ETSU Title IX Rule
ETSU Policy on Sexual Misconduct, Harassment, and Discrimination
A Note About Privacy
ETSU will protect the privacy of all parties to a complaint or other report of sexual misconduct, harassment, discrimination, or violence to the extent possible. Certain staff are obligated by law to maintain confidentiality, including certain Counseling Center staff and the local abuse and assault hotline. When ETSU receives complaints of sexual misconduct, assault, harassment, discrimination, or violence, the University has an obligation to respond in a way that limits the effects of the incident and to prevent its recurrence. Information will be shared as necessary in the course of an investigation with people who need to know, such as investigators, witnesses, the complainant, and the respondent. If you are unsure of someone's duties and ability to maintain your privacy, ask them before you to talk to them.
Amnesty Statement
The University encourages reporting and seeks to make the procedures for reporting transparent and straightforward. The University will generally not seek to hold any student reporting sexual misconduct accountable for associated non-sexual misconduct violations of the Student Disciplinary Rules in which the reporting party may have been involved at or near the time of the event, provided that any such violations did not and do not place the health and safety of any person at risk. This means that students reporting sexual misconduct will generally not face disciplinary action due to associated non-sexual misconduct violations (e.g., underage drinking). However, if a reporter is to be held accountable for his/her own misconduct, such violations will be reviewed in conduct proceedings separate from the sexual misconduct proceedings.