ETSU Catalog
2023-2024 Leadership Curriculum
Allied Health Leadership students must complete (or receive transfer credit for) ETSU’s
General Education Requirements, including these Major Specific courses listed in General Education Requirements:
· PSYC 1310
· MATH 1530
· HSCI 2010/HSCI 2011
· HSCI 2020/HSCI 2021
Students must also complete these Allied Health Major Requirements:
· Any college-level Chemistry course (4 credits)
· HSCI 2230 - Introduction to Microbiology (4 credits)
· HSCI 2231 - Introduction to Microbiology Laboratory (0 credit)
· ALHE 3040 - Interprofessional Allied Health Teams (3 credits)
· ALHE 4060 - Research in Allied Health (3 credits)
· ALHE 4070 - Leadership in Allied Health (3 credits)
· ALHE 4100 - Information Management for Allied Health Professionals (3 credits)
· ALHE 3010 - Allied Health Professionals (3 credits)
· ALHE 3050 - Culture and Disability (3 credits)
· ALHE 4010 - Teach and Learn for Allied Health (3 credits)
· ALHE 4030 - Professional Issues in Allied Health (3 credits)
· ALHE 4040 - Managing Allied Health Professionals (3 credits)
· HSMP 3200 - Health Services Administration (3 credits)
· HSMP 3220 - Health Services Planning (3 credits)
· ALHE 4080 - Leadership Capstone (3 credits)
Credit for ALHE 2010, ALHE 2020, and 0-30 Credit Hours of ALHE 1100 (Field Cognate) will be automatically awarded to students during their final semester. Students do not need to enroll in these courses.
In order to see which classes you may receive transfer credit for and how many classes
you will need to complete the B.S. degree, email your college transcripts to for a transcript evaluation.
Admissions Requirements
Students seeking admission to the Allied Health Leadership concentration must meet the following criteria:
- College GPA of 2.5 or better on a 4.0 scale (developmental studies grades/quality
points excluded)
- Official transcripts and proof of graduation from an accredited allied health Associate
of Applied Science (A.A.S.) program (i.e. Med Lab Tech, Medical Assistant, OTA, PTA) or Hold
certification* in a medically related field; (*additional intensive courses are required
for graduation)
- Licensed or eligible for professional licensure in discipline.
Graduation Requirements
In order to complete the program students need:
30 semester credits (10 courses) must be completed through ETSU:
- ALHE 3010 - Allied Health Professionals (enroll 1st semester)***
- ALHE 4010 - Teach and Learn for Allied Health
- ALHE 3040 - Interprofessional Allied Health Teams
- ALHE 4100 - Information Management for Allied Health
- ALHE 4030 - Professional Issues
- ALHE 4040 - Managing Allied Health Profession
- ALHE 4060 - Research in Allied Health
- ALHE 4070 - Leadership in Allied Health
- ALHE 3050 - Culture and Diversity
- HSMP 3200 - Health Services Administration
- HSMP 3220 - Health Services Planning
- ALHE 4080 - Capstone
*** upon successful completion of ALHE 3010 & ALHE 4070, Leadership students may be awarded 0 to 30 field cognate (bridge credit) hours. A grade of "P" will be entered for ALHE 2010 (2 credits) and 2020 (3 credits). Field cognate hours are awarded in the senior year when the pre-grade evaluation is completed and submitted to the Graduation Office.
General Education Courses - may be completed through ETSU or any 2-4 year regionally accredited college or university
Additional Science Requirements (please consult with Alison Williams to ensure courses taken transfer into ETSU):
- Anatomy & Physiology (8 credits) - satisfies gen.ed. science requirement
- Chemistry (4 credits)
- Microbiology (4 credits)
A total of 120 earned semester credits:
- 30 semester credits (10 courses) must be earned through ETSU.
- 50 credits must be earned at a senior level institution (NOTE: Field cognate credits are included in the 50 ETSU credit hour requirement.)
- 6 credits in the major must be earned through ETSU.
Students must earn a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 to meet program requirements in all courses (ETSU, including transfer credits). The GPA requirement for ETSU admissions is a minimum 2.0.
All students must demonstrate computer proficiency by either successfully completing CSCI 1100 or by passing a proficiency exam.