-July, Structures and Subversions, curated by Anna Kell and Stacy Isenbarger, Slocumb Galleries
AY 2008 to 2009
FALL 2008
September, Frolic: Humor + Mischief in New Taiwanese Art, Slocumb Galleries, Traveling Exhibition
September-October, Group Show: Sculptures by Steve Tobin, Slocumb Galleries
October, Paredolia by Derek Buckner, Slocumb Galleries
January, Looking In & Looking Out by Korean artist Leah Joo, Slocumb Galleries
February, Positive/Negative 24 National Juried Art Exhibition,
Juror: Prof. Pradip Malde, Photographer, Sewanee University, Slocumb Galleries
AY 2007 to 2008
FALL 2007
June, Spiritual Visions: Prints by Robert Kennon, Slocumb Galleries
August, Rupture: Installation Art by Elissa Cox, Slocumb Galleries
September, Body Action Drawings: International conceptual artist Tom Marioni, Slocumb Galleries
October, Meditation: Drawings and Video Art by Thomas Tucker, Slocumb Galleries
January, Mixed Media Work by Marius Lehene, Slocumb Galleries
February, Positive/Negative 23 National Juried Exhibition,
Juror: Antoine Guerrero, Director of Exhibitions, P.S. 1 Contemporary Art Center, Slocumb Galleries
March, Filipina as Artist and Feminist, Slocumb Galleries
Artists: Paz Abad Santos, Imelda Cajipe-Endaya, Brenda Fajardo, Tala Isla-Contreras, Julie Lluch
May-July, Orange: Vietnam War Photographs by Goro Nakamura, Tipton Street Gallery
June-July, Pile: Gideon Barnett and Thinking Big: Eric Schubert,
curated by MFA candidate Tammy Mercure, Slocumb Galleries
AY 2006 to 2007
FALL 2006
September-October, Stories from the Dream Cabinet, curated by Mira Gerard, Slocumb Galleries
October, Branded: New Work by Keith Herrin, Slocumb Galleries
January, SACI (Studio Arts Center International) Traveling Exhibition, Slocumb Galleries
February, Positive/Negative 23 National Juried Exhibition,
Juror: Toby Kamps, Senior Curator, Contemporary Art Museum - Houston, Slocumb Galleries
April to May, Necromancer: Basler Chair Mauricio Anton and his PaleoArt Students
Virtul Exhibition
February, Sublime Flawed Animal: Art & Design Adjunct Faculty & Staff curated by Alice Salyer
reception: February 7, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
Artists: Marie Porterfield-Barry, Sam Boven, Laken Bridges, Karlota Contreras-Koterbay, Amber Farley, John Hilton, Liz Layton, Angelique Lynch, Catherine Murray, Kevin Reaves, Alice Salyer, Katie Shffield
FALL 2019
December 2019 to January 2020, Fool's Errand Prints by Sage Perrott, Tipton Gallery
November 2019 to January 2020, Johnson City: Then and Now, Reece Museum
Artists: Spenser Brenner, Melissa Courtney, M. Wayne Dyer, Amber Farley, Joshua K. Harr, Rebecca Ingram, Maureen Mulroy, Hiram Rash, Meg Roussos, Katie Sheffield, and Hannah Taylor
April-May, Epidemic: Bassler Chair Dr. Eric Avery and Adam DelMarcelle, Reece Museum
FALL 2018
