Dr. Foster has more than 20 years of experience in research methods and survey design. The ASRL team also has received survey design training from Dr. Jolene Smith, a leading expert in the field of survey design and co-author of "Internet, Mail, and Mixed-Mode Surveys: The Tailored Design Method" with Dr. Don Dilman.
We offer several levels of questionnaire design to match our clients needs. If a client does not already have a survey, we will meet with the client and discuss topics, themes, and questions that they would like to see on their survey. We will then conduct a literature review to see if anyone else has researched the topic in the past and design the survey from scratch. Clients always have the opportunity to review and edit any survey that the ASRL team creates, as well have the final approval before any survey goes live.
If a client already has a survey prepared, ASRL also offers survey consulting services. ASRL will review survey questions and work with the client to develop the perfect survey for them that will be compatible with the type of data analysis they would like to do once the study is completed. Clients do not have to use ASRL's resources to distribute their survey if they only wish to use our consulting services.
Collectively, ASRL staff have programmed nearly 200 surveys in the last 5 yrs. ASRL also offers programming support for web surveys administered via Qualtrics. For example, if a client already has access to the Qualtrics platform, ASRL staff can work with the client to support their programmer in areas they may be unfamiliar with or provide programming only services.