Our sincerest gratitude to the generosity and support of the following groups and individuals whose service, monetary, and in-kind contributions to the Slocumb Galleries!
Your donations enable us to serve our mission to provide exhibition programming in support of the academic experience at ETSU that advances artistic excellence, creative thinking, and cultural awareness.
President's Circle ($100,001 and above)
- Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts
Urban Redevelopment Alliance (URA)
Director's Circle ($10,001 up to $100,000)
- East tennessee Foundation (ETF) through the ARts Fund and Hope in Action grants
ETSU Student Government Association (SGA) B.U.C. Funds - First Tennessee Development District for Art Builds Community (ABC)
Mary B. Martin School of the Arts (MBM SOTA) - Office of The Dean - College of Arts and Sciences
- Tennessee Arts Commission through ABC and APS Grants
Benefactors ($ 5,001 to $10,000)
- Johnson City Area Arts Council and
Kingsport ARTS for Art Builds Community (ABC) Grants - Mountain States Health Alliance (MSHA)
- The Honors College
Sponsors ($1,001 - 5,000)
- Artopia Art Supplies
- Division of Theater & Dance, ETSU Department of Communication
- ETSU Office of Multicultural Affairs
- ETSU Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies ETSU Women's Resource Center
- Nelson Fine Art Center
- Jerry's Artarama of Knoxville
- Soleus Massage
Donors ($1,000 and under)
- Acoustic Coffeehouse
- Alta Cucina
- Back door Records
- Bang! Downtown Salon
- Black Affairs Association
- Body, Health Mind Center
- Boone's Creek Potters Galery
- Blue Moon Dinner Theater
- Camp Ruff & More
- Carnegie Hotel
- Creative Signs
- David Logan Fund
- Earth Fare
- El Torito
- ETSU Office of International Programs & Services
- Eureka Historic Inn
- Fast Signs
- Fletcher H. Dyer Memorial Fund
- Gems & Whims
- Highwater Clays
- Home Depot
- Inspire Hair Color Studio
- Jade Tree
- Johnson City Bead Works
- Johnson City Country Club
- Johnson City Custom Framing – www.FrankenFrames.com
- Kroger
- Marco's Pizza
- Mark Russell Foundation Art Fund
- Metamorphosis Salon
- Miyabi
- Mountain Empire Comics
- Mr. K's
- Northern Tools
- Sahib Indian Cuisine
- Sign Factory
- Southern Appalachian International Film Festival (SOAPIFF)
- Target
- The Dollhouse
- The Reece Museum
- TriStates Sculptors Education Association
- Ulsan University, South Korea
- Wyatt Moody Memorial Fund
Organization Partners
- Art History Society
- Asheville Art Museum
- Black Affairs Association
- Boys and Girls Club of Washington County
- Carver Center
- Corazon Latino Festival
- ETSU Accounts Payable
- ETSU Archives of Appalachia
ETSU Black American Studies - ETSU Bluegrass, Country & Olde Time Music
- ETSU Central Receiving
- ETSU Division of Dance & Theater
- ETSU Film Studies Program
- ETSU Foundations
- ETSU Identity
- ETSU Language Resource Center
- ETSU National Alumni Association
- ETSU Office of Advancement
- ETSU Office of the President
- ETSU Office of the Provost
- ETSU Post Office
- ETSU Printing & Publication
ETSU Radio, TV & Film Studies (RTVF)
ETSU Women, Sexuality & Gender Studies - Foodtopia & Sherri Cooper
- girls inc
- Graduate Fine Arts Association
- Graphic Design Workshop
- Jonesborough Senior Center
- Johnson City Area Arts Council (JCAAC)
Johnson City Senior Center - Kingsport Arts Guild
- Knoxville Museum of Art
Langston Centre - McKinney Art Center at Jonesborough
- Nelson Fine Art Center
- Princeton Arts
- Slocumb Galleries Student Society
- Society of Illustrators
- Studio Arts Center International (SACI)
- Taipei Cultural Center
- The Reece Museum
- Tri-Iota Students Organization
- UMOJA Festival
William King Museum
- A! Magazine for the Arts
- Allison Alfonso
- Art Papers
- Artweek
- East Tennessean
- ETSU Relations
- ETSU University Press
- Jessica Fisher at Kingsport Times
- Joe Smith and Jennifer Hill at University Relations
- Johnson City Press
- Leslie Grace at A! Magazine
- Lise Cutshaw at Mary B. Martin School of the Arts
- Locate Arts
- Number Magazine
- World Sculpture News
- www.ArtDeadline.com
- www.ArtTouring.com
- www.GoTriCities.com
Individual Friends of The Slocumb Galleries
- Prof. Kathleen Grover
- Prof. John Morefield & Maria Costa
- Dr. Wilsie & Paul Bishop
- Prof. Pat Cronin
- Carol Salinas-Lyle & John Lyle
- Prof. Catherine Murray
- Pat Mink
- Prof. Mike Smith
- David Dixon
- Mary Buckley Sutton
- Theresa Hammons
- Laura Mazzenga
- Lewis & Prof. Marcia Songer
- Sherri Renfro
- Cecille O'Hare
- Criselda & Phil Eggers
- Gina & Ken Greenwood
- Kris Bowers
- Cher Cornett
- Thomas Croft
- Charlesey Charlton
- Paula Sarut
- Dr. Martha Copp
- Alyssa Spooner
- Toni Montgomery Negas
- Becky Mallory
- Dick Nelson
- Kevin O'Donnell
- David Pennington
- Dr. Scott, Karlota & Anton Contreras-Koterbay
and countless names of people who attend our shows regularly!
Artist Donors
- Jeri Allison
- Deborah Bryan
- Derek Buckner
- Melisa Cadell
- Gary Cawood
- Aleta Chandler
- Charlesey Charlton
- Katie Claiborne
- Betty Crawford
- Kyle Darnell
- Don Davis
- Anita DeAngelis
- David Dixon
- M. Wayne Dyer
- Joan Elliott
- Mira Gerard
- Kathy Millhorn Hawk
- Mindy Herrin
- John W. Hilton
- Greg Howser
- Vida Hull
- Stacy Isenbarger
- Anna Kell
- Gediyon Kifle
- Lisa Jones
- Marius Lehene
- Megan Levacy
- Theresa Markiw
- David Mazure
- Larry W. Millard
- Pat Mink
- Jodi Mitchell
- Wyatt Moody
- Catherine Murray
- Mary Nees
- Marie Porterfield-Barry
- Ann Ropp & Suzanne Stryk
- Jaime Santos-Prowse
- John Simmons
- Ralph Slatton
- Heather Spontak
- Mary Buckley Sutton
- Kristi Bruce Taylor
- Melody Tiemann
- Dawn Marie Tipton
- Ronald 'Joey' Tipton
- Gail Vollrath
- Bill Wilkey
- Donna Wilt
- Mark Wood
- and many more!
We may not be able to list all the people who have generously supported us, but we appreciate you all especially the Department of Art & Design Faculty and Staff, artists, and curators who have visited and the rest of the East Tennessee State University family who have always been helpful. Thank you all and we look forward to seeing you at the events!