October-December, Upstate: Photography by Tema Stauffer, Reece Museum
FALL 2017
October, Harvest: Ceramics by Lindsay Rogers, Tipton Gallery
January, Parting Shots: Photographs by Mike Smith, Reece Museum
FAll 2016
December, Heroic Painting: Christian Rieben, Tipton Gallery
January-February, Signs and Relics: Mixed Media by Kelly Celeste Porter, Slocumb Galleries
FALL 2014
September, Art of Visual Communication: Graphic Design Alumni Exhibition, Slocumb Galleries
January-February, Point Pleasant: Joshua Greer, Slocumb Galleries
April-May, (In)Finito: Faculty of Art & Design Biennial Exhibition, Tipton Gallery
FALL 2013
September, Memory & Secrets: Vanessa Mayoraz, Tipton Gallery
September-November, Work: ETSU Faculty of Art & Design, Reece Museum
January, Dreaming Day: Amanda Hood, Slocumb Galleries
February, Chase Westfall, Tipton Gallery
FALL 2011
June, Obey: Catch 22, in Memoriam to Wyatt J. Moody, curated by Ralph Slatton Slocumb Galleries
August, New App: Contemporary Art in Appalachia - ETSU Faculty of Art & Design Biennial Exhibition, Ulsan, South Korea
October-November, Process Is Not Magic: Andrew Scott Ross, Tipton Gallery
FALL 2010
October, Reunion: 100 Art Alumni in Commemoration of ETSU Centennial, Slocumb Galleries
FALL 2009
Pending: Stacy Isenbarger and Anna Kell, Tipton Gallery
FALL 2008
June, ETSU Faculty of Art & Design SACI Biennial Exhibition, SACI Gallery, Florence, Italy
September-October, Sculpture: Alumni Exhibition, Slocumb Galleries
FALL 2006
August, Before the Fall: Travis Graves, Slocumb Galleries
September, Faculty of Art & Design Biennial Exhibition, Slocumb Galleries
To view Student Exhibitions, please click here. or
AY 2019-2020
Jo Ann Walters: Where Was It, The World?
January 13 to February 13, Slocumb Galleries
Reception & Artist's Talk: February 11, 5 to 7 p.m., Slocumb Galleries
Sublime Flawed Animal: Art & Design Adjunct Faculty & Staff curated by Alice Salyer
February 3 to 14, Tipton Gallery; Reception & Artists' Talk: February 7, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.,
Artists: Marie Porterfield-Barry, Sam Boven, Laken Bridges, Karlota Contreras-Koterbay, Amber Farley, John Hilton, Liz Layton, Angelique Lynch, Catherine Murray, Kevin Reaves, Alice Salyer, Katie Sheffield
Dolly P/N 35: National Juried Art Exhibition
Juror: Logan Lochner, Editor, Burnaway Magazine
February 18 to March 13, Slocumb Galleries
Reception & Performance by ETSU Chorale: February 26, Slocumb Galleries, 5 to 7 p.m.
Dolly Parton's Impact on Appalachian & Pop Culture Panel: March 3, Slocumb Galleries, 11 a.m.
FALL 2019
Silenced Narratives: Black Americanx, Curated by Shai Perry and Terrell Carter
August 9 to September 14, Tipton Gallery; Reception: September 6, Tipton Gallery, 6 to 8 p.m.
Panel on Racism and Black African Community with the Law: September 5, Thursday, 5 p.m.
