At the initial screening stage, the role of the search committee/supervisor is to evaluate applicant’s qualifications and to determine which applicants are the most qualified for the position. Once applicants begin to apply for a position, the search committee/supervisor can begin reviewing the applicant pool. During this initial screening, the search committee/supervisor should indicate whether each applicant meets the required qualifications as advertised. If so, then those applicants should receive further consideration.
The purpose of an interview is to provide the opportunity to gather information about the candidate and to determine whether the candidate would succeed in the position. During the interview process, not only will you be evaluating the candidate, but the candidate will be evaluating your department and East Tennessee State University as an employer. It is important that all contact with candidates be professional, welcoming, and organized.
If you have questions, concerns, or comments please contact your HR Business Partner at 423-439-4457 or
Things to Remember
The screening process begins with the analysis of materials sent in response to the job posting.
- Keep the position description in mind.
- Know the required qualification for the position. Employment success and long-term retention of persons hired for positions offered at ETSU is to determine that the candidate is fully qualified and suited to the position offered. If equivalences were used, be sure candidates are rated appropriately.
- Understand your biases.
- Not to discriminate
Human Resources reviews and approves all applicant pools to ensure that the interviewee pool is representative of the applicant pool as per the university's Affirmative Action Plan. Pool certification must be completed prior to conducting interviews.
Hand-written notes (including emails and reference checks) created by search committee members/ supervisor are auditable, and should be maintained by the department – in the recruitment file - per the from the date hire is made (current policy states 5 years). After reviewing all candidates, the search committee chair/supervisor or hiring manager will update the status of all applicants.
You may do several rounds of interviews. Many search committees find it beneficial to utilize an initial telephone, Skype or other technological interview to identify the final candidates for on-campus interviews. Keep in mind telephone or Skype conversation will count as part of the interview process. An approval for the initial round of interviews (regardless of interview format) must be obtained from Human Resources prior to the interview. It is not necessary to obtain additional approval from Human Resources for subsequent rounds of interviews of the same interview group, including in person interviews.
Best Practice
Inappropriate reasons to disqualify applicants:
- They are "overqualified"
- There are good reasons why a person might choose to take a job with a lower level of responsibility than they’ve had in the past. Don’t assume that holding a higher-level job necessarily means that a person can do lower-level tasks. If you find yourself making assumptions about the person’s motivation, check them out at the interview, or call the person and make sure they understand that the job will not be at a higher level than advertised.
- They are currently in higher paying position.
- Do not make assumptions about an individuals financial need. If you find yourself making assumptions about the person’s motivation, check them out at the interview, or call the person and make sure they understand that the job will not be at a higher level than advertised.
- They did not meet the preferred qualifications.
- Preferred qualifications alone may not be used to eliminate an applicant. These additional qualifications make a candidate ideal, but may not be necessary to successfully perform the job.
- They are not local; they live out of state.
- The residence of an applicant shouldn't be used to eliminate them. If you are unable to cover travel expenses, consider interviewing the candidate by telephone/Skype; or ask the candidate if they can pay their own way.
Prior to contacting candidates to set up interviews:
- Have your applicant pool certified by Human Resources. Email your request to the Office of Human Resources. See below for additional information. All candidates Recommended for Interview must be interviewed.
- Decide the method of your interview (telephone, Skype, in person).
- Identify the interview questions. Interviews should be structured where you ask each applicant the same list of questions. HR has gathered sample interview questions (see below).
- Make sure individuals participating in the interview process have set aside time on their calendars.
- Decide on the location of the interviews. Room(s) should be accessible and free from interruptions. If conducting interviews by telephone or Skype, be sure the room has these capabilities.
- Recruitment and Hiring Standards
- Campus Visits and Interviews
- Common Biases
- Records Disposal Policy
- Meet Your HR Business Partner
- HR Policies and Procedures
Helpful Tools and Links
- Candidate Rating Form
- Applicant Matrix Form
- Reference Check Guide
- Sample Interview Questions
- Sample Interview Questions for Faculty
- Interview Schedule Abbreviated Example
- Itinerary Example
- Reference Checks/Telephone Conversation Notes (Blank)
- Reference Checks/Telephone Conversation Notes
- Email Request to Certify Applicant Pool for Interview
- Compensation Calculator
- ETSU Facts and History
- ETSU Benefits Brochure
- ETSU Jobs
Helpful Links
- Bucs Are Back
- Recruitment, Hiring, and Onboarding Homepage
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