It’s that time of year…Orientation!
Congratulations! We are looking forward to meeting you at your orientation. We understand this will be a busy and exciting time for you. The amount of information bombarding you can seem a bit overwhelming, but we are here to help navigate you through this process.
By now, you should have been provided with an ETSU email account and E# by the ETSU Admissions Office. You will need to make sure your ETSU email account is active before proceeding any further. If you haven’t done so, please activate your ETSU email account . This will be our primary point of contact with you, so make sure to check it regularly.
Immunization Requirements
All immunization forms must be submitted to the University Health Center at least 30 days prior to your Orientation date.
Varicella and MMR Vaccine Requirements
Students must provide proof of two (2) Varicella (chickenpox) vaccinations. Proof of immunity to chickenpox is required by meeting one of the following criteria:
- Date of birth before January 1, 1980
- *History of chickenpox illness diagnosed by a healthcare provider or verified by a physician, advanced practice nurse, physician’s assistant, or health department of Varicella disease; or
- *Documentation of 2 doses of Varicella vaccine given at least 28 days apart, and no earlier than 4 days before the first birthday; or
- **Documentation of blood test (titer-serology) showing immunity to Varicella; or
- Active military ID or DD214 form; or
- If you are a full-time ONLINE ONLY student, complete the Registrar's Online Only Immunization Waiver.
Students must provide proof of two (2) MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccinations. Proof of immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella may be provided meeting one of the following criteria:
- Date of birth before January 1, 1957
- *Documentation of 2 doses vaccine against measles, mumps, and rubella given at least 28 days apart, and no earlier than 4 days before the first birthday; or
- **Documentation of blood test (titer-serology) showing immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella, if any one of the three is negative, 2 doses of vaccine must be provided to University Health Center.
- Active military ID or DD214 form; or
- If you are a full-time ONLINE ONLY student, complete the Registrar's Online Only Immunization Waiver.
*All documents submitted to the University Health Center must have the following information on them:
- 2 Patient Identifiers (name, DOB, and/or SSN)
- Clinic Information (name and address)
Medical Provider Signature (a clinic/facility stamp may act as a signature if provider is unavailable)
**All titer reports must include 2 patient identifiers, a numerical result, the processing lab's information, and a reference range.
Hepatitis B and Meningococcal Meningitis Immunization Health History Form (Only For Students Under 18)
This form is only for students who are under 18. The Hepatitis B and Meningococcal Meningitis Immunization Health History Form needs to be completed and submitted by your parent/guardian. You will not be able to register for your classes without this form on file.
This form is for legal purposes only. Completion of this form does not constitute submission or refusal of receiving required vaccinations.
This form does not exempt you from the Meningococcal vaccine if you plan to live on campus. You will be required to submit your Meningococcal vaccine separately if under the age of 22 and living on campus.
Housing Meningitis Requirement
All new incoming students living on-campus housing, under the age of 22, must submit proof of adequate immunization. Adequate proof consists of documentation from a healthcare provider showing a single dose of Meningitis (conjugate vaccine MCV4) given within the last 5 years. CDC recommends a two-dose primary series at least 8 weeks apart.
This requirement does not replace the Hepatitis B and Meningococcal Health History Form. The Hepatitis B and Meningococcal Health History Form is a state mandatory requirement.
International Students
If you are a student registered with the International Program or English Language Service (ELS), you must complete Tuberculosis (TB) testing within the first 30 days of classes. You will have a hold on your account placed a week after classes have start. In order to lift the hold, please call the University Health Center to schedule your TB appointment. Make sure you bring your insurance card and ETSU ID card to your appointment. For more information please visit the Tuberculosis Testing Requirements page.
Online Only Students
If you are a student taking online and distance-learning courses only, you are exempt from the immunization requirements, unless you are living in on-campus housing. Even though you are exempt, the following Online Only Immunization Exemption form must be completed and submitted to the Registrar's Office prior to registering for classes. Keep in mind, this form will need to be completed and submitted to the Registrar's Office for every semester you are an online and distance-learning only student.
Ready to submit your Immunization forms?
You may submit them in person to the University Health Center located in Roy S. Nicks Hall Suite 160 or submit them via fax/email.
Fax: 423-439-4560
Please make sure you are only submitting the necessary documentation once. Submitting them multiple times via different routes may slow down the verification process.
If you have any questions let us know.
Our phone number is 423-439-4225
or you may contact Megan Flora, our Immunization Coordinator, at 423-439-4500.
Keep an eye on your ETSU email throughout this process as this is our main point of contact with you regarding your immunization status. A good resource to use for the most up-to-date information on your immunization status will be your GoldLink account.