Artists: Najjar Abdul-Musawwir (TN), Jonathan Adams (NJ), Terrell Carter (OH), Kimberly Dummons (TN), Samuel Dunson (TN), Sean Frye (KS), Masud Olufani (GA), Shai Perry (KS), Denise Ward-Brown (MO)
Sponsored by ETSU Student Activities Allocation Committee (SAAC) and East TN Foundation's (ETF) Arts Fund. Traveling exhibition to McKinney Art Center, Jonesborough, TN, October 25 to November 25, 2019; and Greeneville University, Illinois, Spring 2020
Within our Gates (1920) by Oscar Micheaux: Appalachian Silent Film Series
Presented by ETSU Film Studies Program with Bluegrass Band and lecture by Daryl Carter
Tipton Gallery during Umoja Festival
Funded by Humanities TN, ETSU Student Activities Allocation Committee (SAAC), Arts Build Communities (ABC) Grant and East TN Foundation's (ETF) Arts Fund
Greg Pond: From Static to Oscillatory (and Back Again)
August 26 to September 27; Reception & Artist's Talk: September 26, Slocumb Galleries
Sponsored by the TN Arts Commission’s Arts Project Support (APS)
In Flux: SEFEA (Southeast Fibers Educators Association) Juried Exhibition 2019
September 30 to October 25, Slocumb Galleries
Reception & Lecture by Cathryn Amidei: October 24, Thursday, 5 to 7 p.m., Slocumb Galleries
Lecture starts at 6 p.m., Ball Hall Auditorium; Demo on October 25, Friday, Fibers Studios, Ball Hall
Artists: Cathryn Amidei, Susan Brandeis, Edwina Bringle, Miyuki Akai Cook, Rosa Dargan-Powers,
Nick DeFord, Gabrielle Duggan, Hillary Waters Fayle, Susan Fecho, Crystal Gregory, Robin L. Haller,
Jess Jones, Jeana Eve Klein, Bethanne A. Knudson, Katie Kretz, Rob Merten, Erin Miller, Patricia Mink, Andrea Vail, LM Wood+, Rena Wood, Janie Woodbridge, Christine Zoller, & exhibit coordinator Lisa Kriner
Sponsored by the TN Arts Commission’s Arts Project Support (APS) Grant, Student Activities Allocation Committee and the 2019 Craft Research Fund Exhibition Research Grant from The Center for Craft.
Rumors of Necessity: Asianx TN, Curated by Alejandro Acierto
October 4 to November 22, Tipton Gallery; Reception & Performance: November 1, First Friday
Featured TN Asianx Artists: Sisavahn Phouthavong, Paul Pak-hing Lee, Richard A. Lou with Emily Hanako Momohara (OH) and Hong-An Truong (NC)
Sponsored by ETSU Student Activities Allocation Committee (SAAC), TN Arts Commission’s Arts Project Support (APS) Grant, American Museum of Philippine Art (AMPA) and East TN Foundation's (ETF) Arts Fund
Fool’s Errand: Prints by Sage Perrot
December 2, 2019 to January 31, 2020, Tipto Gallery; Reception: December 6, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.,
Printmaking Demo: January 30, Tipton Gallery
May, University School Annual High School Exhibition, curated by Sharon Squibb
Reception: May 21, Tuesday, 4 to 6 p.m., Slocumb Galleries
May, Providence Academy Annual High School Exhibition, curated by Kimberly Milburn
Reception: May 17, Friday, 5 to 8 p.m., Tipton Gallery
June, Ansiedad y Pertenencia (Anxiety & Belonging) Latinx, Tennessee and the World
Curated by Dr. Felipe de Fiuza and Karlota Contreras-Koterbay
Reception: June 7, First Friday, at the McKinney Art Center, Jonesborough, TN
June to July, Meditations for Chaos: Laura Bowman
Reception: June 7, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m., during Blue Plum Festival, Tipton Gallery
AY 2018 to 2019
July-August, Artful Aging: Photographs and Sculptures,
