What Praxis Tests will I need to graduate?
Prior to Residency, during the program, MAT students will be required to take Praxis exams. These tests and their requirements will be covered during courses or orientation and should not be taken prior to advisement.
Please consult the Educational Testing Services (ETS) webpage to determine what tests are required for licensure in Tennessee. If you are seeking licensure in Mathematics, you may also consult the National Evaluation Series (NES) webpage to determine what tests are required for licensure to teach Mathematics in Tennessee.
How do I get my teaching license after taking Praxis?
- For us to recommend you for a Tennessee teaching license, we must have your report of scores directly from the Praxis Series Services.
- To avoid an additional fee to have scores sent to us, designate East Tennessee State University, Clemmer College, Recipient Code #1198, as one of your score recipients when you register for the tests.
- Although you select ETSU (code 1198) as a recipient, the scores do not come directly to the Teacher Education office or to the Residency Field Offices. It is your responsibility to bring a copy of all of your passing Praxis exam scores to the MAT Office in Warf-Pickel Hall room 418 or email your pdf Score Report to mat@etsu.edu.
- In addition, it is mandatory that you designate the Tennessee Department of Education, Recipient Code #8190, if you take the test in a state other than Tennessee. It is suggested that you designate this recipient in all cases even if you take the test in Tennessee. Please review the information on the Education Testing Service (ETS) site related to sending Praxis scores.
- The Tennessee Department of Education cannot accept score reports that do not have social security numbers. This requires that you enter your social security number in the test registration.
- It can take up to 6 weeks to receive your scores, so please leave enough time to receive your PASSING scores. Submit a copy to the MAT Office in 418 Warf-Pickel Hall or via email at mat@etsu.edu in order to be eligible for admission to the program. Middle Grades is also required to pass a reading Praxis test and an additional content test that can be taken during the program. All passing scores must be received before you can continue your final Residency Year.
Frequently Asked Questions About The Praxis Series Tests http://www.ets.org/praxis/faq_test_takers/
How do I know which test(s) to take?
Check the State Requirements page for Tennessee . Each state using The Praxis Series™ tests sets its own specific testing requirements. -
Where do I find information on test centers, test dates or deadlines?
This information is found on the Praxis® Test Centers and Dates page -
How do I register for a Praxis test?
See Registration, Test Centers and Dates for registration information, including how to register online. -
Is there a registration fee for my test?
There is no registration fee for your Praxis test. See Test Fees for information on specific test and service fees. -
How do I add a test to my registration, change my test date, change my test center or test?
Learn how to make changes to your registration on our Praxis Registration Changes page. -
What do I do if I forget my user name and password?
Follow the appropriate link on the account sign-in page to view your user name or create a new password. -
Where can I find information to help me prepare for my Praxis test?
View the Prepare for a Test page for free and affordable test prep materials. -
When will my scores be available and where can I find help understanding my scores?
Praxis score report schedules and Praxis score information, including a downloadable score guide, is available on the Scores page. -
How do I cancel my registration and receive a refund?
Learn about canceling your registration and receiving a refund on the Praxis Registration Changes page of our website. -
How can I contact ETS about The Praxis Series tests?
Visit the Praxis Contact Us page. -
Can I use a calculator on the exam?
In general, unless it is specifically stated that a calculator is permitted or required for a particular test, calculators may not be used on any Praxis tests (see Calculator Use).
All information retrieved from ETS.