Students who received accommodations in your on ground class will continue to need those same accommodations as classes are moved online. The method for providing accommodations may change. Some students who have not had accommodations in your class thus far may find accommodations are needed for online classes.
Faculty Accommodation Forms (FAF) will be sent as needed. Below you will find a list of frequently awarded accommodations with information as to how these may change.
Testing Accommodations
- Extended Test Time: Many students are eligible for extended time on quizzes and exams. You are able to adjust time limit for an exam in D2L. ATS or DS can assist if needed.
- Low distraction Testing: Students receiving low distraction testing environment as an accommodation will be responsible for designing that at home.
- Reader or Reader as Needed: Students requiring a reader will continue to require that as an accommodation. This service is best provided by educational professionals rather than a family member. You may create an audio file of yourself reading the exam and send it to the student by email. You may also provide the exam or quiz to Disability Services and we can we can provide the reader via Zoom. Text to speech apps such as Natural Reader do not operate if the exam requires a lock down browser. Reading will have to be provided.
Classroom Accommodations
- ASL sign language interpreters: For classes that will be presented via Zoom, please be sure to include the ASL interpreter as part of the class. They will be viewing the class remotely the same as the students. They will interpret and the student will pin the interpreter’s screen allowing them to manipulate the size of the screen. Please make every effort to speak clearly.
- Audio recording: Many students who are eligible for note taking assistance use an audio note taking software called Sonocent. These students will continue to use this product. Other students may continue to audio record using their phone. Please make every effort to speak clearly.
- Transcription: Zoom will record and transcribe a lecture afterward for student use. It is critical that faculty edit the transcripts for accuracy before sharing with students.
- Braille: Please provide your materials to Disability Services as soon as possible for Braille production.
- Visual Description: When presenting visual information be sure to describe what you are showing.
Other General Considerations
- if you post a PDF, make sure it is not an image and that it does have selectable text
- if you post a video, make sure it has captions and a transcript and audio description
- If you post audio, be sure to provide a transcript
- Interpreters must have access to the classes in D2L
- Natural Reader cannot operate if a Lockdown browser is needed for an exam or quiz.
- Consider making materials available for printing. Some students may have disability based reasons to reduce screen time.