Mentored and curated by Angelique Lynch and Katie Sheffield, Slocumb Galleries
FALL 2018
September-October, Detangling/Unraveling the Politics of Hair
curated by Karlota Contreras-Koterbay and Karen Sullivan,Tipton Gallery during Umoja Festival
Artists: Brandon Donahue, Olivia Ellis, Lawrence Matthews, Lester Merriweather, Carl E. Moore,
Althea Murphy-Price, Carlton Wilkinson with storyteller Valerie Houston as Madam CJ Walker
September, Interchangeable: Althea Murphy-Price, Slocumb Galleries
Reception & Panel, Ball Hall Auditorium
October, Arrowmont Artists-in-Residence, curated by Lindsay Rogers, Slocumb Galleries
Artists: Sasha Baskin, Alyssa Coffin, Everett Hoffman, Stephanie Wilhelm, Kari Woolsey
October, Dia de los Muertos: Installation by Rosalie Lopez, Tipton Gallery and Morristown, TN
October, La Historia Crea El Presente (History Creates the Present): Antuco Chicaiza and Latin American Art from the Reece Museum Collection, curated by SG Intern Alexis Jennings,
Slocumb Galleries
November, Kayumanggi: Post Colonial Filipinx, Tipton Gallery and Reece Museum
Artists: Alejandro Acierto, Gigi Bio, Brown, Kelvin Burzon, Marinel Isla Contreras, Gina Osterloh,
and Emmy awardee Jess Española
January, Other Man's Trasures: Daniel Derwelis, Slocumb Galleries
January-February, Tangibility of Faith: Art & Religion in Appalachia, curated by SG Curatorial Fellows Moira Frazier, Amber Howard and Cheyenne Good, with Spenser Brenner, Tipton Gallery, Reece Museum
Artists: Sasan Ahovan, Clorinda Bell, Rachel Boillot, William Cross+, Nancy Fischman, Jeff Marley, Jocelyn Mathewes, Mary Nees, Masud Olufani, Halide Salam, Randy Sanders, Katie Sheffield, Page Turner, Yancy Villa-Calvo, Carlton Wilkinson
February, Positive/Negative 34: To Make Art Now National Juried Art Exhibition,
Juror: Ann Meisinger, Independent Curator, Asst. Educator, Metropolitan Museum of Art,
Slocumb Galleries
April, Ansiedad Y Pertenencia (Anxiety & Belonging): Latinx TN and the World,
curated by Dr. Felipe Oliviera de Fiuza and Karlota Contreras-Koterbay,
Tipton Gallery during Corazon Latino Festival and McKinney Art Center
Artists: Rosanna Camacho, Antuco Chicaiza, Michael Giles, Nelson Gutierrez, Yancy Villa-Calvo and Ecuadorian Andrés Arîzaga Cordero
May, Of Bees, Petals and Wings: Pollinators Exhibition, Tipton Gallery
June, Meditations for Chaos: Laura Bowman, Tipton Gallery, during Blue Plum Festival
AY 2017 to 2018
July-August, Artful Aging: Photographs and Sculptures,
Mentored and curated by Angelique Lynch and Katie Sheffield, Slocumb Galleries
July, Our Appalachia: Community and Innovation,
curated by SG Curatorial Interns Moira Frazier, Amber Howard and Cheyenne Good, Slocumb Galleries
August, Black Appalachia: African American Art in NE TN, Tipton Gallery during Little Chicago
Artists: Jonathan Adams, Kelsie Dulaney-Hayworth, V. Kelsey Ellis, Bessie Harvey+, Gideyon Kifle, Shalam Minter, Calvin Nicely, Sammie Nicely+, Lydia Wilson+
FALL 2017
September, The Absurdity of Truth: John Feodorov, curated by Vanessa Mayoraz,
Slocumb Galleries during Native American Festival
October, Manlalakbay (Voyager): Filipinx Diaspora and Hybrid Identity, Tipton Gallery
Flipinx Artists: Kim Arteche Acebo, Julio Jose (Jojo) Austria, Jeho Bitancor, Johann Bitancor, The Philippines on the Potomac project, Stephanie Syjuco, Jennifer Wofford & Mail Order Brides (M.O.B.)
