Discuss what happened to you with the Title IX Team:
Whether you are a student, an employee, or a visitor to ETSU, if you have been the
recipient of any type of sexual harassment, sexual violence, dating or domestic violence,
or any type of sexual misconduct, your Title IX team is here to support you. Once
you reach out to the Title IX Team, we can discuss how you wish to proceed. ETSU
offers several ways for you to discuss what happened to you:
Online Reporting Portal
Any student, employee, or visitor to ETSU may use the online reporting portal to let the Title IX Team know about incidents of sexual harassment, sexual violence,
dating or domestic violence, or any type of sexual misconduct at ETSU. You may also
choose to make an anonymous report through the online portal. Even if you do not think you want to take any
action on your report, we encourage you to let us know about incidents of sexual misconduct.
Contact or visit a Title IX Team member directly:
- Garrison Burton, Title IX Coordinator, Burgin Dossett Rm 309, 423-439-8544
- Michelle Edwards, Deputy Title IX Coordinator, 423-439-8543
- Lauren Aksionoff , Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Athletics, 423-539-48091
Contact a confidential resource:
- Students may contact the ETSU Counseling Center, located in the Culp Center, via telephone 423-439-3333 or email counselingcenter@etsu.edu during normal business hours
- Students and employees may access 24/7 Mental Health Helpline BucsPress2, by calling (423)439-4841, then press 2
- Students and employees may access the Sexual Assault Legal Clinic by calling 800-289-9018
If you have concerns about your safety:
- IMMEDIATELY CALL 911 OR DIAL (423) 439-4480 FOR ETSU Department of Public Safety
- Bucs Report It/Silent Witness Form; for anonymous reporting to Public Safety leave your contact information empty in the form.