Purpose and Goals of the Center for Teaching Excellence
The purpose of the Center for Teaching Excellence is to foster equity and success for all students by nurturing excellence in teaching.
The goals of the center are to:
- Serve as a clearinghouse for information on instructional development opportunities sponsored by ETSU or available elsewhere
- Sponsor interdisciplinary faculty learning communities whose members support and encourage each other's work as teachers
- Provide seminars and consultation on best instructional practices
- Provide funds to bring teaching experts to ETSU and to allow our faculty to attend off-campus teaching conferences
- Broadly disseminate information on practices and topics in teaching to the ETSU community
- Support the scholarship of teaching and learning at ETSU
- Conduct workshops and other instructional development activities for ETSU faculty, including new ETSU faculty
- Enhance the use of teaching assessments at ETSU, include assessment of instruction and peer review
The Center for Teaching Excellence was one of the recommendations established by the Teaching Work Group. This group presented a report entitled Supporting Excellence in Teaching at East Tennessee State University which was approved by Academic Council on April 13th, 2017.