and Art Zamora
November, donottellmewhereibelong: Joan Tanner, curated by Julien Robson
Slocumb Galleries, Travelling Exhibition
December, SidebySide: Warhol and the Body, curated by SG Intern Amber Howard, Tipton Gallery
January to February, Along the Horizon: Contemporary Drawings in Tennessee,
curated by Vanessa Mayoraz and Andrew Scott Ross, Slocumb Galleries and The Reece Museum
Artists: Jonathan Adams, Ben Butler, Nick DeFord, Wade Guyton, John Hilton, Paula Kovarik, Dawn Martin Dickins, Richard A. Lou, Rob Matthews, Althea Murphy-Price, Joel Parsons, Denise Stewart-Sanabria, P.A. Turner
March, Positive/Negative 33 National Juried Art Exhibition,
Juror: Margaret Winslow, Curator of Contemporary Art, Delaware Museum of Art, Slocumb Galleries
May, SEED: An Environmental Art Experience, curated by Virginia Buda and Kelly Porter,
Tipton Gallery, during The Buzz Festival
April, Pawned Quinceñera Jewelry: Rosalie Lopez, Tipton Gallery during Corazon Latino Festival
AY 2016 to 2017
FALL 2016
August, Reclaiming/Remaking, curated by Lyn Govette, Tipton Gallery, during Little Chicago Festival
August-September, At Play in the Fields of Our Stuff: Ron Laboray, Slocumb Galleries
September, Decolonial Identity: Cherokee Jeff Marley, Slocumb Galleries, Native American Festival
October, Nandito Na Ako (I’m Here Now), Tipton Gallery, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Traveling Exhibition, curated by Loren Ibach and Vi Viray Bautista
Artists: Cheryl Acuña, Jerico Domingo, Tristan Espinoza, Anna Liza Evangelista, Kyrstin Rodriguez, Craig Stamatelaky, Tewosret Vaughn
November, FACE IT: ReImagining Contemporary Portraits, Slocumb Galleries, Traveling Exhibition
Artists: Elizabeth Bick, Barbara Bosworth, Alejandra Carles-Tolra, Elinor Carucci, Lois Conner, Carlos Diaz, Jess T. Dugan, Marc Elliott, Anne Fishbein, Emmet Gowin, Nancy Hellebrand,David Hilliard, Joe Johnson, Billie Mandle, Daniel McInnis, Greg Miller,Andrea Modica, Matthew Montieth, Nicholas Nixon, Thomas Roma, Mike Smith, Sage Sohier, Mark Steinmetz, Jo Ann Walters
January-February, Our State of the Union: Michael Fischerkeller, Slocumb Galleries
February-March, Tragic Disclosures: LGBTQ Dennis Greenwell, Slocumb Galleries
March, Positive/Negative 32: We Are the Artists National Juried Art Exhibition,
Juror: Anja Foerschner, Curator, Getty Research Institute, Slocumb Galleries
April, Ni de Aqui, Ni De Alla, curated by Rogelio Gutierrez, Tipton Gallery and Multicultural Center
AY 2015 to 2016
July-August, Struttura: Texture and Narratives in Ceramics,
curated by SG Interns Moira Frazier and Shai Perry, Slocumb Galleries
August, Urban Exposures,Twin City Photography Organization
curated by Katie Sheffield, Slocumb Galleries
FALL 2015
August, In / Skin / Between: Fiber Installations by Nora Hartlaub, and Triads by Alan O'Neal, Slocumb Galleries
September, body and blood… Installation by Cherokee Luzenne Hill, and Owasv ' Din'etah: Self and Homeland in Indigenous America, Slocumb Galleries during ETSU Native American Festival
September-October, Threads of Empowerment,
curated by Karlota Contreras-Koterbay with SG Curatorial Fellow Lyn Govette, Tipton Gallery
October, Layers: Quilt as Form, curated by Patricia Mink, Slocumb Galleries
Artists: Susan Brandeis, Dorothy Caldwell, Judith Content, Nancy Crow, Michael James, Jeane Eve Klein, Aaron McIntosh and Joan Schulze
January, Creatures of Distant Worlds, curated by Marty Henley and Kevin Reeves, Slocumb Galleries
February-March, Positive/Negative 31: American & Woman National Juried Art Exhibition,
Juror: Al Miner, Associate Curator, Museum of Fine Art, Boston, Slocumb Galleries
March-April, Farmas: Rogelio Gutierrez, Tipton Gallery during Corazon Latino Festival
AY 2014 to 2015
