Employer - Internship Services
Employer - Registration for Career Fairs and Events
Thank you for your interest in employing ETSU students and alumni. Our staff is committed to bringing employers together with our students and alumni to make meaningful career decisions. View our Employer Brochure.
We are located in the Carrier Center, 2nd Level of the D. P. Culp Student Center.
To create an Employer Account or Log In, go here.
Handshake is a free, interactive web-based job board available to employers, students,
and alumni. Employers like you can create company profiles, post available positions
for students and alumni to apply to, and review ETSU student and alumni profiles.
On-Campus Events
For more information, contact Ashly Garris, Outreach and Employer Services Coordinator.
Interested in coming to a career fair? You can be put on a mailing list to receive
information about those and similar events.
In-person Recruiting Opportunities
- Career and Graduate School Expos Typically held twice throughout the academic year. Register through Handshake. Visit our Career Fairs page to discover more.
- Inclusive Career Fairs For everyone, including Veterans, LGBTQ+, Students with Disabilities, Students of Color and more.
- Interview Rooms University Career Services' spacious office area within the Carrier Center offers two new interview rooms for private interviewing and career conversations. Reserve these rooms in Handshake or by emailing careers@etsu.edu.
- Handshake Offers democratization of opportunities. This online database stores profile information for all our students and alumni; more than 500,000 employers have posted full-time and part-time positions and internships.
- Informal Meet-ups The D. P. Culp Student Center offers on-campus locations (booth, table, chairs) reserved for you and potential candidates to meet. Email careers@etsu.eduto reserve your space today.
- Classroom Presentations Interested in speaking to a class or student organization? Email us at careers@etsu.edu.
- Tabling Opportunities Throughout the year, there are many opportunities to promote your company/organization by hosting a tabling event in a campus building. Email us at careers@etsu.edu
Experiential Learning:
For more information or to set up an experiential learning opportunity, please contact:
Elizabeth Haselsteiner, Coordinator of Experiential Learning at haselsteiner@etsu.edu (423) 439-4441
ETSU awards degrees in more than 100 programs of study. Review our wide-ranging programs for 2021 - 2022 at ETSU Colleges/Schools/Departments.