Bucky can always use volunteers! Please email us or filllout this application if you would like to give of your time to help those in need.
As a volunteer of Bucky's Food Pantry I agree to abide by the policies and procedures. I understand that I will be volunteering at my own risk and that Bucky's Food Pantry, its employees and affiliates, cannot assume any responsibility for any liability for any accident, injury or health problem which may arise from any volunteer work I perform for Bucky's Food Pantry. I agree that all the work I do is on a volunteer basis and I am not eligible eo receive any monetary payment or reward.
Confidentiality Agreement: I understand and acknowledge that during my volunteer service with Bucky's Food Pantry, I will have access to Confidential Information not generally known to the public concerning the business of Bucky's Food Pantry. I agree that during my volunteer service with Bucky's Food Pantry and at all times thereafter, I will hold Bucky's Food Pantry Confidential Information in strict confidence, and will not disclose or use such information outside the scope of my volunteer service with Bucky's Food Pantry, or without Bucky's Food Pantry' prior authorization. Fr purposes of this Agreement, "Confidential Information" includes, but is not limited to, information regarding the individuals served by Bucky's Food Pantry. I further agree and understand that I will immediately return all Bucky's Food Pantry Confidential Information at the end of volunteer service, or whenever requested by Bucky's Food Pantry.