June, Handcrafted Auguries: Bridget Conn and Long, Long Journey to the Sea: Tim McCoy, Slocumb Galleries
July, Moment and Visions: Photographs by Tore Terrasi, Tipton Gallery
FALL 2014
September-October, Politics of Representation, from Warhol to Map(ing),
curated by Mary Hood and Karlota Contreras-Koterbay, Slocumb Galleries
during 1st ETSU Native American Festival
October, Exploration, Discovery: Emory & Henry Faculty of Art, Slocumb Galleries
November, Animal Temporalities: New Media Prints by Mary Hood, Tipton Gallery
February, Positive/Negative 30: Uncanny Valley National Juried Art Exhibition,
Juror: Dr. Mika Yoshitake, Hirshhorn Museum of Art & Sculpture Garden,Tipton and Slocumb Galleries
March, Behind the Lens: Women Photographers on the South and Appalachia,
curated by SG Interns Lyn Govette and Jess Hilyer, Tipton Gallery
AY 2013 to 2014
FALL 2013
August-September, Radiant: Contemporary Encaustic, curated by Reni Gower, Slocumb Galleries
September, Envisioned Landscape, curated by Karlota Contreras-Koterbay with SG Curatorial Intern Michael Hale, Tipton Gallery
September-October, Garden of Eden: Photographs by Andrezej Maciejewski, Slocumb Galleries
November, 1st Fl3tcher Exhibit: Social and Politically-Engaged Art,
Juror: Michael Aurbach, Tipton Gallery; Guest of Honor: Dr. Brian Noland, ETSU President
January-February, Ceramicists of Seagrove, NC, curated by Scott Contreras-Koterbay
Slocumb Galleries
February, Positive/Negative 29: Pages & Open National Juried Art Exhibition,
Juror: Buzz Spector, CAA Lifetime Awardee, and Washington University, Tipton and Slocumb Galleries
February-March, Earthen Bodies: Figurative Ceramics, Tipton Gallery
March-April, EQUAL: Modern Family in Contemporary Art
curated by Karlota Contreras-Koterbay with SG Curatorial Intern Michael Hale, Tipton Gallery
AY 2012 to 2013
June-July, Primarily Greene: Contemporary Art in Greeneville, TN, Slocumb Galleries
July-August, Chow-Chow!, curated by Joshua Greer and Chase Westfall, Slocumb Galleries
FALL 2012
August-September, Day On Fire: Apocalypse in Contemporary Art,
curated by the Art & Design Gallery Committee, Slocumb Galleries
September-October, Four Directions: Four Printmakers, Slocumb Galleries
Artists: Catherine Chauvin, Kent Kapplinger, Robert Kennon and Ralph Slatton
October, Masks of Michoacan, Slocumb Galleries, Travelling Exhibition
October, Humor; Analog, Humor, curated by Dr. Scott Contreras-Koterbay, Tipton Gallery
February, Positive/Negative 28: Minority Rule National Juried Art Exhibition,
Juror: Michael Ray Charles, PBS Art 21 Artists of 21st Century, University of Texas, Slocumb Galleries
AY 2011 to 2012
June, Soaring: Nine Women, Tipton Gallery during Blue Plum Festival
June-July, Pastiche & Provenance, curated by Aaron Bernard and Kevin Palme, Slocumb Galleries
July, Land-Scape: Wes Sherman, Slocumb Galleries
July-August, TACA: Tennessee Association of Craft Artists, Slocumb Galleries
FALL 2011
September, Fluidity of Gender: Sculptures by Linda Stein, Slocumb Galleries, Traveling Exhibition
September, Two Characters in Search of a Title, Collaboration by Anne Ropp and Suzanne Stryk, Tipton Gallery
September to October, Wide Open Spaces and Orange Juice: Paintings by Lenore Thomas,
Slocumb Galleries
October, Primary Point: Drawings by Tim McDonald, Slocumb Galleries
January, Illustrators 53: Society of Illustrators, Slocumb Galleries
February, Figures and Faces in the Abstract by Mary-Ann Prack, Tipton Gallery
February-March, Positive/Negative 27: Material Transformation National Juried Art Exhibition,
Juror: Dr. Gail Levin, City University of New York and Biographer of Lee Krasner, Slocumb Galleries
May-June, Adjunctability, Tipton Gallery during Blue Plum Festival
AY 2010 to 2011
FALL 2010
July-August, Bars and Tones: Brian Glaze and Threasures: Aaron Bernard, Slocumb Galleries
