You are at college to learn. As a Buccaneer your mission is to plunder the treasures of knowledge. Don't go on this journey alone. Bring aboard your parents, spouse or partner as your crew. Setting them up as your First Mates allows them to (only) view your financial and academic information. You are in full control of what, and when, they are allowed to view your information online through the First Mate interface.
In addition to allowing First Mates to see what you see in GoldLink, registering them in this system acts as a personal information release so that they can contact the university on your behalf via phone to help you navigate through any issues with your ETSU account. As you begin the journey to enlightenment that is university life, choose your crew wisely. Don't lose sight of familiar shores without a good First Mate... and GO BUCS!
Use the menus on the left to get started and then check your Email account for additional instructions.
Having problems with First Mate Access? Send an email to
The FirstMate system does not authorize First Mates to contact faculty members about student progress.
The FirstMate system is intended for use by undergraduate and graduate students. College of Medicine and College of Pharmacy students are excluded.
Learn more about your information and privacy rights. Click here to view our FERPA page.
Counseling and Medical Records are excluded from the First Mate confidentiality disclosure agreement.
ID Services access is not granted through the First Mate System. For ID Services Support, you will need to visit the ID Services Webpage or contact them directly.
The FirstMate system does not authorize First Mates to make payments on student accounts. If you call the Bursar's office or the Financial Aid office, you will need to be a First Mate to get assistance over the phone. Please have your student's Enumber and passphrase ready.
For online payments, your student must enable you as an "authorized user" in the East Tennessee State University Student Account Suite through Goldlink. This is a Link your Student can use to access their account to grant authorized users.
STUDENTS CLICK HERE: Goldlink Student Account Suite
Once your student grants access, you will be able to use the following link to make payments on behalf of your student once they have authorized them to do so.
For more information on this, please visit the Goldlink Account Suite Setup Page.