As a public higher education employee in Tennessee, one of your most valuable benefits is your comprehensive retirement plan. Learn more about the Tennessee employee retirement options at Retire Ready Tennessee.
Cassandra Wyrick from Empower will be available on campus for retirement consultations on April 28th, 29th, and 30th. This is a great opportunity for anyone looking to discuss their retirement options. This is a valuable chance to get personalized advice on your retirement plans, including the Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System (TCRS), 401(k), and other retirement options available to employees [1].
For New Employees - Day 1
When starting your career as a State of Tennessee employee, you'll need to select your retirement plan on day 1 of your employment. Participation in a retirement plan is mandatory, so be sure to make the selection that suit your needs. If you do not make an election, or if you are not exempt, you will be automatically enrolled into the TCRS Hybrid Plan. Here’s a summary of your options based on your FLSA status (exempt or non-exempt):
- Non-Exempt (hourly) Employees
This category of employee must participate in the Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System (TCRS) plan.
- Hybrid Retirement Plan for State Employees and Teachers (TCRS and 401K )
- Supplemental 401(k) - Employees are auto-enrolled at 2%, but they can opt out after first payroll.
- Legacy Plan for State and Higher Education
- State of Tennessee and Higher Education employees hired prior to July 1, 2014
- Hybrid Retirement Plan for State Employees and Teachers (TCRS and 401K )
- Exempt (salaried) Employees
This category of employee may choose between the Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System (TCRS) plan and the Optional Retirement Program (ORP)
Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System (TCRS)
- Hybrid Retirement Plan for State Employees and Teachers (TCRS and 401K)
- Supplemental 401(k) - Employees are auto-enrolled at 2%, but they can opt out after first payroll.
- Hybrid Retirement Plan for State Employees and Teachers (TCRS and 401K)
Optional Retirement Program (ORP)
- Optional Retirement Program (ORP), which is a Defined Contribution 401(a) plan.
- TIAA and Voya are the vendors
- Supplemental 401(k)
- Employees are auto-enrolled at 2%, but they can opt out after first payroll.
- Optional Retirement Program (ORP), which is a Defined Contribution 401(a) plan.
Exempt employees who make no retirement plan election will be enrolled in TCRS Hybrid as a default.
Voluntary Retirement Options
With voluntary retirement options you can start, stop, or change your contribution throughout the calendar year, and these funds are vested immediately!
- Employees are auto-enrolled at 2% of your base income in the Empower 401k (unless they opt-out), and ETSU matches $1 for every $1 that you contribute voluntarily every month - up to $50 for 7/1/2024 through 6/30/2025.
- You can enroll by:
- Visiting and select “Log in to your 401(k)/457 account” and registering your account.
- Contact the dedicated RetireReadyTN Call Center at 800-922-7772 and speak to a representative.
457 Plan
Pre and Post Tax elections are available.
- You can enroll by:
- Visiting and select “Log in to your 401(k)/457 account” and registering your account.
- Contact the dedicated RetireReadyTN Call Center at 800-922-7772 and speak to a representative.
- Shared contribution limit with the 401(k).
- 2 vendors: TIAA & VOYA
- 403(b) Participation Form
Current Employees
Visit the Retire Ready Tennessee website for more information or to schedule a one-on-one consultation with your retirement plan advisor.
Did you know...- Individuals that join the ORP and later decide to join TCRS will have a one-time transfer option upon reaching 5 years of service.
Employees who are eligible to participate in the ORP but who elected to participate in TCRS may make an election to transfer membership over to the ORP at any time, but that election is irrevocable.
For Those Considering Retirement
- ETSU Retirees Association (ETSURA) provides the opportunity to continue a meaningful relationship with the university and with other retirees. All retired employees and their spouses and spouses of deceased employees are eligible for membership in the ETSU Retirees Association. Former employees with five or more years of service at the university who are retired from other institutions or businesses are also eligible for membership with their spouses. Visit the ETSURA website to learn about other great benefits ETSU retirees enjoy.
- Employees who participate in the Optional Retirement Plan (ORP), 401(k), and/or 457(b) at ETSU are 100% vested in these retirement plans upon exit from ETSU.
- Employees who participate in the Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System (TCRS) become vested upon attainment of 60 months of service. Employees who do not reach vesting while employed at ETSU can either leave their contributions in TCRS and pick up on their vesting schedule if they return to a TCRS employer within 7 years of leaving ETSU. Or employees can withdraw their contributions from TCRS once they leave ETSU, but they would forfeit the ETSU employer match.
Frequently Asked Questions about Retirement
How do I contact my Retirement Vendor?
Empower (401K and 457)
- (800) 922-7772
Please utilize the link below to schedule a virtual appointment with your TIAA representative. Be sure to select the "Schedule" option under the Virtual Consultation menu.
- East Tennessee State University Virtual Meeting Schedule
- Timothy Tubbs
(865) 347-5011
- Establish your TIAA account online.
- Email
- Phone (866) 776-6704 x 2
- Schedule a virtual appointment with a Voya representative here.
Retire Ready TN
Get a complete picture of your retirement readiness by meeting with your RetireReadyTN Plan Advisor. In your one-on-one meeting, your Plan Advisor will look at your overall financial picture and provide customized recommendations tailored to help you achieve your personal retirement goals. If you plan to retire in the next three years, consider requesting a Retirement Counseling session.
- Tim Crawford
(423) 341-3088 - Tim Crawford is available for virtual appointments. Please click here to schedule an appointment.
- Tim Crawford
Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System (TCRS)
- Contact TCRS
(800) 922.7772 (Main line)
(800) 766.4952 (TDD) - TCRS Members may create an account via the TCRS self-service portal.
- Contact TCRS
Corebridge Financial (formally Valic)
This vendor is no longer accepting new ORP or 403b enrollments as of August 2022.