August-September, Entrees and Leftovers: Photographs by Larry Robinson, Slocumb Galleries
September, Crafting Contemporary Art: Studio Craft in Appalachia, in partnership with Appalachian Center for Crafts, Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts, Penland School of Arts, Slocumb Galleries
January, Point Time: A Geographic Confluence of Artists, curated by Jean Hess
Slocumb Galleries and William King Museum of Art
January-February, Intervals Now: Christie Blizard, Slocumb Galleries
February, Positive/Negative 26 National Juried Art Exhibition,
Juror: Sammie Nicely, Artist & Curator from Atlanta, Georgia, Slocumb Galleries
May-June, Neo-Garde: Contemporary South Korean Art, curated by Dr. Thalia Vrachopoulos
Slocumb Galleries, Traveling exhibition
AY 2009 to 2010
FALL 2009
August, Women Under the Influence: Kingsport Arts Guild, Slocumb Galleries
August-September, Holding Them: Ann Ropp, Slocumb Galleries
September, Secrecy Series: Sculptural Installation by Michael Aurbach, Slocumb Galleries
November, Constructing Image: Insights to the Andy Warhol Photographs, Slocumb Galleries and Appalachian Warhol, Reece Museum
February, Positive/Negative 25 National Juried Art Exhibition,
Juror: Julien Robson, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art and Speed Museum, Slocumb Galleries
February-March, Illustrators 51: Society of Illustrators, Slocumb Galleries
May-June, Explosion of Color: Tony Henson, Slocumb Galleries
May-June, Innuendos: Paintings by Daniel Koterbay, Tipton Gallery
June, Plums, Apples, Landscape and Still Life: Theresa Markiw, Tipton Gallery during Blue Plum
June-July, Structures and Subversions, curated by Anna Kell and Stacy Isenbarger, Slocumb Galleries
AY 2008 to 2009
FALL 2008
September, Frolic: Humor + Mischief in New Taiwanese Art, Slocumb Galleries, Traveling Exhibition
September-October, Group Show: Sculptures by Steve Tobin, Slocumb Galleries
October, Paredolia by Derek Buckner, Slocumb Galleries
January, Looking In & Looking Out by Korean artist Leah Joo, Slocumb Galleries
February, Positive/Negative 24 National Juried Art Exhibition,
Juror: Prof. Pradip Malde, Photographer, Sewanee University, Slocumb Galleries
AY 2007 to 2008
FALL 2007
June, Spiritual Visions: Prints by Robert Kennon, Slocumb Galleries
August, Rupture: Installation Art by Elissa Cox, Slocumb Galleries
September, Body Action Drawings: International conceptual artist Tom Marioni, Slocumb Galleries
October, Meditation: Drawings and Video Art by Thomas Tucker, Slocumb Galleries
January, Mixed Media Work by Marius Lehene, Slocumb Galleries
February, Positive/Negative 23 National Juried Exhibition,
Juror: Antoine Guerrero, Director of Exhibitions, P.S. 1 Contemporary Art Center, Slocumb Galleries
March, Filipina as Artist and Feminist, Slocumb Galleries
Artists: Paz Abad Santos, Imelda Cajipe-Endaya, Brenda Fajardo, Tala Isla-Contreras, Julie Lluch
May-July, Orange: Vietnam War Photographs by Goro Nakamura, Tipton Street Gallery
June-July, Pile: Gideon Barnett and Thinking Big: Eric Schubert,
curated by MFA candidate Tammy Mercure, Slocumb Galleries
AY 2006 to 2007
FALL 2006
September-October, Stories from the Dream Cabinet, curated by Mira Gerard, Slocumb Galleries
October, Branded: New Work by Keith Herrin, Slocumb Galleries
January, SACI (Studio Arts Center International) Traveling Exhibition, Slocumb Galleries
February, Positive/Negative 23 National Juried Exhibition,
Juror: Toby Kamps, Senior Curator, Contemporary Art Museum - Houston, Slocumb Galleries
April to May, Necromancer: Basler Chair Mauricio Anton and his PaleoArt Students
Virtul Exhibition
February, Sublime Flawed Animal: Art & Design Adjunct Faculty & Staff curated by Alice Salyer
reception: February 7, First Friday, 6 to 8 p.m.
