Conducting a reference check is a critical part of the recruitment process and is the responsibility of the hiring authority or a member of the search committee. Reference checks verify information provided by the candidate and also gives insight into a candidates job performance, work behaviors, and address any"red flags".
Reference checks are required prior to hiring an applicant, regardless of the position or whether the candidate is an internal or external applicant. Though typically only the top candidate's references are checked, you may check references for multiple candidates if you need additional information in order to rank finalists.
To prepare for reference checking, the following information has been prepared to assist you.
Before you begin:
Determine the method for conducting your reference checks.
- Telephone
- Written/eJobs
Determine appropriate references to check.
- These should be professional references in which they would have knowledge of the applicants work performance, skills, knowledge, and ability.
Make a list of questions you plan to ask.
- All questions must be relevant and job related. We have provided some sample reference questions below.
- Documentation of reference checks are required to maintained in the search file as per policy.
Be sure you have authorization from the applicant.
Telephone and Written Reference Checks
When conducting telephone or written reference checks, we recommend you:
- Only conduct checks on those candidates approved to interview
- Identify yourself, your position, the candidate you are calling about, and the reason you are calling
- Make sure you are calling at a convenient time or schedule a time to call later; ask if they need to retrieve a file or other information
- Describe the position the candidate has applied to and the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities for the position
- Ask the same questions of all the references
- Write questions related to key points (see sample reference questions here)
- Document the questions and responses
- Thank the reference for their time and assistance.
To conduct Written Reference checks via eJobs, move the candidate(s) to "Solicit Letters of Recommendations". This sends automatic emails to the applicants’ references they listed in their application. Note: This process is not recommended for support staff/clerical positions.
Use of Social Media, Google, etc.
Reference checks and/or Background Checks should NOT be replaced with interest searches. It is recommended that social media resources are not used for pre-employment hiring and promotion decision-making. Internet searches should be done appropriately and for professional purposes and not to obtain personal information about the candidate.
The information obtained via Google, and other social media sites should not be used as the sole reason to hire OR not hire/interview an applicant. If departments find something of concern during an internet search, they should notify their HR Business Partner.
Departments need to be aware challenges can be made if information obtained via internet searches is inaccurate. Applicants may also challenge that they learned of a protected status via internet search and that is why they weren’t interviewed/hired. Departments need to recognize that an applicant could make a public records request and would receive information on the internet search etc.
Sample Reference Questions
Human Resources has gathered some sample reference questions. Sample Reference Check Questions
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