Note: Students should contact Disability Services to schedule their exams.
Extended Time
Many students have extended time for exams and quizzes. Most have time and a half while some are eligible for double time. These accommodations will continue into the online environment. Setting a unique time limit for the student with an extended time accommodation can be readily managed in D2L.
- In your D2L page, select Evaluations
- Select the Assessments tab
- Choose the quiz or exam that you will offer
- Click the Restrictions tab
- Scroll to the bottom of the page to Special Access
- There are two options for special access. Select the first one listed: Allow selected users special access to this quiz
- Select “Add Users to Special Access”
- In the Special Access Properties box, select enforced time limit and enter the adjusted time limit
- Select the appropriate students from the class list
- Click “Add to Special Access” to save the change
Low Distraction
Students with low distraction test setting as an accommodation will create the appropriate test setting at home.
Test Reader
For students who require a reader, the accommodation can be provided one of two ways.
- You may record yourself reading the exam and send the audio file to the student via email.
- You may provide a copy to Disability Services and we will connect with the student on Zoom to provide reading.
- Please be aware, if you require a lock down browser be used, it will prevent Zoom from loading and reading would not be possible. We can however require the student share their screen with the proctor during the exam allowing the proctor to see anything on the student’s screen.