Artists: Marie Porterfield-Barry, Sam Boven, Laken Bridges, Karlota Contreras-Koterbay, Amber Farley, John Hilton, Liz Layton, Angelique Lynch, Catherine Murray, Kevin Reaves, Alice Salyer, Katie Shffield
FALL 2019
December 2019 to January 2020, Fool's Errand Prints by Sage Perrott, Tipton Gallery
November 2019 to January 2020, Johnson City: Then and Now, Reece Museum
Artists: Spenser Brenner, Melissa Courtney, M. Wayne Dyer, Amber Farley, Joshua K. Harr, Rebecca Ingram, Maureen Mulroy, Hiram Rash, Meg Roussos, Katie Sheffield, and Hannah Taylor
April-May, Epidemic: Bassler Chair Dr. Eric Avery and Adam DelMarcelle, Reece Museum
FALL 2018
October-December, Upstate: Photography by Tema Stauffer, Reece Museum
FALL 2017
October, Harvest: Ceramics by Lindsay Rogers, Tipton Gallery
January, Parting Shots: Photographs by Mike Smith, Reece Museum
FAll 2016
December, Heroic Painting: Christian Rieben, Tipton Gallery
January-February, Signs and Relics: Mixed Media by Kelly Celeste Porter, Slocumb Galleries
FALL 2014
September, Art of Visual Communication: Graphic Design Alumni Exhibition, Slocumb Galleries
January-February, Point Pleasant: Joshua Greer, Slocumb Galleries
April-May, (In)Finito: Faculty of Art & Design Biennial Exhibition, Tipton Gallery
FALL 2013
September, Memory & Secrets: Vanessa Mayoraz, Tipton Gallery
September-November, Work: ETSU Faculty of Art & Design, Reece Museum
January, Dreaming Day: Amanda Hood, Slocumb Galleries
February, Chase Westfall, Tipton Gallery
FALL 2011
June, Obey: Catch 22, in Memoriam to Wyatt J. Moody, curated by Ralph Slatton Slocumb Galleries
August, New App: Contemporary Art in Appalachia - ETSU Faculty of Art & Design Biennial Exhibition, Ulsan, South Korea
October-November, Process Is Not Magic: Andrew Scott Ross, Tipton Gallery
FALL 2010
October, Reunion: 100 Art Alumni in Commemoration of ETSU Centennial, Slocumb Galleries
FALL 2009
Pending: Stacy Isenbarger and Anna Kell, Tipton Gallery
FALL 2008
June, ETSU Faculty of Art & Design SACI Biennial Exhibition, SACI Gallery, Florence, Italy
September-October, Sculpture: Alumni Exhibition, Slocumb Galleries
FALL 2006
August, Before the Fall: Travis Graves, Slocumb Galleries
September, Faculty of Art & Design Biennial Exhibition, Slocumb Galleries
To view Student Exhibitions, please click here.