Web Conference Classrooms were previously labeled ITV Classrooms. These rooms contain additional software and hardware designed for on-campus classes that have a planned synchronous online component for students who will view the course at a distance. Microphones in the room allow for enhanced student-to-student communication.
Use of these classrooms is scheduled through the Registrar's Office. Please contact the ITS Help Desk if you would like to receive training in the classroom or have questions about equipment usage.
Building |
Room |
Brown Hall |
132, 133, 206 |
Hutcheson |
200, 206 |
Kingsport Allandale |
232, 235 |
Lamb Hall |
116, 134, 143 |
Nave Center |
161 |
Nick's Hall |
120, 220 |
Sam Wilson Hall |
130, 209, 322 |
Wilson-Wallis Hall |
112, 205 |