Take part in exciting conversations! Above: Children's author and poet Kwame Alexander addresses a meeting of the American Library Association.
As you near completion of your program and your name has been added to the intent to graduate list, you will be sent instructions for your application by Joanna Wicker, Certification Officer for ETSU's Clemmer College. For more information, you may contact Ms. Wicker by email at wicker@etsu.edu by phone at 423-439-7562, or in person at 321 Warf-Pickel Hall.
Initial Licensure
The School Librarianship degree also serves those who seek initial licensure at the graduate level.
Initial licensure students must complete the 39-hour Master's degree program, which includes a 15-week Residency requirement. The main thrust of this particular option is a systematic approach to the principles of instructional design, production and management of learning resources, and application of academic language and technology to the teaching/training domains.
As of January, 2019, initial licensure candidates will need to pass the edTPA and the Praxis II for School Library Media per Tennessee Department of Education requirements.
Candidates who hold a valid Tennessee Educators license are not required to complete the edTPA, unlike initial licensure students, who, as of January, 2019, will be required to complete the edTPA.
All individuals seeking school librarian certification will need to pass the the PRAXIS II Library Media Specialist (5311) Test with a minimum score of 146.The test code number is 5311. It is suggested the test be taken after completing MEDA 5710 and/or during the last semester. Students usually take this exam during the Practicum.
This link provides information about the Praxis that you will take for your School Librarianship endorsement.
More than 40 States have educator licensure reciprocity with Tennessee through the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement, to include all Southeastern States. Through this agreement, graduates seeking licensure in another state simply complete an out-of-state application that includes a verification form signifying enrollment in ETSU's program. For more information, contact Joanna Wicker at: wicker@etsu.edu