- Mike Middleton
How do I change my beneficiaries?
ETSU Designation of Beneficiary
- ETSU requires the designation of a beneficiary for payout of last wages, annual leave and sick leave.
- Designation of Beneficiary Form
- This form should be returned to the Office of Human Resources via email to
- Dynamic Form coming soon.
Basic Life Insurance Beneficiary Designation Application
- You can update your beneficiary by using Employee Self Service in Edison at:
Voluntary Accidental Death Insurance Beneficiary Form
- You can update your beneficiary by using Employee Self Service in Edison at:
- Securian Financial (Minnesota Life)--Optional Life Insurance
- Log on to with the ID and password provided below. You will be prompted to change your password
the first time you log on.
- Your ID: The letters TN followed by your Edison ID number
- Your password: Your password is your eight-digit date of birth (MMDDYYYY) followed by the last four digits of your Social Security number.
- Log on to with the ID and password provided below. You will be prompted to change your password
the first time you log on.
- If you do not have access to a computer or the internet, a Minnesota Life Beneficiary Form may be submitted to the Office of Human Resources via email to
- Enter your information. Follow the instructions on the site to enroll for insurance coverage for you and your spouse and children if desired, and to designate/update your beneficiary. After submitting your information, please print a copy of your application for your records.
TCRS Participants
- Change your beneficiary online through the Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System (TCRS)
ORP Participants
- Contact your ORP vendor. Vendor contact information can be found on the ETSU Retirement website
- The contact number for TIAA is 1-800-842-2252
The contact number for VOYA is 1-800-584-6001.
401k from Empower
- Log into the Empower website - 401K Empower Beneficiary Change Log-in or call 1-800-922-7772.
- For questions please contact the Office of Human Resources at:
How do I know which Retirement Plan I have?
Check Goldlink Self-Service
To check this now, simply visit the Employee tab in Goldlink and select "Employee Dashboard/Self Service". Expand the "Benefits" pane and select "Current Enrollment" then "Retirement Plans."
At what age am I Eligible to Apply for Retirement?
It depends.
- TCRS Legacy members may apply for an unreduced retirement benefit at age 60 and vested OR at any age with 30 years of service. Please click here to read more about TCRS Legacy.
- TCRS Hybrid members may apply for an unreduced retirement benefit at age 65 or the "Rule of 90" in which your age and years of service add up to 90. Please click here to read more about TCRS Hybrid.
- ORP members may begin drawing retirement subject to IRS requirements. Click the links to read more about the Hybrid ORP or the Legacy ORP.
I'm separating from ETSU, what do I need to do about my retirement?
- Employees who participate in the Optional Retirement Plan (ORP), 401(k), and/or 457(b) at ETSU are 100% vested in these retirement plans upon exit from ETSU.
- Employees who participate in the Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System (TCRS) become vested upon attainment of 60 months of service. Employees who do not reach vesting while employed at ETSU can either leave their contributions in TCRS and pick up on their vesting schedule if they return to a TCRS employer within 7 years of leaving ETSU. Or employees can withdraw their contributions from TCRS once they leave ETSU, but they would forfeit the ETSU employer match.
Am I eligible to continue health insurance in retirement?
Contact Partners for Health
Employees may contact Partners for Health to verify eligibility to continue insurance at retirement. Partners for Health can be reached at (800) 253-9981; press 2 to speak to a Retirement Specialist. The Retirement Specialist will review your service and your dependents to explain eligibility to continue insurance, premiums, and/or eligibility to purchase the TN Plan Medicare supplement.
Where can I learn more about insurance available to retirees?
You can learn more about insurance available to retirees by visiting the Partners for Health Retirement page. You will find premiums for retiree health, dental, vision, and the Tennessee Plan Medicare supplement.
What happens to my Sick Leave at Retirement?
It depends on your retirement plan.
TCRS - An employee's remaining sick leave balance is reported to TCRS upon retirement. TCRS credits the remaining sick leave balance as service toward the retirement plan. The sick leave balance is not paid out in a lump sum.- ORP - An employee's remaining sick leave balance may be credited toward service for the purpose of continuing insurance in retirement. It is not reported to the ORP vendor, and the balance of sick leave is not paid out in a lump sum.
What happens to my Annual Leave at Retirement?
Two (2) options:
Lump sum payout - Retirees have the option to receive a lump sum payout of their annual leave balance at retirement.- Terminal leave - Retirees have the option to use their annual leave balance after their last working day until it is exhausted. Employees may receive pay for holidays that fall within the terminal leave period. Retirement contributions and insurance deductions continue throughout the terminal leave period. No new leave is accrued during the terminal leave period.
Am I eligible to Receive Longevity before Retirement?
You must be on payroll to receive longevity.
If your longevity date falls during the terminal leave period, you will be eligible to receive the longevity payment.Academic faculty whose longevity date is at the beginning of the academic year and choose to retire after completion of an academic year are eligible to receive longevity.
How do I enroll in Medicare?
You can enroll in Medicare online at or by making an appointment at the Social Security Office.
Who can I contact with Medicare questions?
Tennessee Ship (TN SHIP) is a non-profit organization that provides unbiased information about Medicare to individuals. TN SHIP may be contacted at (877) 801-0044 or by emailing Alternately, you may complete the contact form available on the TN SHIP website.
Is there a class I can attend to learn more about my Medicare options?
If you would like to review a recording of the 2023 class, please click here: ABCs of Medicare
I want to enroll in the Tennessee Plan Medicare Supplement when I retire. What form do I use?
Upcoming retirees may complete the Application to Continue Insurance in Retirement and return it to the Office of Human Resources (or e-mail to HR@ETSU.EDU) before their last paid day at ETSU.